Chapter 14: Soul Mates

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Chapter 14: Soul Mates

"Where's my daughter!" I heard Rita yell from downstairs. Ali continued to suck and kiss my lips. She matched my movements moving her hips against mine and falling perfectly in sync. The heat was gone but things were still heating up and the hotter it got the worst control I had over myself.

"Tell her to leave!" my lycan growled through me to Griffin.

"Mmm..." Ali moaned licking her juicy lips. My fangs were out... Her neck, exposed and the last bit of control I had... was gone.

I pierced her soft delicate skin of her neck as she cried out in complete ecstasy. The smooth crimson red that was her blood flowed, hitting my tongue. A part of my soul, now corsed through her vaines making it the true meaningk of the word, soul mates.

"Where the hell is she!?" Rita yelled again.

Ali clawed at my back feeling the slight burn as the marking process was coming to an end. She gasped holding my head closer to her neck as I licked the mark, closing it. The puncture wounds healed, fading quickly leaving a small golden glow before fading itself. Ali's arms and legs went limp as she passed out from the energy I was putting out.

I breathed hard licking her neck once more before kissing her sweet lips gently. Carefully picking my mate up, I put her all the way in the bed covering her with the blankets.

I didn't want to leave her but I needed to take care of the commotion going on downstairs.

Walking down the stairs now fully dressed, I saw everyone sitting in the living room.

"Mrs. Brown, is there something wrong?" I asked leaning against the banister on the stairs, I couldn't help the smirk that was forming on my lips as she glared at me.


"You will lower your voice, my mate is sleeping."

"You son of b-" before she could finish the word, I had her by her throat holding her in mid air. Griffin just continued to eat the sandwich he had, while Billie filed her nails and Daphne sipped her lemonade watching.

"Do not... disrespect my mother." I said looking into her fearful eyes as she tried prying my hand from her throat with no success. "I should kill you." my lycan growled. She shook her head or tried to breathing in any air she could get in. "But I won't." I dropped her and she started coughing and taking deep breaths.

"Y- You're a... monster..."

"That I might be, but for some reason I do not understand... Ali cares for you, even the all the bullshit you put her through. I will not cause her the grief of loser another parent."

"Yeah... Yeah, that girl loves for me!"

"Now here is was going to happen next," I said pouring some lemonade for myself and taking a sip. "Griffin is gonna call my pilot and tell him get the jet ready for a flight back to California. Billie is going to pack a bag for Ali and first thing tomorrow night, I'm taking my queen to her castle. Now run and tell your Alpha, I welcome a good fight if he doesn't mind an early grave."

"You can't just take her!" Rita cried out.

"Mrs. Brown, do you know being a hybrid have its advantages and being around your mate can enhance said advantages? Because I do, one of those are the ability to read minds. I know about Patrick Hayes lust for my mate as well as his father's and his power hungry brother. I know what's in the pills you took to put you in the coma and I also know now that Ali, is not your biological daughter." I said looking through her thoughts. I wasn't able to when she was in a coma but I seen it yesterday and even now. Rita did a fake laugh shaking her head as she got up from the floor.

"You're crazy, of course Ali is mine. I changed her diapers, I fed her, I cared for her when she was sick or hurt! I'm the one-"

"Mrs. Brown, we can sit here all day but you and I both know..." I said looking at her. "Where did you get Ali?" I took a step towards her and she took three steps back.

"You don't know what you're doing! That girl is evil, talked to herself as a kid. Did things no little girl should be able to do!" Rita yelled out driving off in some car.

"Marcus, What do you think she meant?" Daphne asked frowning.

"If she was right by some weird chance, it's nothing I can't handle."


Author Note: Short chapter but what are you gonna do? So Marcus finally marked Ali and they're leaving for California. What do think Rita meant by what she said about Ali being evil? Of course it's nothing Marcus can't handle... I hope.




Monster Lover ~ The Lycan (BWWM)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora