Ch 19

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The walk to the abandoned farm house was quite a trek. "Just so you know we are now outside of the respawn zone." I let out a sigh at the thought. My nerves were very tense; "I don't like this Spy, something's off." We kept walking and soon syringes came flying at us. We both ran for cover. "Holy shit is he a bad shot!" I looked over the rock I was crouched behind. "I think this is where I stay; the last one-hundred yards are yours to walk alone." I looked over to Spy. "Are you nuts!" I watched as Spy cloaked himself. I let out a sigh and quickly moved out from behind the rock. Spy had three minuets hidden so I walked as fast as I could with out alerting the medic about what Spy did. The door was opened and I walked in. I saw Mick out of the corner of my eye. He was out cold and not tied up, must have used some serious sleeping meds on him. I looked at the medic. He did not speak; if anything he looked nervous. I thought about poking the bear; Spy is outside... but we're out of the range of respawn. "Hello?" He just looked me over. I felt like a piece of meat on a hook. "I'm here; now drag Mick outside so Spy can take him home." He just shook his head at me. "If he leaves I cannot keep you in line." This plan was going sideways and I had to think of something. "If you're just going to kill him anyways then there is no reason I should be here." I turned from him to walk out of the building. I heard his syringe gun rev up. By the time I was able to turn around I got shot a few times. "Luckily for you it won't kill you." The world faded to black.

I awoke in another location on a bed. Mick was nowhere to be seen. I took in my surroundings; it was gross and dingy. Really reminded me of a trashed frat house after a bit party. Thank god I had a tracking device for an appendix now. How the hell did he get me here? I didn't see a vehicle, and he couldn't be that strong. He's a medic, they're squishy though, that medigun probably wasn't light. I let out a sigh and continued to look around. Dirty clothes littered the floor. I kicked through them looking for anything useful. I let out a sigh. This building was pretty shitty. No upkeep had been done to it. I looked to the table. A note was left there; had the medic gone back to his base? 'Wash my clothes.' I crumpled it up and threw it on the floor. I was not about to clean a wannabe frat house. The windows were screwed shut; that was a mistake. All I needed was a butter knife to get one to open. The door need a key to open, or a makeshift lock pick. Hopefully Mick was in better shape than me... and alive. My bluff could have gotten him killed. I let out a sigh. I guess that's the point of separating him from me now. Plus two brains are better than one. I bit my lip and thought for a moment. Maybe I can disguise my searching for things as cleaning? Sounds like a good idea. Make it seem like I'm playing along with his little fantasy. Honestly the thought was a little discussing to me; didn't seem like I had a choice.

I didn't find much of use. A syringe that I might be able to turn into a lock pick later and there were no dishes in this place... or food. And I was rather hungry. I hadn't had much food in the past few days. There was no telling where I was, where Mick was, or where the creep was. Idle hands are a good thing. I took my boot off and bent the needle into the lever of a lock pick. Now I just needed a bobby pin or something line that to push the lock pins. The actual chanced of this working were slim. The needle wasn't the sturdiest thing to use as a lever. Maybe I use it to push the pins instead. I put the bent needle into my pocket and continued looking around.

The door opened a few hours later. I was busy cleaning still. The crumpled up note had long since been discarded. I watched as he looked around the place and nodded in approval before setting a bag of food onto the table. I stopped what I was doing and began scarfing down the food. I had no idea how long I had been out or when I ate last. When I looked back he was gone. I whipped my face and dug through the food trash for anything that could be of use. There was nothing strong enough to use as a lever or as a pick. I let out a sigh... Wait, there was one place I had not searched yet. Pockets! I let out a quiet 'yuck' before starting on laundry.

As I was searching pockets I found a quarter. Maybe I can use this to unscrew the windows. I shoved it into my pocket and continues to search. I found nothing much of interest. I laid the washed pants over chairs to dry and went to the window. I looked out and saw Jeremy. He just waved to me before walking off. Spy followed shortly after. I shrugged and shoved the quarter back into my pocket. I guess I was just biding my time till they got me out. I couldn't really wash anything else, I was out of drying room. I sat down on the bed and stared at the wall.

I heard the door open and I looked over. It was Spy! I jumped up and ran over. "Mick safe?" He nodded to me. "I'm rather surprised that he kept his word after all that bluffing." I let out a sigh of relief and followed Spy our of the building. "It never ceases to amaze my how strong medics are." I could only nod in agreement. "Jeremy and the others are looking for the medic. We are still outside of respawn range, so we must be careful." I nodded and we stopped walking for a moment. "I almost forgot, here." Spy held out a gun to me. "You know he has to come back here at some point. Why don't I just wait for him?" We looked at each other for a moment before he nodded to me. I walked back to the room and Spy locked me back in.

It took a few hours before he came back. The door opened and before he could process what I was holding I shot him in the head. I stood up and walked out of the room not caring that I stepped on his body. I walked out of the building and into the sunlight. I had not realized how dirty the windows. I slipped Spy's gun into my belt and started walking. A red dot darting back and forward on the ground caught my attention. I watched as it made an arrow I turned and went the way it pointed me. I looked up to the hilltop and saw Mick with Spy standing next to him. I waved to the two of them before walking to them.

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