Chapter 1

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• 7:05 •
I wake up to my alarm to get ready for another day at hell. I heard that in some places they call it school. Like wtf. I get in the shower and wash up and wash my hair. After I rinse off I get out and wrap myself in my towel. My phone goes off and my best friend is calling.

"Hi Emily"

"Hey Shayla are you going on the bus today?"

"I don't know are you?"

"Yeah but I gotta get dressed, bye"

With that she hung up. I turned on my straightener and curling iron so it can be hot when I'm done getting dressed. I put on a red sweatshirt with black skinny jeans and red vans. I sat down and straightened and curled my hair and looked in the mirror. I heard my door open and I saw it was my brother, Tyler.

"Shayla are you okay?"

"I don't know I guess"

"Shayla you forget to put lotion on!"

"Okay um can yo-"

"yeah see you downstairs"

I quickly take my pants and socks off and roll my shirt up and put my cocoa scented lotion on. I put my stuff on again and put lotion on my face and applied lip balm. My friend Emily could get away with it because she's white but I'm not. I grabbed my phone and headphones and ran downstairs.

"Where's my book bag Tyler?"

"In my car..."

"I'm taking the bus today"

"Then go get it out" he said and got up.

I did just that and waited out for the bus. When it came I stepped on and looked at the different people who were here. I saw Emily and I waved and walked to her and sat. I grabbed my phone out my pocket but unfortunately dropped it.

"Clumsy" I heard Emily laugh as I went to grab it. I look down at my hand and saw another pair on it. I look up and I saw these perfect set of blue eyes staring back at me. I didn't look away because he didn't and his eyes sparkled before he spoke.

"Hi I'm Hayes"

Emotions (Hayes Grier)Where stories live. Discover now