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     I was awoken by shouts. Soldier had a massive bug up his ass about something. I decided to ignore it and try to get back to sleep. My door was slammed open. "Get up private twinkle toes!" I groaned. "Dude It's fuck all in the morning, I should be sleeping." Soldier stomped into my room and pulled me out of bed by my shirt; I screamed, he was unphased. "Get out of my room you pervert!" I smacked Soldier upside the head. "That is no way to treat your commanding officer!" Spy quickly intervened. "Solly! This is unprofessional behavior! Walking into a young woman's room without her permission!" Soldier dropped me and I fell into my bed. Soldier turned away from me and to Spy. "Here she is a soldier not a young woman!" I covered myself. "Solly! What the hell! Don't assault my friend!" Jeremy joined the argument; that soon got out of hand. I suck into my bathroom to change. Unfortunately they were yesterday's clothes. I opened my bathroom window and suck out. I walked into the yard, if it could be called that. I walked to my car, that was still parked next to Sniper's van. I should probably move it... for both of us. I pulled myself onto the roof of the car and laid down. "Mornin' Shela." I smiled to myself. "What are those idiots arguing about?" I let out a groan; "Soldier busted into my room and pulled me out of bed. He unfortunately doesn't see a problem with it." Sniper laughed; "And that's why I sleep in my van." I sat up and watched him start to walk away. "Hey Snipes? We fighting on the same map?" He turned back to me. "Yeah, I'll try to keep a closer eye on ya." I smiled to him. "Don't forget about the Spies." He blushed a little; "Ah, don't worry about me, Shela." Sniper turned and walked away. That conversation was a big improvement. Although I can't get the previous one out of my mind. How quickly he was to think that Engie told me that he had a crush on me. It's probably a new thing for him to even think about. A girl that can somewhat snipe, just at a different range, with a smaller gun. Maybe, just maybe, he was scared about what Engie said because it was the truth. The Bushman has a thing for me... possibly... It's kinda cute. The Administrator's voice rang out over the intercom; "10 minutes till battle. Get to the respawn room." I jumped off of my car and headed that way.

     The battle was terrible... I constantly had that damn Scout on my ass. I could hardly get set up and a shot off before I had a bat to the back of my head. I was pissed about this. Seemed like the bastard was picking on me. The rest of the team stayed away from me. Whether it had something to do with this morning or the fact that I was pissed. Honestly the hole team was either pissed or bummed out. Instead of hanging out with the pity party, I went to my room. My room had been trashed. All of my clothes had been gone through... the photo that Pyro had made me was torn... Sniper's face had an 'x' over it. A note was pinned to my wardrobe. 'He will never be able to protect you like I can.' I pulled the note down. "What is going on?..." I grabbed the drawing and the other notes and ran to Spy's room.

     I banged on the door. "Fuck off! I don't care who you are!" I let out a frustrated sigh. "Spy it's important!" I whipped the door open and quickly closed it behind me. "Fine, just come in!" Spy was in his bathroom. "Spy..." I lowered my voice. "...I think I'm being stalked." He let out an aggravated sigh, filled with much anger. "And you come to me? Why not your friends?" I went and sat at the chair I was at the other night. "Spy, you're without a doubt the person I need to tell..." He walked out of his bathroom. "...Jeremy will just over react... and Engie will just put a sentry outside my room... I think I need..." Spy let out a defeated sigh and came to sit down; his suit was discarded for a nice set of silk PJ's and his ski mask. I handed him the stuff. "My room's also been trashed..." Spy looked over the notes and the drawing. "I couldn't tell you who it is." I sighed... "I think I know, that enemy Scout's been on my ass in every battle." Spy smelled the notes. "I don't think it's a Scout... smells to nice." I raised an eye brow to him. "What are you suggesting?" Spy handed me the stuff back. "I'm going to suggest that you take inventory of all of your stuff and tell Engie." I let out a sigh; "I guess you're right..."

"I will be able to figure out something more when I get more information..." I stood and went to the door. "...And do not let Sniper know." I turned back to Spy. "As much as he wants to deny it, he has feelings for you. What kind neither of us have been able to figure out." I gave a soft smile. "Well I'm glad that he's warming up to me." I walked out of the room and to Engie's workshop.

     I banged on the heavy metal doors. "Hey Engie! I need a favor." The door opened to show a somewhat drunk Texan. "I need a sentry in my room..." I held the papers out to him. "...I have an unwanted friend." Engie grabbed the papers and looked over them. "Damn heartless bastard!" I clasped my hand over his mouth. "This stays between us and Spy..." Engie pushed my hand from his mouth. "I understand, Sweet Pea." Engie who seemed to have instantly sobered up stepped back into his lab. "Spy and I come by and set it up when the others are asleep." Engie's voice was grim. "I won't let anyone hurt you." Engie turned back to me from his work bench. I smiled to him; "Thank you, Engie." He pulled up his goggles. "Please call me Dell." We smiled to each other. "As long as you call me (Y/N)." He held his hand out to me. I walked over and shook it. "I will, Sweet Pea." We parted ways and I went to clean my room and take inventory as Spy asked.

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