Ch 7

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     I awoke to yelling. Must be something I have to get used to. After back to back losses Soldier wanted us to train. I was apparently at fault. So I was worked the hardest. I had to run laps with Jeremy, dodge sentries with Demo, spar with Spy and climb a cliff with Sniper. All while Soldier yelled how useless I was at me. After a while of climbing I couldn't hear Soldier's shouting anymore. "It's not your fault Shela." Sniper, who was about six feet above me, was pulling himself onto the top of the cliff. "I know." He reached a hand down to help me up. "That damn Scout..." I rolled over onto my back as I reached the top of the cliff. "...He just won't leave ya alone." I relaxed for a moment closing my eyes. "Yeah... I can never turn fast enough to shoot him before he gets me." Sniper let out a chuckle. "I have the same problem with that Spy. Wanker's always on my case." I opened my eyes and looked to the sky. "Wow..." The stars were out in a number I had never seen before. "Never seen the stars like this?" I sat up and looked around. "No... I grew up in the city. Even when I went to my aunt's land I couldn't see the stars like this..."

"I guess it's a luxury that I took for granted." I turned to Sniper, he was looking to the stars. "Theirs Orion." He pointed to a group of stars. "That was one of the ones that I could see when I was in the suburbs." He pointed to another one. "That's Taurus." I looked to it. "Doesn't look like a bull to me, Orion at least looks like a man." Sniper chuckled again. "It's just the head of the bull..." He pointed at a part of it. "See there are the horns..." He drew out a 'v'. "And the come down to a triangle..." He traced the horns to a triangle. "And those stars in a line are the snout." I looked at it for a moment. "I don't see it." Sniper let out a sigh. "To the right and slightly above of Orion's bow... it's the head of Taurus." I furrowed my brow and looked. "I still don't see it." I turned to Sniper, who had a slight dusting to his cheeks. "Let me draw it out for ya, Shela." Sniper stood and looked around. He soon took a few steps and grabbed something... A stick. He sat back down and began to draw in the desert sand. "So here's Orion." I noticed that he was drawing the consolation. "And right over here is Taurus." He drew out that consolation. I looked back up to the sky. "I think I see it now..." I looked back down to see him drawing another consolation. "Up and to the left of Orion, across from Taurus, is Gemini." I looked back up to the sky. "I see the consolation, but I don't get how anyone could get two people from that." I turned back to Sniper, he had a slight dusting of pink on his cheek. "We should get back before the others start to worry..."

"You mean make fun of us." I stood and sighed. "Let it go, Sniper, they're just doing it to bother you; so don't let it." I gave Sniper a soft smile he looked away and hid under his hat. I turned from him and started to head down the path back to base.

     I walked into the common room to see everyone eating. "What took you so long to get back Private Twinkle Toes!?" I ignored Solider and sat down to eat. "Making out with Sniper?" I looked up to see Jeremy smiling at me. "No... I'm not in the mood for your childish games." Jeremy's smile grew. "(Y/N) and Sniper sitting in a tree..." The others soon joined in on their singing. I decided that I was too tired to deal with this and left to my room. I sat my food down at my desk... It was oddly quiet in my room. The sentry should have been beeping. I turned to look at it... It was destroyed. My appetite was soon gone. I turned to my bed. A blue rose was sitting their along with another note. A tear fell from my eyes... Whoever it was could get in without being noticed by the sentry... I was pulled from my thoughts by a knock at my door. "Who is it..." I grabbed my pistol from its holder. "Spy." I set my pistol onto my desk. "Come in." Spy opened the door and quickly closed it behind himself. "Ah... I see you got another note... and a gift." Spy picked up the rose. "I know who it is..." I swallowed hard. "I think I know too." I glanced to the sentry... It seemed like it was sucked of all its power... "It's that damn enemy Spy, isn't it?" Spy set the note back on my bed. "Unfortunately." The waterworks soon began to flow. I felt helpless. "Do not worry; I have a plan." Spy turned and walked out of the room. I was left in my room, alone, to sob by myself.

     I had apparently cried myself to sleep. My back hurt... must have napped in my chair. My door opened slowly and I grabbed my gun. "It's just me Sweet Pea." Dell... I let out a sigh of relief. "Come on..." I stood and popped my back. "Where are we going?" I walked out of my room and followed Dell down the hall. "You're going to stay with me tonight..." We walked through the empty common room and to Engie's shop. "There's too many sentries in here for that bastard to take care of." Engie pointed to a cot. "You can take my bed..." I shook my head. "Oh no I couldn't! I'm fine with the cot." Engie sighed. "No since in arguing, we'd be awake all night." Engie tipped his hat to me. "Then take the cot." We smiled to each other, the simple fact that we would try to be nice to each other by offering the actual bed. Engie allowed me to win, which shows you his kindness. "Sleep tight don't let the..." Engie stopped in his tracks. "I'm staying in here so they don't." We both chuckled. "Good night Dell."

"Good night, (Y/N)." I laid onto the cot and pulled the tattered blanket over me.

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