Ch 16

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I awoke alone; which wasn't a surprise. From between the boards of my busted out window I could see sunlight. In my groggy state I began getting up for the day. Del was going to we working on Mick's van today and I suspect that Mick's going to be hovering over him the hole time. I most likely should give them some breathing room or figure out how to get Mick out of Del's hair... wait... Del doesn't have any hair so it shouldn't be too hard. I chuckled to my joke before climbing out of bed.

A plate of food was waiting for me on the kitchen island. I grabbed it and ate in quiet. There really wasn't much I could do with my day. According to the big sheet of paper taped to the fridge; 'All battles until further notice are canceled.' I wonder what that was about; Spy would probably know. Though, to be honest, I kinda wanted a day to myself. I know scary stalker and what not... but everyone has been so overbearing. Even Pyro who's been spy checking everyone quite often. I shoved my plate away from me and laid my head on the table. My pouting was interrupted by the click of high heals. "Good, Sharp, just who I wanted to see." I pulled myself up off of the table and looked to Miss Pauling. "You, don't look any better..." She looked like she immediately regretted saying that, but quickly recovered. "...So, the Administrator has called off all battles until the situation with the Blu Medic is taken care of..." I let out a sigh of relief. "More importantly; do you need like a girls day?" I smiled to her; "If you have the time that would be nice." Miss Pauling glanced at her watch; "Alright, I need you to be ready in like five minuets. We'll have to do some unsavory errands first." She started to walk towards Medic's lab; "Meet me by my scooter!" I stood and ran off to my room.

I stood by the scooter watching Mick and Del. It was quite an odd scene; Del would do something and Mick would look over it, possibly changing something or disapproving of the work. Del was doing his best to ignore Mick's actions; thought they were clearly getting to him. I'm sure Del understood that he was working on Mick's home; this was something extremely personal to him. I was like watching a kitten follow its mother around... I was pulled from my thoughts by Jeremy's talking. I glanced to him and Miss Pauling; she was very much in a hurry, ignoring everything he was saying; only adding a 'uh-huh' or a 'ok' to him. His little bubble was popped when she spoke to me right in the middle of his story; "Alright, Sharp. We got bodies to chop up." Chopping up bodies wasn't the kind of unsavory errand I was expecting. "I'm ready; see ya later, Scout. It's a girls only day." I turned from him as he picked his jaw up off of the floor. Miss Pauling got on the scooter and I followed suit. "And Scout. I need you to remember to let everyone know that Sharp is safe and with me." I rolled my eyes. As she started the scooter up and we began to drive off I shouted at Del and Mick; "See ya'll later!" I'll be honest, I am not leaving Jeremy in charge of telling people where I am. It's not that I don't trust him, it's that he forgets important stuffs.

The ride wasn't very long maybe an hour at break neck speeds. "Jesus Christ the smell!" You could smell the place for a good distance. "Yeah, I've been trying to find ways to cut down on the smell." I looked around; we were at an abandoned farm. A small house and a large livestock bard stood in the distance. "Please tell me you don't live here." We got off of the scooter and started walking towards the barn. "Yes and no." My gut turned and I was having a hard time keeping my breakfast down. Miss Pauling pulled the doors to the barn open and I lost my breakfast. "Oh, god, sorry..." She kind of held my hair back and I vomited. "...I kinda forgot this kind of thing makes people sick." I stood back up and wiped the corner of my mouth. "So, I'm not the first unfortunate soul to be brought here." She started walking into the barn. "Scout was the first actually." I began walking into the barn. I honestly shouldn't have been surprised about the pile of corpses in the middle of the room... though the pile of bread was a little more socking. "What's with the bread?" Miss Pauling laughed; "Long story... Don't teleport bread, please." I was taken off guard by the statement. Why would I teleport bread? Why would anyone teleport bread? I was even more confused when Miss Pauling grabbed a corpse off of the pile and drag it over to a stump. "So, you've know Scout for a while right?" I just stood there before walking over to the pile of bread; I was far more interested in that than the bodies. "Yeah, we went to art college together." I looked over the bread; as Miss Pauling began talking again. "You know Jeremy has a thing for me." She chuckled to herself before continuing. "I don't have time for a relationship. And honestly I don't think I want one." The pile of bread shifted some and I jumped a bit; Miss Pauling continued to ramble. "It's not that I don't think Scout would be a good boyfriend I think I'm too work orientated..." A loaf of bread jumped out of the pile at me and I screamed. "...Oh my god!" I wrapped some tentacles around my right arm. I screamed and flung it across the room. "What the fuck was that?! And why was it alive?!" I crab crawled backwards at a speed I didn't know I could reach like that. I watched as Miss Pauling beat the living bread to death with the axe she was using to chop up bodies. We stared at each other before she spoke up again. "That is why you do not teleport bread."

"That still does not answer my question." I stood and dusted myself off some before walking far away from the pile of bread. I watched as Miss Pauling walked back to the corps she was dismembering. "I don't exactly remember what Medic and Engineer named it, but the short of it is tumors." I had so many more questions than answers. "I think, I'll work on the living bread." I took a few deep breaths, which I regretted, and went to looking for something to cut them up with... "Actually, Sharp, I need you to grab a pair of pliers and start pulling teeth out." I get it, as a killer I should be use to being around dead bodies. Only it seems that everyone has forgotten that this is the first time I have been around a lot of corpses. "Would you rather chop them up?" I snapped my head to Miss Pauling. "If I had known that this was one of the unsavory errands you needed to attend to I would have stayed at the base." Granted I shouldn't have been too snappy with her; it really does seem that she wants some girl friends. "Sorry, I promise that after this we will do something fun." I shuffled over to where the newly decapitated head was. I hesitated for a moment before picking it up. "You have killed people before right? Dead bodies should be nothing new to you." I reached down and grabbed the head by the hair. "No. I was a side show in a circus before this..." I fumbled around with the head; "...Didn't kill my first person until the car chase." Everything was quiet as I sat down on the ground cross legged. "I... I did not know that." I could hear the apology in her voice. The realization that I was a normal person before all of this. I gently set the head into my lap and opened the mouth. "I ruined your life..." I glanced over to her and the headless corpse. "Yeah, a little bit." I let out a sigh and began attempting to pull teeth out. "I could have just looked the other way... It's my fault that creep is stalking you!" I heard her walk away from the stump a bit. "Why are you just looking at the negative?" I fell back as I got a tooth out. I turned to her and showed it to her like a trophy. She was facing me now with a confused look on her face. I sighed; "Think about it; I was a run away that joined the circus. The only time I wasn't working at the circus was the year I was in art collage. Ended up dropping out cause I couldn't afford it." I dropped the tooth and sat up to get another one out; "I didn't have steady money till this. I didn't have coworkers that liked me. I didn't have a stable relationship with anyone until I got here." My focus turned to the teeth for a moment as I struggled pretty hard with it. I pulled it out as a crack came down onto the corpse. "So, you're not upset about it? I did basically tell you that if you don't work for us I was going to have to kill you." I added the tooth to the now growing pile. "Well, that conversation didn't win you or Spy any brownie points. Taking care of me better than the circus certainty has." I showed her another tooth; "Even if I am sitting in a barn with a pile of corpus and living bread." I dropped the tooth as Miss Pauling went to speak. "You should make a necklace out of those for Sniper." I was taken back by the statement; "I don't want to know." She just laughed; "When we're done with five we'll head into the city." I smiled too her and got to work.

The GOAL is between 4 to 14 more chapters... 'cause I have another thing in the works; in a different fandom. More on that when it is in publishing stages.

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