Chapter 15- The big day (and the finale)

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Last time ash and lillie went on a date and while doing this ash decided that it was time to ask lillie the question, so later that night ash proposed to Lillie and she said yes. Now the time has come and it is now ash and Lillie's wedding.

6 months have passed and it is time for ash and Lillie's wedding, they are going to invite all of their friends and their families as well as even the champions. However they aren't going to invite the traitors because they still haven't forgiven them.

After everything was all set and now the wedding was going to begin in a few hours and ash and Lillie were getting ready.

Ash was putting in his best suit he ever wore and Lillie was wearing her wedding dress that she had picked out. Ash then said "I can't believe it's time already." Brock then said "I know it time for you to get married." Ash then said "I know, but I very nervous." Gary then said "hey don't worry we all get nervous on our big day." This calms him down and says "yeah you're right we all get nervous on our big day."

Mean while Bonnie and Dawn were helping Lillie with makeup and the dress and they see that Lillie is very nervous and Dawn asks her "hey lillie are you ok?" She then says "Yes I am fine, it's just I'm really nervous to go out there." Bonnie then comforts her saying "Don't worry lillie I'm sure that ash is just as nervous as you are." This helps calm her down and said "you're right we all get nervous on our big day."

Now the wedding was starting and organ music was playing as ash walked down the Isle and waited for lillie who was walking down while she held a bouquet of flowers in her hands and as she walked up the stairs and stone infront of ash the priest began saying.

"Ash Ketchum do you take this woman to be you lawfully wedded wife?" Ash says "I do." He then turns to Lillie and says "Lillie Aether do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded Husband?" Lillie then says "I do." The priest then finishes it off saying "you may now kiss the bride."

Ash carefully cupped Lillie's cheeks and kissed her as Lillie wrapped her arms around him, everyone who was watching began clapping and cheering for them.

After the two break the kiss, Lillie then tosses the bouquet up in the air and it lands in the hand of Dawn, after that the dance party soon began and ash and Lillie were dancing happily together as all of ash's friends were happy for them.

After a while all of ash's friends decides to say some of the nicest things that ash has done for them in the past.

Brock started it off saying "Well of it wasn't for ash, I wouldn't have found my job as a Pokémon doctor and I am very thankful for ash who helped me realize what I really wanted to be."

Gary then said "Ash has been my friend since we met and I am very thankful that I have a great childhood friend and a great rival."

Max then said "Ash has inspired so many of us and we all looked up to him and he helped us all when we were all struggling, that is what a true friend does."

Dawn then continued saying "Ash wasn't just my mentor he was my teacher, he helped me learn about being both a trainer and a coordinator, if it wasn't for ash I don't know where I would have ended up."

Bonnie then said "Ash I like a brother figure to me and he made me realize that I really wanted to become a trainer and that is what I'm thankful for."

Kiawe then said after Bonnie "Ash has been a great rival as very said, he's really kind and help fun to all of us and he's also help us when we needed him most."

Gladion then said "ash has really inspired all of use to become better then we have already been before, and now seeing where we all are today, just shows how much of a true friend ash is."

And finally Goh finished it all off saying "I just want to say that ash has been a very kind, caring, loving, and helpful friend to all of us. When we were all struggling and were on the verge of giving up, he showed up, he was that spark of hope, he was the reason we all got back up and kept on going to the very end and accomplished our dreams and it was all the help of him, he's the greatest friend we could ever ask for."

Everyone was amazed at what Goh just said as everyone then clapped at all of ash's real friends for giving such amazing speeches about ash. Meanwhile the traitors were watching and all looked down feeling ashamed for turning their backs on ash and not supporting him and Serena was the one who felt the most ashamed as she liked ash a lot but realized that she blew the moment completely because of what she said to ash.

Everyone was having a great time but meanwhile ash and lillie then went to a balcony that had an amazing view of everything as the two then looked into each other's eyes as ash then said "I very happy that now I get to spend everyday of my life with you lillie." She then replied back with tears smiling as she said "Me too ash, I just can't believe that I'm going to spend my time with you everyday." The two then look at each other's eyes and leaned in closer until they felt their lips connect as fireworks shot off. And that was the end of this story.

Well that's it this is the end of the story. But don't worry I will still continue writing stories and I'm thinking about writing a new one, but this story, I was actually inspired by another story and so I'm going to write another story after this one. This is just amazing how I only started this story and already people are just reading it. I am very thankful for you guys for reading it. And so ash and lillie are happily married to each other. And I will see you in the next Story BYE BYE!!!!!!! :,)

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