Ch 13

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        After the Smash tournament, which you and Mick won, much to Jeremy's surprise. The two of us headed to Mick's van. The place was trashed. Window's were smashed, the door was ripped off the hinges. "Bloody hell! That's my house the wanker destroyed!" I turned to my car, it was wrecked too. "You're not alone..." Who ever wanted my attention was starting to get volant. Mick climbed into his camper. "Ah, crikey." I turned from my car and followed him into the van. The magazines were torn up, the closet door was off it's hinges, and the shirt Mick wore on our date was ripped to shreds. "So who do you think on the enemy team has the strength and temper to do this?" Mick shrugged to me. "My, home..." He sat down on one of the dinette seats. I didn't know what to do so I started to pick up the van. Then something dawned on me. "Can you go check the window shield? See if it's been hit with a bat?" Mick didn't move. "I don't care... this has become more than personal." I put the torn pages onto the table. "If a baseball bat did this was can narrow down who it is. We'll know who to kill... for good." Mick looked to me, he looked as if he was about to cry. "Killing the bastard is too nice." I sat on the seat across from him. "Lets fix what we can right now, one step at a time." Mick looked to me. "It's not that easy! How can you be so calm!" I swallowed hard. "I'm not." I picked up a piece of Mick's torn shirt off of the floor. "I'm really scared and am trying to occupy myself." Mick stood. "That's a good point..." He began to pick up the floor of the van and I tied the scrap of shirt around my wrist. "We'll go tell Spy after we're done here..."

"This no longer concerns the team, it's between me and the bastard." I stood and walked to the door of the van. "I'll go get some tools from Del to make repairs." Mick followed me and grabbed my arm. "If he can do this to my van I'm not leaving your side for a second." I shook my head. "Thank you." I freed my arm and took his hand and pulled him to Del's shop.

Getting tools from Del was hard, even after telling him what happened. I guess everyone around here has something sacred, and for Del it's his tools. He followed us back to the van to do the repairs. "Well now if that doesn't tell us who it is I don't know what will." I heard something scrape against glass. Del turned the corner with a bone saw in his hand. "Idiot left it stuck in the wind shield." Del chucked the saw aside and went to reattaching the doors and me and Mick went back to cleaning. The air lightened up when Mick found the photo of him and his parents in one piece. Though the shirt he wore on out date was the only one that wasn't uniform that he had. His lack of spare clothes, uniform and civilian, was a problem. "I'll give Miss P. a call in the morning to get you few more uniform shirts." Mick pulled out his wallet and put the photo of his parents into it. "Yeah, the only clothes I own now are the one's I'm wearing." Mick let out a loud laugh. "I guess it's time I go get some then." I sat down in one of the dinette chairs. "That means we get to spend time in town. Some one has to make sure you don't look like an idiot." I laughed at my statement and Mick sat down across from me. "Oi! Hawaiian shirts will always be cool." I busted out in laughter. "Only in Australia, babe." Del who was still here apparently chimed in. "Hawaiian shirts are always cool." I turned to the door to see him. "Really you too?" Del smiled and closed the door to the van. "See, Engie gets it." Mick grabbed the arm I tied a scrap of the shirt to. "And if you didn't like it why are you wearing it?" I pulled my hand back. "It's a good memory and a piece of you." We exchanged doofy grins. "So, where are we sleeping tonight?" Mick shrugged to me. "I could steal that cot I was sleeping on from Del's supply closet..." Mick furrowed his brows. "Del?" I sighed; "Engie." Mick nodded. "It's better than you sleeping in that chair." He turned to me and gave a sly toothy grin. "I could always share with ya, roo." I blushed, a deep color, my face was real hot. I didn't help that Mick had busted out in laughter. "I'm kidding, roo. I can sleep anywhere, the chair's not a problem." I pouted to Mick, but didn't say anything. "Come on, we should get some rest." Mick stood and headed to the door, I followed him.

