Chapter 9 - Dragons

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When we got in he told us that the dragon was nearly out which had us excited to see it since we'd been waiting for it to hatch. When we walked in we saw the egg on the table with deep cracks on it you could tell something was moving about in it. So we all drew up chairs and waited with baited breath for when the egg would split open revealing the dragon within. Then all at one there was a scraping noise before the egg split open and a baby dragon flipped onto the table. It was something I sure as heck that I wouldn't be forgetting anytime soon since it was really cool. It sneezed making sparks fly out its nose which had us backing up a little worried about our clothes catching fire. "Isn't he beautiful?" Hagrid said as he reached out to stroke the dragons head but it snapped at his fingers. "Bless him he knows his mommy!" I smiled at him since he seemed really happy about all this plus he's always wanted a dragon, heck I would have given him a more tamer one. "Hagrid, how fast do Norwegian Dragonbacks grow, exactly?" Hagrid had told us that his dragon was a Norwegian Ridgeback the last time we were there so we already knew what it was. Just as Hagrid was about to answer the color suddenly drained from his face before he kept to his feet and ran to the window. "What's the matter?" We were all worried since this wasnt like Hagrid but we were also doing sometime illegal. "Someone was lookin' through the gap in the curtains - he's runnin' back up ter the school." Harry and I bolted to the door to look out it but even at a distance it was no mistaking that it was Draco. Draco kept smirking through out the next week made the others nervous but I knew he wouldn't do anything until we moved the dragon. Everyone spent a lot if time in Hagrids hut trying to reason with him so he wouldn't get into trouble for having the dragon.

"Just let him go, set him free." I already knew that was a bad idea even before Hermione said it since but was still a baby and couldn't fend for himself or well herself. "I can't, he's to little he'd die." We could tell that the dragon was growing quickly as well as wearing Hagrid down a lot by looking around his cabin. Everyone kept trying to reason with him but I knew it wouldn't do any good because he wanted to keep the dragon. That's when Harry remembered something before turning to Ron which gained all of our attention. "Charlie." The lightbulb went off in my head when he said that but the others didnt seem to understand what he meant. "Charlie - your brother, Charlie. In Romania, studying dragons we could send Norbert to him. Charlie can take care of him and then put him back in the wild." Hagrid finally agreed to let us send an owl to him asking him about it the next week seemed to drag by I was completely tired with both classes and practice with Professor Snape. We were all sitting around the fire in the common room, I was reading my alchemy book trying not to fall asleep. Then Ron came outta no where from under the invisibility cloak since it was his turn to feed Norbert. "It bit me! I'm not going to be able to hold a quill for a week. I tell you, that dragons the most horrible animal I've ever met, but the way Hagrid goes on about it, you'd think it was a fluffy little bunny rabbit. When it bit me he told me off for frightening it. And when I left, he was singing it a lullaby." Then there was a taping at the window which had us all looking over at it to see that Hedwig was outside it with Charlie's answer.

Dear Ron,
How are you? Thanks for the letter - I'd be glad to take the Norwegian Ridgeback, but it won't be easy getting him here. I think the best thing will be to send him over with some friends of mine who are coming to visit me next week. Trouble is, they mustn't be seen carrying an illegal dragon. Could you get the Ridgeback up the tallest tower at midnight on Saturday? They can meet you there and take him away while its while it's still dark. Send me an answer as soon as possible.
Love, Charlie.

We all looked at each other already piecing together the plan of action that we would have to take to get it outta here. "We've got the invisibility cloak, it shouldn't be too difficult- I think the cloaks big enough to cover two of us and Norbert." It was bad enough that we all actually agreed with him I know raising a dragon isn't easy but this was crazy. However the next morning Ron's bitten hand had swollen up to twice the size which I knew would be trouble. By the afternoon Ron's hand had turned a nasty shade of green which means Norberts fangs might be poisonous. He was pretty bad at the end of the day when we went to visit him. He was complaining about how his hand was hurting as well as Draco who had apparently come in to tease him about it. However he remembered that Charlie's letter was in the book Draco had taken earlier but we didnt get to answer as Madam Pomfrey came over then. We all knew it was to late to change things now mostly because we didnt have the time to send another owl to Charlie to tell him plus wait for his reply. When we got to Hagrids to tell him about what was going on we saw Fang outside with a bandaged tail which had me feeling sorry for him.

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