Ch 14

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        I awoke to the smell of food. Guess I didn't close the door. I also didn't change into pajamas. I stretched and looked to Mick. He had a worn out afghan thrown over him, wonder where that came from... Spy probably. Who knows if he had slept last night. Two new Pyro drawings were pinned to my dresser. One replacing the one that was torn up last night and one of the enemy team's Medic on fire. It was nice to know how he felt. I stood and woke Mick up. He was really confused. "I left the door open last night..." Mick pointed to the window. "And that too..." And just like that he was back asleep. I shook my head and left him there. I walked into the common room. The guys were already eating breakfast. "Still making Sniper sleep in the dog house?" I gave Jeremy a tap to the back of his head. I walked into the kitchen to see Medic cooking, well baking. "What!" He didn't appreciate my presence. "I stress bake sometimes!" I threw my hands up in defense. "It's ok Medic..." I grabbed a pastry. "Nothing wrong with that." I backed out of the kitchen and sat down at the table. "Medic has not slept." I nodded to Heavy. "Heavy also heard Spy destroying stuff last night." I sighed and began to eat the pastry. "This is good Medic..." I turned to the kitchen to see if I would get a response from him. All I saw was a very tired Del. He had a coffee pot in his hands, it was empty. "Engie, you should cut back on the coffee for the day..." Jeremy's words went to def ears. "Engineer, Heavy is worried about you." Those words were heard. Del replaced the pot into it's rightful spot. "I should make a pot for Mick... Sniper." I stood and walked into the kitchen. I stayed out of Medic's way the best I could. I got the pot going and immediately left the kitchen. The second that the coffee was smellable Mick wondered in. "Coffee done?" He stood their for a moment before anyone responded. "No (Y/N) just put it on." Mick let out inaudible grumbles and slumped to the floor. "We didn't get to bed till three am." Medic laughed manically. "At least you slept!" Me and Heavy looked to Medic. "Doctor that was your fault." Demo sat down at the table next to Del. "I hate being sober..." We all turned to him as he dunked a tea bag a few times. "We all cope differently..." I heard the clicking of heals come down the hall. "Any new developments? Make it quick I have three minuets before I have to leave..." She looked from her watch to us as she walked into the room. "You guys look like death..." Del then proceeded to pass out, his head slamming onto the table. "It's their Medic, and yes, we're all having a rough morning." The coffee pot stopped making noise, Mick's folded asleep frame soon came to life and wondered into the kitchen. Medic proceeded to shout at him. "Well good news is that you all have the next week off from battles." No one cheered at what Miss Pauling had said. "Are you guys all that depressed?" Mick sloshed back into the room and sat down on my lap. "No..." He took a sip of coffee. "...There's something in my chair." I coughed. "Yeah, no joke." Miss P. looked to her watch and took off running. "How long is Medic going to be baking?" Heavy stood and threw Del over his shoulder. "Until he run out of supplies." Heavy then walked off with Del. "Mick can you get off of me, you're boney." He just grunted in response. "Give him a few minuets. He's really tired, haven't seen him like this in a long time..."

"I forgot something!" I let out a groan. "Mick needs more work clothes." Jeremy grabbed me by the shirt scrap I had tied to my wrist. "And street clothes... Keep him from buying any more of these ugly shirts." This comment woke Mick up. "Oi! Hawaiian shirts aren't ugly." He looked around for a second. "Do you mind finding a chair that isn't occupied?" Mick looked down to me. "I guess." He stood and slumped into the chair that Heavy was in. "He's really tired." Jeremy nudged my leg. "Should've let him share a bed with you." Jeremy gave me a wink and I shook my head. "Who gave him the blanket?" Jeremy shrugged and Pyro interred the room, he smelled of fresh fire. He proceeded to light Mick's hat on fire and walk away. I quickly snatched it and put the fire out. "What was that about!" Mick took his hat back. "He does that sometimes... Making sure I'm not a Spy..." I looked to Jeremy. "You get use to it." I shook my head. "Let me know when you're ready to head into town." Mick only responded with a grunt. I headed back to my room to shower.

