CH 17

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The ride to the city was long; it would be dark, if not the next day before I got back to the base. We pulled into a restaurant parking lot and got off of the scooter. "Here we are! Girls night!" I followed her inside. It was noisy and there was a crowded bar. "Let's find a good place to sit and let men buy us drinks." We sat down at a table and I tried to relax; after all I was safe with Pauling... "Hey, I got a question." I looked to her from the blackboard from behind the bar. "I Jeremy good at art?" I nodded to her. "Yeah, he could have gotten a full ride if he had applied himself and not skirt chased." She laughed a bit. It was my turn to ask a question. "How did Mick die? I heard different stories. From Medic doing it to him just being there." Pauling laughed while a drink was set in front of me by a server. I looked at it; it was a Grasshopper. "So, the old blue team's medic died under 'mysterious' circumstances and our medic, Ludwig, got hired there. He wasn't necessary there to sabotage but that's what he did. Drained all of their funds on black market organs and bringing Mick back to life. It cost something like 1.4 billion for him to do that." I let out a quiet wow and took a sip of my drink. Pauling continued; "Medic just happened to be there when the old blue team's sniper shot Mick in the stomach twice..." I winced; bleeding out is not a good death. "...All while the last dome of New Zealand was filling in with water. To top it all off Mick's biological mother ran off with the last of the Australium and his dad left us behind after stealing our submersible." I spat some of my drink back into the glass out of shock. "I'm sorry, what?" Pauling nodded to me; "You heard me right. His biological parents are dicks. It was a good thing he accidently ended up in Australia with loving parents." I sighed; "And I'm never going to meet them. That sucks; I'd like to know what good parents are like." Pauling nodded to me. "I figured out your parent situation when you told me you were with the circus." I nodded; "It wasn't fun. The guy who taught me to shoot was the one who raised the money to send me to art collage." A drink was placed in front of Pauling; "That was nice of him." I nodded. "Unfortunately he died and the money dried up." She let out a sigh and played with the garnish on her drink; "Do relationships like yours and Micks happen in real life?" I let out a questioning 'hum'; "I thought you didn't want a relationship? Married to work and all." She pulled the garnish out of her drink before downing it. She whipped her mouth and began to speak; "It's not that I don't want one. I just, don't have the time, never have and probably never will." I thought for a moment; "You know, If you can get Jeremy to sit down and listen to you about all of this he still might want to date you." She shook her head; "I don't think I could handle breaking his heart if it doesn't work out. Our relationship is awkward already." I shrugged to her; "Baby steps maybe?" She sighed; "I guess." I finished off my drink and set the glass aside with hers. We were quiet for a moment before she spoke up; "Nothing..."

"Girl talk is private. I won't push anything unless you want me to." She chuckled; "Thank you. It's nice having a girl around." I nodded to her and she smiled. Two more drinks were set in front of us. "Another question for you Sharp; seeing as you don't know what a necklace of teeth means, do you know what a necklace of ears means?" I was more taken back by the necklace of ears than teeth. She just laughed at the face I made. "It's like an engagement ring. Just thought I'd let you know." I nodded; "Who's Zhanna?" Pauling let out a sigh; "Heavy's oldest sister; she's married to Jane..." I raised an eyebrow in confusion. "...Solder." I nodded; "I hope she has some brain cells. God knows Solly could use them..."

"They both have none." My head hit the table and Pauling laughed; "Zhanna is a character. Doesn't like me because she thinks I'm going to take her man." I laughed; "I would not touch that mess with a ten foot cattle prod. Though the shock might do him some good." She smiled to me; "I'll be honest, I don't think he feel any pain. I mean have you seen him rocket jump?" I shook my head. "I'm very busy checking out respawn thanks to the blu Scout and their bat." I grabbed one of the drinks and took a sip. "It is getting better though. I have Mick watching my back and I've learned to hang out near sentries." She nodded to me; "You're learning and so are the others." I sighed; "Though in the last battle I had a bit of a sniper problem. That first headshot I suffered was not fun." Pauling nodded and took the other drink. I glanced at my watch; it was getting pretty late and I wanted to be back at the base and not in a hotel. "Right, I understand you concern." I guess my actions didn't go unnoticed. "Yeah, sorry Pauling. After this whole situation is settled we can do this again for a lot longer. I really like getting free drinks; never had that happen before." She smiled before downing her drink and standing. I quickly downed mine before standing up.

The ride back to base was a little iffy at first, seeing as we both had like two or three drinks before leaving without food. We managed though. She dropped me off at the front of the base. "Want my room for the night?" She shook her head to me and drove off. I wondered into the base and headed to my room. It was empty; I figured Mick was happy to have his camper back and tucked myself into bed.


sorry for the absence, been doing collage, drowning is stress and doing YT (@B-Squad101) with my two GFs.

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