Chapter 10: Imaginary Friend: Part 2

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Chapter 10: Imaginary Friend: Part 2

Picture of Wyatt (Marcus's half brother) on the side.

After Marcus and I's hot make out session, I hopped in the shower leaving him out. I was downright terrified in having Marcus see me completely exposed. I mean sure, he does that thing he do with his tongue but every time he does it, I have on a shirt so I'm not really... naked in front of him.

Maybe it's just me being weird and a virgin who clearly knows nothing about sex whatsoever. Momma never talked to me about it, I was too embarrassed to asked Daphne and you know Billie will only tease the crap out of me.

I sighed heavily letting the water rain on me not caring if my hair got wet. I started think about what Marcus told me about him being king soon and that would mean I'll be a queen. I haven't really thought about it until now, of how he constantly called my his queen over the last few weeks and now it all started to make sense to me.

Marcus is a lycanthropy or lycan.

Billie is a half lycan so a wolf with lycan-like strength.

Griffin, a lycan and even Daphne was too.

You think I'll be freaking out be by now but I'm not, I'm not scared. I don't even know what a lycan is. I'm more shocked and surprised that my best friend since freshmen year is a wolf and never told me... of course. This only causes me to think if Dashawn is one or if he knew.

We're the people I pass on the street and in the hall at school even human? How could you tell something natural from supernatural when they both looked the same?!

These thoughts were starting to give me a major headache again...

Climbing out the shower and wrapping a towel around myself, I whipped of the steam from the mirror looking to it. Nothing changed, I still had the same old grey eyes, round looking cheeks and thick lashes.

Marcus called me beautiful every chance he got but I never saw it. I was always told I was ugly and the people or more like person who told me that was Momma when she went on her drunken rampage. I tried telling myself she's just drunk but the words she spoke stuck with me in the recess of my mind.

I peeked out the bathroom seeing Marcus had gone but left a change of clothes. The bra and pantie set were a pretty sky blue with tiny white poka dots.

The clothes included a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, a white top with gemstones in a shape of a heart, a violet and white stripe glitter scarf, clean all white nicks and a pair of white socks.

It was getting close to fall in Chicago and things could go either way with the crazy weather. One day it could be sunshine and bright skies with a high of seventy-two degrees and the next day you're in knee deep snow in November.

However, I have to say, Chicago is beautiful year 'round and with sites to see. The Willis Towers, the big bean, the museums of course. I never been outside the city let alone the state, I could only imagine what California has...

Whoa wait, am I actually considering saying yes to Marcus and going?!

I brushed my teeth then got dressed.

I brushed out my hair after blow drying and flat ironing it straight. I didn't really know what to do with it so I settled on throwing it up into a messy bun. Heading down the stairs to the kitchen, I see Billie and Griffin feeding each other grapes and her giggling. Yeah that's right, she giggled. I never heard Billie giggle before.

"Uh, good morning, where's Marcus." I said smiling slightly.

"Morning Luna, Marcus went on a run, he'll be back in a minute." Griffin said smiling.

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