Chapter 9: Imaginary Friend: Part 1

Start from the beginning

"What... the... hell?" I said pausing the movie and standing up looking at them both. "What is Megan doing here?" I eyed them and Billie sighed rolling her eyes before speaking.

"See, what had happened was, Megan got Ali drunk trying to prove a point to Marcus of why he should date her instead of Ali. Ali passed out and I snapped Megan's neck so now we have to hide the body..." she explained. I stared at her then at Griffin who adjusted Megan's lifeless body on his shoulders looking indifferent about the situation.

"Did anyone see you?"

"Naw." Billie said.

"Put her in the basement, I'll be there in minute." I rolled my eyes downing the rest of the wine and marching up the stairs. "Marcus." I growled watching him put Ali to bed and pulled the covers over her.

"Daphne not now, I'll deal with it ok." he said tossing Ali's clothes in the closet and turning to face me.

"Yes now, look, I get it that you're the Alpha but this is my house dammit and I won't have people turning up dead in my backyard, you hear me." I growled grabbing his chin to look at me.

"Yes ma'am." he closed his eyes. Marcus was a good boy. Constance did an amazing job raising him... with having to deal with my brother's mess, she raised Marcus up to be a respectable young man.

"Stay here with Ali while I handle this." I said leaving the room and headed to the basement. There, I seen that Billie had already spread out the large black tarp on the floor and Griffin set Megan in the middle of it. "Y'all put these on." I gave them a mask to cover their nose and mouth and we quickly put them on when I started pouring the strong chemicals into a large bucket.

"Just like last time momma?" Billie asked and I nodded.

"Just like Tammy, cut the hands, feet and head off and dropped them in the bucket." I said.

Some years back when Billie was about thirteen... she was going through a period where her wolf wanted blood. Not to ingest it, just to taste it. She wanted to hear the ripping and tearing of flesh and one day she killed Tammy Willis out of complete hunger and anger. Me being a lycan had a part in her wolf getting so angry the way she is now. Lycans store an unbelievable amount of anger and aggression in their system and when there's a full moon, all that is released for those who cannot control the need for the hunt.

Billie has it under control now but this is what we did to hide Tammy's body. It was my adoptive father who taught my brother, John and I how to carve up a body under thirty minutes and the hide it. If our lycans ever killed anyone we had to hide them so no one would come looking around us.

I know is sounds sick but this is the way of the lycan.

Ali ~

"Who are you?" I asked the guy.

"I'm a friend." was all he said.

"Ok, where are we."

"Your subconscious in other words you're dreaming." He said. "I looked far and wide for you Ali... and now I found you." He was walking around the beautiful meadow with so many bright and colorful flowers in full bloom. It was so funny. He looked out of place with all that black he was wearing.

"What's so funny?" he asked turning to me.

"I don't know, you have on too much black to be in a place like this." I smiled and he smirked.
"You never changed, how's this?" he said and instantly he stood now dressed in a different attire. A clean white button up collared shirt with the top three buttons open, some blue jeans and no shoes.

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