Ch 12

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        I was awoke gently by Mick. "We have about five hours till battle." I sat up and stretched. "Jeremy's making breakfast, so I hope you like cereal." I chuckled. "Jeremy was never a real good cook." Mick helped me out of bed. I looked to my window; It was broken. "Don't worry about that. I'll board it up later." I was shocked that I had slept threw it. "Who? What?" Mick turned and grabbed a rock off of my desk. "It wasn't for you." Mick lobbed the rock back out the window. "Oh, Scout came by to fill me in on the new plan. You're going to stay up in the nest with me today. We're going to talk with that Spy. We need to make sure it's the Scout and not him." I thought for a moment. "After what you did, do you really think that that Spy want's to have a civilized conversation with you?"

"Us." I headed towards the door. "Don't know how that's going to go." Mick chuckled and followed me. "You'd be  surprise at how likeable the enemy Spy is." I stopped walking. "What?" Mick shrugged. "Sometimes he gets tired of getting caught on fire and sits in the sniper's nest with me." I turned from him and headed towards the common room with Mick following. "Morning, sunshine." I smiled to Jeremy. The mood in the room was tense. "Sniper fill you in on the new plan." I nodded to Spy, though he was probably too focused on his chess game with Heavy to notice. "Yeah... I just have one question..." Spy looked from the chess game to me. "Oui?" Heavy made his move. "If it's not the Spy who is it?" Spy looked over the chess board and made a move. "Check... I don't know. We don't know much about the enemy team." I looked to Mick, he shrugged. "Really now?" I walked away from the two playing chess and over to Mick. "All I know is that he's not French like our Spy, he doesn't smoke either." So the other Spy isn't like our Spy, their different. Though they look similar. "So they're not copies? I honestly thought they were." Heavy laughed. "Nyet. They are different than us. Their Sniper is from sister country to Heavy." I thought for a moment; their Scout didn't say 'Bonk' when he hit me over the head like Jeremy did when he hit the enemy. Their Medic had thrown me a med kit one time, ours would never do that. The other teams Heavy had hair for Christ's sake. "The enemy Sniper is a woman too by the way." I snapped my head back to Spy. "I'm not the first woman?" Solly quickly responded. "On this team you are." I shrugged and walked into the kitchen to get breakfast.

        "Battle starts in one minuet!" I looked to Mick, he was fiddling with his scope. I had put one on my rifle for this match. I can't believe that I'm going to be talking with the enemy, their Spy on top of it. From the way that Mick talked they had a decent relationship... well as good as one could get as enemies. The bay door shot open and everyone took off running. I stayed close to Mick, I had no idea how to get to his tower. We were about half way threw battle before their Spy showed up. He wasn't volant at all, more shocked. "Why is she up here?" He was Spanish... "We need to talk." Mick set his rifle down. I turned to the Spy as he decloaked. "What, am I not allowed to hide up here any more?" I pointed my rifle at him. "Who the hell is harassing me!" The Spy stepped back towards the door that he came in. "Calm down, roo..." Mick grabbed my rifle, and we turned to the Spy. "Some one is harassing her?" The Spy no longer seeing me as a threat walked into the room. "It's not me, she's not my type... If you know what I mean." Mick pointed to the table he had his coffee on. "He also gave her a bottle of wine." The Spy walked over and grabbed the papers. "Who ever it is, wears bad cologne." He turned to me. "Do you not recognize the sent?" I shook my head. "The real question is do you?" Mick was starting to get a little impatient with the Spy. "Most of the Americans on my team wear this de mierda sent." Me and Mick looked at each other. "So, it's an American.." The Spy set his stuff down. "That leaves our, Scout, Demo, Medic, and Heavy." I set out a sigh, that narrows it down. "Our Demo, doesn't drink, our Medic is above this..." I smiled. "Yeah, he seems nice." The Spy looked to me, and nodded. "Our Heavy is married... In my opinion, I think it's Scout... I did have a zapper stolen and Scout is the only one smart enough to use it. " I looked to Mick. "I'm thinking Scout, I've never seen their Demo in battle." Mick tossed me my rifle back and I turned and looked back out the window. "I will keep an ear out for you two..." I heard the Spy start to leave. "Me alegro de que alguien pueda encontrar el amor.*" I stayed in the sniper's nest for the rest of the battle.

        We won, some how. Everyone was excited, Demo was teleporting booze form his stash to the common room. Miss P. was their too, she wanted to know what we found out today. "Let's talk about the issue!" She silenced all of us. "It's their Scout." I handed Jeremy a beer from a case that was still sitting on a teleporter. "So, it's not their Spy, like one-hundred percent not him." Mick nodded, "Yeah, we can completely rule him out. 'She's not my type, if you know what I mean'." I grabbed myself a beer. "Their Spy also said that their Scout is the only one smart enough to use a zapper, which one was stolen from their Spy's gear." Demo popped threw a teleporter shouting nonsense. "What? Did I miss something?" Most of us let out sighs. "You did, it's their Scout..." Spy was cut off by Jeremy. "But why?" Medic let out an annoyed noise. "No, I get that it's him I just want to know why he's doin' it. Don't yall?" Three loud knocks came to the door. Miss P. pulled her hand gun out and walked to the door. "If it's their Spy don't kill him! He's on our side..." The door opened, and some words were exchanged. The door was then closed and Miss P. walked back into the room. "Apparently we can't rule out their Medic." Everyone looked to me. "I did first see their Medic in the first battle I was in. He tossed me a med pack." Medic rubbed his chin. "That ist strange behavior, he's never done anything like that before." I thought for a moment. "I actually haven't seen him since." Spy stood. "We'll keep an eye on them both then." Spy walked out of the room, probably heading to his smoking room. Miss P. followed suit leaving us for the night and probably awhile. The rest of us sat around the poker table. Engie dealt and we all tried to go back to celebrating the victory, the major one and the minor one. "Pyro has one hell of a poker face doesn't he." Pyro clapped his hands at my comment and laid down his cards. Everyone let out groans at their loss. "Seeing as everyone is losing to Pyro, I have an idea!" Jeremy jumped up. "Lets do a Smash Bro's tourney!" Medic and Heavy threw their hand up in defeat. "Heavy is not good at television games." Jeremy jumped the table. "We can play in teams! I'll play on my own, 'cause I know I'm that good." Jeremy went to setting up the game. 

((I'm glad someone can find love.*))

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