My room was trashed again. The board that covered my window was kicked in. I could tell that Mick was enraged. "Not only does the bastard trash my home he trashed yours too!" I shrugged and started to clean off the bed. "Not the first time..." A growl came from Mick. "Don't worry about it..." I collapsed into my bed. "...I'm too tired and scared to care right now." I felt Mick sit down on the bed. "Holy shit what happened in here..." Demo was at the door. "It's their Medic..." My voice was muffled by my pillow. "...You should have seen Sniper's van... and my car." I heard Demo walk into the room. "Cabrón*... has he no morals." A bottle was set on my bedside table. "To make matters worse me and the shela have to go into town tomorrow." I rolled over to see Demo holding a piece of paper. "Not an art person." I sat up and Demo held the paper out to me. It was Pyro's drawing. "Not again." I set it aside and grabbed the bottle of booze that Demo had set on the table and took a drink. "Well we know who it is now. Engie came in and told us that it was the Medic, he found the bone saw in the wind shield of Sniper's van." Demo grabbed the bottle from me and took a drink. "Were going to make him suffer." Mick nodded. "We're going to plan the attack tomorrow night." Demo handed the bottle back to me. I took it and Mick pulled out a pack of cigarettes. "Do you mind?" I shook my head. Everyone around here was stressed. We were all showing it differently. Pyro had been setting a lot more fires from what I had heard. Medic was shutting himself up into his lad. Demo had been drinking less... some how. Del was working in his lab and drinking, which got us a lot of weird inventions. Mick was smoking more, I could tell by how empty the pack was. Jeremy was trying to distract himself. Solly was training more, almost every break he got he was training. Heavy was reading, but not making any progress in his book. And who knows how Spy was doing... "I'm going to check on Spy." I stood and took a swig of booze. "Lassie, he's asleep at this time." I looked to the clock on the wall, it was two in the morning. "I'm not so sure about that." I walked to his smoking room and knocked on the door. "It's open." I walked in to see Spy sitting in one of his oversized arm chairs with a drink. "Thinking is stupid sometimes, Spy." He glanced to me. "I know..."I sat down across from him. "Their Medic... Who knew." I shrugged. "Beats me." Spy poured me a glass. "How's your Copain holding up. I'll assume that his house was trashed." I nodded; "Mick... I mean Sniper is stressed, pissed and protective." Spy put his smoke out. "I'd figure as much." I took the glass from the table. "He didn't lose his prized possession..."

"Yet." I shook my head. "Not who I was talking about... I know I'm next, I think Mick knows too." I downed the drink. "Slow down." I set the glass back onto the table. "This is scotch, it's supposed to be sipped, Sharp." I sighed to Spy's comment. "We're all coping differently... Aren't you supposed to be asleep." Spy let out an annoyed noise. "Don't you have a van to clean?" I smiled to him; he must not have liked that I pointed out his flaw. "Already done... It's my room I have to take care of, again." Spy shook his head. "We have a long day tomorrow, try to sleep. Mick is staying with me, he's a light sleeper you know." I stood and went to leave. "Scout, why did he drop out of collage?" I turned back to Spy. "His mother needed help at home; that's what he told me. I dropped out soon after." I then left the room and went back to mine.

Mick was cleaning the floor of my clothes. "Thanks." He turned to me and set some clothes that were neatly folded onto my bed. "Don't mean to pry... You go commando too?" I was too shocked at the question and turned red. "No, and that's none of your business!" Mick frowned to me. "Well it is when all your underwear is gone." All the color drained from my face. "What? Impossible!" I started to go threw all the clothes. Maybe Mick was mistaken. I looked threw everything. I didn't know what happened until I opened the drawer where I kept it. "Fucking pervert!" I started to put away what clothes that I still had. "Nothing is sacred to him." Mick handed me a stack of clothes. "This is where I draw the line! I'm done. He's trashed my place twice, destroyed my car, destroyed my boyfriend's home on wheels and stole my underwear!" I turned back to Mick, his face was red. "You... you like me that way?" I covered my mouth. "That slipped..." Mick pulled me into a tight hug. "I was trying to drop hints... I just didn't know how to ask you roo." We pulled away from the hug and I took a deep breath. "I didn't know how to either... Also never hug me that tight again." Mick blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry, love." I gave him a slight tap on the arm. "It's alright." Mick grabbed the chair off of the floor and set it back upright. "Am I still sleeping in a chair tonight?" I climbed into my now clean bed. "Only if you don't go get that cot from Engie." Mick sat down and pulled his hat over his eyes.


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