Chapter 34: History Of Eve

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Chapter 34: History Of Eve

"I must say, the way you turn sweet dreams into nightmares is terrifying." I smirked watching her scream and trying to fight off the man she once love.

"Lord Hades, the seeds of mistrust has been planted. Now what will you do?"

"Now, I'm going to mess with the boy's mind. Make him have the same dream . have him see himself killing her."

"I don't see the point in the games you play. If you want the girl so bad, why not just take her?"

"The point of games are to have fun and I'm having fun." I said.

"Taking hold of Marcus's dreams won't be as easy as it was with the girl."

"Meaning?" I glared at him.

"Meaning, since Von has control over the boy, he will never sleep."

"Ah yes, Von is the one specially designed for Marcus by Eve. Well, its good to say he clearly doesn't know how to contain Von." I smiled. I despise that woman. Leaving me for my idiot brother Zeus and for what? For love? Don't make me laugh. I laughed her a hell of a lot more than he. With all his affairs I wondered if there was ever a chance he could have cheated on Eve. Maybe that will hurt her but like his many mistresses, she didn't care and I was more than shocked when he proposed to her and became pregnant within five days later.

Nevertheless, I have my eyes set on a new target...

Ali ~

Sitting down at the massive table, I felt so small, so out of place despite my experience in having dinner with my pack back in California with Marcus. I missed him, I didn't understand this slit in personalities he was having. Von, Constance told us about him but didn't really go into detail about how he came to be or why he should be avoided.

Cameron and Kai seemed nice enough and having Naveen, Billie, Griffin and Lyrica here with me made me feel a little better. It was the dream that scared me. Was that Von? Had to be, Marcus would never hurt me, right?

"So Alison, what do you want to know first?" Cameron said as dinner was served.

"Um... Everything I guess."

"Well to know everything about Von and Marcus, you'll need to first know about her."


"Yes the Queen. Queen Eve arrived to Earth around the Egyptian era of 2500 BC. Legend says she was growing somewhat bored with her own realm and came here for a vacation as you will. She goes by many names and some say that she was even said to be the cause of the downfall of the Roman empire." Cameron smiled eating a piece of his bloody stake.

"Really?" Griffin inquired.

"Yes, she was very well responsible for many historical events taking place. Some good but mostly bad. Keep in mind that in her realm, she was like the devil and enjoyed causing chaos in the world on the living. Up until the 1850s."

"What made her stop?" I asked.

"She fell in love. His name was Zeus."

"The Greek God?!"

"Yes and she lead him on a wild goose chase. By this time, Eve has created a massive army of servants. Crusniks were her very first creation on earth. Then Lycans and Dark Angels. Slowly, vampires and werewolves started to follow under her guide as well. Zeus being the God that he is, saw the chaotic disruption she was causing and wanted to punish her. This wasn't the first time they've clash." Cameron smirked. "They had this love/hate relationship like a boy pulling a girl's pigtails and her pushing him down in the deep snow hours later."

"What does this all have to do with Von and Marcus?" I asked frowning.

"Eve and Zeus conceived a child and she was taken from them." Cameron frowned and I frozen as his eyes scanned my face before smirking. "Eve flew into a fit of rage declaring war upon humans. Zeus tried stopping her but she was too quick even for him and he was forced to kill her to stop the attacks on the world. With her army of Lycans and Crusniks under her control, she had killed millions of humans. Young and old it didn't seem to matter to her."

"H- He killed her?"

"In some form of killing her, he put her in a suspended animation state and had His faithful brother Poseidon create an island right in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle, where it the a guarantee fact that no soul would ever stumble upon Eve. No one but her dearest creation could go and pay respects..." Naveen whispered looking sad.

"In the time of the war, our little sister Constance gave birth to Marcus yet he was a weak pup. His Lycan side was stronger that his vampiric side and they couldn't balance themselves out. A hybrid with weak balance within his soul was considered destined to die. Constance begged Eve to save him and she did by infusing his life with the one of Von. Von and Marcus are two different souls entirely and there would be times where Von wants one thing and Marcus does not and this causes friction. Von doesn't listen to anyone but Eve and Marcus. Lately, Marcus has become weak and can't control Von and like I said earlier. A hybrid with weak balance..." Cameron paused frowning.

"No, Marcus is not going to die!" I shouted slamming my hand on the table as I stood.

"Of course not, that's why my brother Donovan is working to steal Von back into his place. Through this method isn't a one hundred percent guarantee to work." Cameron said. I shook my head...

"Is there anything I can do?"

"Alison you are aware that you are Eve and Zeus lost child, correct?"

"All my life has been a lie." I whispered. I don't even know if my name is even my name! I wanted to scream. I wanted to ask Eve why and how. I felt this craziness to attack Rita. I couldn't explain it. I felt betrayed in mores ways than one and thousands of thoughts were running through my mind all at once. One thought was screaming for me to get vengeance. Around was telling me to help Marcus and the last thought was on how to get in touch with my father... Zeus.


Author Note: Still thinking about rewriting this story but I truly don't know. I guess I cant really leave you guys hanging like that so I'm going to stay with The lycan just until the book is done with. Plus, I still have lot's of awesome ideas for this story it's insane.

I wrote this around 3am and I can't for the life of me figure out why I get this crazy inspiration at 3 to 5am. I have have no clue at all but here's Chapter... Um chapter, oh God I can't even remember what chapter this is!?




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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2016 ⏰

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