Chapter 8 - Charlotte

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I pull away from Parker but I don't unwrap my legs. I'm looking at him directly in the eyes and this time Parker leans in and our lips collide again. I don't feel wrong kissing Parker, it feels like this is supposed to happen. Fifteen year old me is screaming inside that I have my legs wrapped around Parker Kingston and that he's actually kissing me back. "Well, that was unexpected," Parker smiles, oh god he didn't even want to do that and I threw myself at him, this is so embarrassing. I can feel my cheeks flushing and I can't bring myself to look at him, so I'm focused on the mud on the ground below us. I can see Parker's feet make steps towards me and I can smell his cologne but I still can't bring myself to look at him. I feel his fingers touch the bottom of my chin and gently raise it up so I'm forced to look at him again, "Can I do that again?" he asks. He wants to kiss me again, oh my, he wants to do it again, willingly, not even out of shock this time. I nod my head and Parker smiles at me. "It's nice to know you're not mad at me, I like this you," he calmly says to me, cupping the side if my face with his big hands.

We walk back to the bar at the paintball centre and shock of the day my mum and Julie are drunk. I can tell by the two bottles of prosecco on the table. "Ah there you are, finally," my mum drunkenly points towards me and Parker, "Come and have a drink will ya," Julie chimes in, gesturing for us to follow. I feel Parker place his hand on my lower back and guide me forward towards the bar, I glance back at him and smile and he gives me a cheeky grin back as I feel his hand taps my bum. There's something electrifying knowing that me and Parker have kissed and now he is publicly touching me in places he shouldn't be without getting caught. Mum pours me a glass of prosecco and Parker shakes his head when she begins to pour a second glass, "Not for me, I'm driving. Got to get the lovely Charlotte home in one piece," Parker laughs but looks directly at me. "Ooo the lovely Charlotte," Julie mimics, "have you two finally realised you're in love yet?" she drunkenly slurs. "What no, oh my god, don't be stupid he's like a brother," I blurt out without really thinking. I look at Parker and the hurt is in his face but it's too late now, I've said it. We spend a couple more hours at the bar until my dad makes the decision to go home, pointing out that Julie just sucked on a stirrer thinking it was a straw. I can tell that Parker is annoyed at me for making the brother comment because he hardly made the effort to talk to me, I didn't mean to say he's like my brother, it just came out before I could stop myself from thinking.

The car ride home is silent again. Too silent, I reach to turn the radio on and Parker lets out an agitated sigh. So I pull my hand away. Parker grips the steering wheel tighter and I can tell he wants to say something to me. "Parker, I, I didn't," I start before he interrupts me, "its fine," he snaps. "Well, no it's not fine, you're not like my brother that would be weird, I just said that because I panicked, our mums are drunk and I didn't want to tell them that we've kissed," I say quite strongly, making sure Parker picks up on the seriousness of my tone. "I know you panicked, I can tell you did, it's fine, really," he insists. I know I overthink a lot but something about this just doesn't seem fine. It's almost as if Parker can read my mind as he places his hand on my thigh while keeping the other one on the steering wheel. We're the last ones to arrive at the cottage, again, my dad must have raced Nate home because they didn't set off too long before us. It's nice having Parker to myself before we have to return to our families, this is what I've always wanted really, was for it to be just me and Parker. Parker interrupts my thoughts when he leans over touches my face, turning my head towards him. The lights from the cottage just catching his face, highlighting his eyes that are focused on my eyes. He leans in for another kiss, a soft gentle kiss. "Just had to do that again before we're around people again," he says smiling at me. My mind is spinning with thoughts of Parker and whatever is going on here but I don't want to make it obvious to our families that something is happening. Everyone stares at us when we walk in, "There they are, the bloody snipers," Jake shouts, shooting us the middle finger. He's drunk, I can tell. "Do you want that drink now Parker," my mum giggles already standing up and making her way towards the kitchen not really giving Parker the opportunity to say no.

The alcohol is flowing through the house and I can just see everyone in front of me getting drunker and drunker, I didn't even think it was possible for my mum and Julie to be any drunker but I was wrong as they're dancing on the wooden table, arms wrapped around each other's shoulders, singing come on Eileen or attempting to sing I should say. One by one family members take themselves off to bed, first to go was Julie as Nate carries her off to bed, quite literally carrying her over his shoulder. I would not want to be Julie in the morning, I can feel her headache now. Quickly followed was my mum who could hardly keep one eye open at this point. Nanny and Grandpa excused themselves, Grandpa's cheeks a flushed red from drinking whiskey all night. Jake was nodding off in the corner of the living room and my dad paid his goodnights when he discovered there was no more beer in the fridge. Parker looks at me and points at Jake in the corner, doing his best impression of Churchill the nodding dog, fighting his tiredness and alcohol. "Jake," I whisper. No response. "Jake," I say firmer and he jumps up, "I go bed now, Parker you're top bunk mate," he slurs and staggers up the stairs. We both laugh, watching Jake take two steps forward and then one step back, trying to regain his balance each time. "Maybe I should help him," I laugh and stand up, "Yeah I'll help you, he's a big lad," Parker quickly follows me. We make it to the top of the stairs and Jake throws himself in his bed, not even bothering to change out of his clothes. "I guess his first L in paintballing has hit him hard," Parker laughs. "Yeah I guess so, I should really go to bed too," I say with a yawn and head out their bedroom and walk towards my own.

It feels so good to take off those leggings and that tight top. I'm too tired to even put my pj's on so I decided to go to bed in just my football shorts and my big top again. The bed feels like heaven, as I sink into the mattress and the feather duvet moulds to the shape of my body, my eyes feel heavy. I hear a creak outside my bedroom door and then the door opens and the small light from the hallway ever so slightly lights up my room. "Charlotte," I hear, I'm not sure if I'm dreaming or if this is actually happening. "Charlotte," I hear again and I open my eyes, its Parker. "Yes?" I reply. "Can I come in?" he asks. "If you want," I mumble back. I hear Parker shut the door behind him and his footsteps make their way to my bed. I go to turn the light on at the side of my bed, "No don't turn the light on, I want to sleep," Parker says before I can turn the lights on. Parker wants to sleep? In here? When he has his own bed down the hall? Parker climbs into the bed next to me and wraps his arm around my waist, taking the position of big spoon. I quickly hear the noise of Parker breathing and a slight snore in my ear and I finally stop fighting my heavy eyes and I fall asleep too.

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