Chapter 4- A Chilling Battle

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Last time ash and his friends all traveled to the Isle of Armor, and there they met Master Mustard of the Master Dojo, there they ended up battling each other out and soon ash ended up getting both Urshifu and the mythical Pokémon Zarude. Now they are on their way to the crown tundra to see even more mysteries of what lies ahead of them. But let's see what the traitors are up to.

Location: Galar Airport (2 hours after the traitors landed

The traitors have just landed in the Galar region and they are now asking if they have seen ash anywhere, but no one has even seen him, his pokemon, nor his friends and soon start to get worried, however just as they were about to give up they then run into Professor Sonia who then tells them that ash and his friends all want to the Isle of Armor.

They soon buy passes to go to the isle of armor, the traitors are now on their way to try and find and apologize to ash and they hopefully think that he will forgive them.

Location Crown Tundra (1 hour after they landed)

Ash and his friends have now arrived in the Crown Tundra and they are now just exploring the place and it is freezing there, but right as Gary was going to say something they were cut off by two voices

One of the voices said "Come on, dad! Lay it off and quit following me!"

The voice then continued saying "I'm gonna go on Dynamax Adventures in the Max Lair, and I don't need you breathing down my neck!"

The older voice then said "Gahahaha don't fret! I know a place much better then that rusty old place!" The voice then said "Now get ready for loads of quality time with the best dad ever!" The younger voice then said "What a generous and totally unwanted offer!" 'Fraid I've got to say "no, thanks!".

Ash and his friends all sweatdropped at the sight and all went to help the young girl out. The two then noticed them as the young girl then said "Excuse me hello?" "Yes you guys can you help me? My dad is being really stubborn and won't leave me alone, can you please help me out?"

Ash and his friends all agree to help her out but then the grown man then said "Now hold on I was just trying to give her some quality time with her awesome dad!" The man then introduces himself "The name's Peony and who you were just talking to was my sweet Peonia!" This then makes Peonia give a look of embarrassment as Peony then challenges Ash to a battle to which he obviously agrees to.

Now the battle begins as Peony then send out Copperajah as ash send out Infernape then the two begin to battle each other ash then tells the fire monkey "Infernape use Flamethrower full power!"
Peony then tells Copperajah "Use Flash Cannon!" The two Pokemon then unleash their attacks and they begin to clash with one another, then Flamethrower overpowers Flash Cannon and it knocks out Copperajah

This shocked Peony as he then says "I've never battled someone this strong, but this just made me even more ultra-mega-determined to win!" Ash then sweatdrops as he returns Infernape as Peony returns Copperajah. Then the two send out their last pokemon with Peony sending out Aggron and Ash sending out Incineroar and this makes Peony surprised that ash has an Incineroar but he then shook it off and then told "Use Iron Head!" Ash then tells Incineroar "Use Darkest Lariat!" The two pokemon then collide with one another and this leaves both of them extremely weak so they both launch their strongest attack with Incineroar using Flamethrower and Aggron using Rock Blast, the Flamethrower then overpowers Rock blast and this knocks out Aggron.

This makes Peony shocked but then he replies with "That was the most mega-ultra-battle I've ever had don't you think Peonia?" He then gets confused as Peonia didn't reply as he then realizes that she's gone, he then tells "My sweet Nia is gone what am I gonna do!?!?"

This then made everyone sweat drop as they then agree to help Peony look for his daughter. Peony then takes ash and his friends to Freezington the place that he stays at, and they soon learns that Peony was actually Chairman Rose's younger brother and that he even was the Steel type Gym leader but left after Rose became the Chairman.

Ash and his friends all stay in different houses to get some rest with ash and Lillie staying in with Gladion, and Gary, and Goh, Max, Bonnie, Kiawe, And dawn staying in their own as well. Soon nighttime hits and soon everyone then falls asleep except for ash who is still trying to forget about the betrayal that happened back in Kanto, but then lillie wakes up surprising him. Lillie then asks the raven haired trainer "Are you still thinking about them and what they did to you?" Ash then replied with yeah I just can't seem to forget about that event, what if I really am a weak trainer?" Lillie then grabbed his hands into her own and said "Ash Ketchum you are one of the strongest trainers I have ever met and that's not all, one you are very kind, two you helped all of us when we were all at our worst, and three I think that you are really cute!" This made ash not only become shocked but also blush a little, he then smiled and said "Thank you Lillie you really know how to make me happy."

She then said back "And you know not just how to make your friends smile, but you also how to make me very happy as well." They two then share a long kiss until they both fall asleep in each other's arms.

Location: Isle of Armor (1 hour after the traitors landed)

The traitors have now landed in the isle of armor and are now looking for help to see if anyone has seen ash but to no luck couldn't find anyone, until they see the Master Dojo and they soon go there to find help and see if anyone has seen Ash. They soon meet Master Mustard and Delia immediately ask if he has seen ash

Mustard then replies with "Oh you mean the raven haired trainer, well sorry but you got here too late he just left yesterday and went to the Crown Tundra."

This made the traitors shocked as they thought that ash was here but they got here too late, but now that they know where he is they soon leave to go to the Crown Tundra.

Before they leave they bid farewell to Master Mustard he warns them of two things saying "one ash is very powerful and two it's going to be very cold there I suggest you put on some jackets when you get there."

This made Iris shiver as she hated the cold and even was afraid of ice types, but that didn't stop her and the traitors from going there and finding the one that they betrayed.

Serena also was determined as she then thought in her head "ash here I come." As she was determined to find and apologize to the one that she loved and betrayed.

Clemont then comes up to Serena and says "Serena do you think that he's going to accept you as his girlfriend?" What if he already has someone that he likes and got over his feelings for you?"

This then made the honey blonde girl realize that there were two girls that supported him Dawn and Lillie, she then starts to wonder who did ash like more and this made her a little sad, but Misty then cheers her up and says "don't worry I'm sure that he hasn't got a girlfriend yet so you might still have a chance."

This cheered her up as she started off into the blue sea filled with determination.

That's about it for chapter 4 so the traitors are in their way to the Crown Tundra to find ash. Let me know what you would like to see next chapter and if so let me know and until then I will see you when I put out the next chapter bye bye!!!!! :)

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