Ch. 15

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We walked back into the base. Their were a lot more beeps then when we left. "Good morning Del?" I slowly walked to my room with Mick following behind. "Hello? Any one here?" I walked into my room to see the window boarded back up, and the drawings that Pyro made me multiplied. I heard Mick set the bags down on the floor. "They're probably in the training room." I nodded and followed him there. We only found Jeremy. "Hey, Jeremy where is everyone?" Jeremy stopped his laps and walked over to us. "I think some of the guys are hurling insults at the blue base, trying to make them attack us." I raised my eye brow to him. "For what reason?" He just shrugged. "Oi, I'm going to join them." I turned to Mick. "Why?" He shrugged and waked off. "You going to join them?" I shrugged to Jeremy. "Might be interesting to watch." We turned and headed that way.

"Your Medic is suck a wanker he stalks women for a hobby!" Jeremy opened the door and we walked in. "Yer Scout is so insecure in his sexuality that he picks on women!" I watched as Demo handed the megaphone to Medic. "Your Medic can't raise the dead!" Medic turned and handed me the mega phone. "Your engineer doesn't know the difference between a wrench and a screwdriver!" I handed Jeremy the mega phone as Del busted out in laughter. "Your soldier is too much of a coward to rocket jump!" Jeremy went to hand the mega phone to Heavy as a rocket impacted near our base. "Heavy is not good at the insults..." We watched in silence as Heavy thought. "Enemy Heavy not take good care of weapon." Heavy handed the megaphone to Demo, who was cut of by an enemy shouting threw a megaphone in a thick Californian accent. "At least I still have hair dude!" Heavy proceeded to snatch the megaphone back. "At least our Medic heals me!" I proceeded to snatch the megaphone from Heavy. "And our Medic can get it up with out pills!" The room exploded with laughter. "Hell my 90 year old granddad can get it up better than your Medic!" I handed the megaphone to Del and glanced to Jeremy who was wiping tears form his eyes. "Your Spy's sapper is so slow, I can repair my sentry before it's destroyed!" Beeping went off down stairs followed by gunfire. "Who wants to bet it was that wanker medic?" I shrugged to him, and Demo responded. "Nothing." I looked threw the window, and saw a very angry soldier standing on the roof of their base with a rocket launcher. "Guys... I think our fun is over..." I watched as he fired off a rocket. We all hit the deck and it made impact on the upper window sill. "Well it was fun while it lasted." I army crawled to the stair case and went down.

Spy made dinner as Del repaired the damage that their soldier did to our base. I sat at the island and watched him cook. "So, Spy, Sniper likes that same store that you and Jeremy like." Spy stiffened. "Say nothing to him on the matter." I smirked as Spy went back to cooking. "On what matter?" My voice was laced with playful sarcasm. "I have not worked up zhe courage yet." I let out a loud 'hum'. "Really, you lacking courage?" Spy stopped cooking and turned to me. "It iz a long story! And none of your business!" Spy went back to cooking. "Honestly, you should tell him, get it over with." He let out a huff. "I will, some day." I stood and walked to the tv. Mick was screeched out as best he could sleeping. "It amazes Heavy how he can sleep anywhere." I shrugged and sat down on Mick. "I guess you learn how with his job." Heavy let out a 'hum'. "Heavy has never been able to sleep well; always in fear for family." I thought for a moment. "They're safe now right." Heavy looked up from his book. "Not all of them; lettle girl not safe yet." I was touched, Heavy thought of me as family. "Thank you." He nodded to me before returning to his book. I leaned back into Mick as Del waltzed into the room. "Hey, sugarplum, I'll start working on Mick's van tomorrow morning." I smiled to Del; "Thanks, sweet pea." Heavy looked back up from his book. "Heavy is confused on nick names that Engineer gives lettle girl." I saw Del smile, "It's this wonderful thing called southern hospitality." Heavy nodded. "Heavy would like to embrace this southern hospitality." I smiled to him. "We'll gladly teach you..."

"I would like dinner now maggot!" We all glanced to Solider who was stomping his way into the room. "That is not southern hospitality." Spy proceeded to let of a long sentence in French. "I'll take that as him meaning it will be done soon." Solider did an about face while screaming maggots at all of us; this woke Mick. "Good morning Sniper." Mick proceeded to readjust on the couch, to make room for Del. "Thank you kindly, Sniper." I snuggled into him and closed my eyes. "Frog finished dinner yet?" Mick's words were clearly heard by Spy. "Non! And zhe next person who asks gets none!" I quietly chuckled as Mick mumbled something under his breath. "Medic sleeping by any chance?" I didn't move to address anyone. "Da, like lettle baby. Heavy tucked him in. Heavy take good care of his Medic."  I smiled into Mick's neck. "I'm going to bed right after dinner, I have a long day ahead of me." I chuckled. "If only we all had Mick's ability of sleep." Heavy roweled with laughter. "Can you all keep it down? I'm trying to get a decent nap in before dinner. And this blanket isn't working out too well for me." I lifted my head up and laughed. "I am not a blanket as much as I am not a chair!" I looked to see one eye open. "That's why my neck is all sticky." I smiled to him. "Good morning again." Mick just let out a 'hump' and tried to go back to sleep. "Dinner is ready you impatient brats." Heavy called out for everyone who was awake to come to the table, while we all got seated. "I did the best I could with vhat ingredients I still had." Spy sat down. "Well, it looks good." Each plate was delicately made, like something you would see in a five star restaurant. "I feel like this is more art than food." Spy scoffed to Mick. "A bushman like yourself could never understand French cooking!" I glared at Spy. "How on god's green earth is that not a compliment?" I turned back to my food and began to eat. "Food is in of itzself an art form. Zhe blending of flavors and textures." I looked back to Spy, "Not going to argue, but also don't care." He scoffed and took his plate off to his room. "Well that's one way of getting rid of the Frog." I rolled my eyes. "I'm kinda on a short fuse..."

"What kind of food is this Maggots!" I set my fork down and looked to Soldier; before I could speak up Del did. "Hell hath no furry like a woman's scorn." Soldier proceeded to pick up the plate and sniff it. "If you don't like Spy's cooking you can join your racoon friends in the dumpster." This got him to sit down and begin to eat. I finished up my plate and headed to bed. The lack of good sleep obviously getting to me.

"Oi, shella, you still awake?" I grunted in response. "Look, I know you may not be comfortable with it just yet..." I patted the bed. "Just close the door and lock it." He did as he was asked. "Thanks, roo. That chair was starting to hurt my back." I let out another grunt and was soon joined in bed. "What are you an old man?" Mick gave a soft chuckle and snuggled up to me. "No, just a bleeding sniper." My bedside lamp was turned off, and before long I was asleep.


I did a thing. So Thanksgiving was really rough for me; especially since I came out of the closet with guns blazing only to be reminded that most of my family is homophobic. I then got a some what discouraging comment when I was half way threw with this chapter; thankfully Wattpad allows you to remove comments. I have since started a Hellsing tumblr and gotten some requests for reader inserts there; a change of fandom was just what I needed to get to righting back on this one. Anyways, thanks for waiting. I hope to wrap this up soon... though soon for me may be another fifteen to twenty chapters. Not that ya'll will mind.

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