After I showered and changed I walked out of the room to see Mick laying on the bed. "Are you awake now?" He lifted his hat off of his eyes. "As awake as I can get." I shrugged. "We'll lets get going." Mick groaned. "We both need clothes." He stood and looked at me. "As long as I can get some Hawaiian shirts." I smiled to him. "As long as you look good in them." Mick smiled back and ruffled my hair. "Thanks, roo." He headed to the door. "Roo's an interesting pick for a pet name." He looked back to me as we headed to the common room. "It's what my mom use to call me." I let out a 'hum' and continued to walk with him. "Hey Spy can we borrow your car?" Spy who was missing his suit jacket and tie looked up. "Our cars our cars got trashed last night." Spy mumbled something. "He said no." I shrugged. "Guess we're taking mine then. I pulled the keys out of the pocket and started to walk to it.

The drive to town was short. "Stay close..." I gave a playful slap to Mick's arm. "Yeah I know." We got strange looks form the townsfolk. Mick was still in his uniform and I was in civilian clothes. I was pulled into a big and tall store. "Is it really that hard for you to find clothes?" Mick glanced to me. "Pants yes." Mick proceeded to pull a few pairs of kaki pants off of a rack. "Have you ever heard of blue jeans? Your boots might fit better in a pair of those." Mick sighed to me. "Work clothes..." I shrugged. "...Plus they're not as scratchy." I was confused then I remembered something. "Wait, do you not wear..." Mick slapped a hand over my mouth. "No, and that's none of your business." I blushed. "Really, you're going to quote me on the matter?" Mick gritted his teeth and tried to hide his blush. "To each their own." We walked over to the jeans section. A short man walked over to us. "How can I help you?" Mick didn't respond. "Were good thank you." The man walked away. "I'm not buying boxers." I looked to Mick. "I didn't ask you too..." He turned and walked away from the jeans. And I thought women were difficult to shop with. Mick payed and we left. "Let me know which shops you need to go into." I dragged him to a woman's clothing store. "I just need underwear..." Mick groaned. "...You can help me pick if you want." I glanced over to him, he had gone stiff and had a blush that creeped down his neck. "I'll take that as a yes." I pulled him along to the underwear section. Mick was a blubbering mess, it was really cute. He would turn away when ever I asked for his opinion on a pair and mumble an answer. "Ok, I'm done." We wondered up to the check out, and Mick payed, embarrassed as ever. "Ok last thing on the list is shirts for you." We wondered into a shop. "I figured this place would be too rich for your taste." Mick shrugged. "Spy and Scout like this place so it couldn't be too bad." I thought for a moment. "Wait those too can agree on something?" Mick gave a chuckle as he flipped threw some shirts. "They can agree on a lot actually. Like Scout's mom being great." I pulled a shirt I liked off of the rack and showed it to him. He shook his head to it. "Wait..." I set the shirt back. "...How does Spy know Jeremy's mother?" Mick showed me a bold print paisley shirt, I was still lost in thought. "You're a smart Shela you can figure it out." Then it clicked. "No! No way in hell!" Mick died laughing and I took the shirt from him and placed it back on the rack. "First, paisley is for women, and second not true, Spy and Jeremy are not related." Mick grabbed the shirt back. "Yep, Spy's Scout's dad." I shook my head. "I can't believe it." Mick shrugged and pulled a Hawaiian shirt of the rack and showed me with a big doofy grin on his face. "I like that one better than the paisley." Mick's grin faded. "Oi, you don't have to wear it..."
"I have to look at it though." Mick rolled his eyes and put the paisley shirt back. "Look at this way, you can get more Hawaiian shirts now." I nudged his arm. "Can I get only Hawaiian shirts?" I smiled to him. "As long as they look good." Mick looked to me and gave a big toothy grin. "Deal then, roo." I let out a small laugh.

We walked out of the store and Mick checked his watch. "We should grab lunch before heading back." I looked across the street to see to cops. "I think we should just head back." Mick shrugged. "They ain't taking us, don't worry." Mick grabbed my hand and led me down the street. We walked into the diner where I first met Spy. We sat down at a table and the used up waitress came over. "Oh, you're still in town?" I smiled to her. "Two menus please..." The waitress let out a huff and walked away. "She's mean to everyone. We're not getting menus by the way." I let out a grunt. "Well, then I guess I'm getting a slice of apple pie and a sweet tea." Mick chuckled. "Everyone in town is regulars, even us at the base." I looked over to the counter, a poorly written menu was behind it. "I guess I'll have waffles/pancakes, seeing as that's all I can read." Mick pulled his sunglasses off. "I can read you the menu if you'd like." a slight cocky grin painted his face. "I'll pass Mr. show off." Mick laughed and put his glasses back on. The waitress came back and Mick ordered for us, seeing as she didn't think I existed. We ate in relative silence, then headed back to the base.

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