Chapter 3 - Hogwarts

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I went to bed shortly after the owl left only to wake up to the sun hitting my face making me groan before I sat up stretching. I looked at the clock we had that used to be Dudley's but he didnt want it anymore so it got placed in his old second bedroom to see that it was six in the morning. "Hmm I'm going to have to get used to being on summer break again..." I heard Harry groan when I said that so I smiled looking down at him from my top bunk. "Mind getting the ladder so I can get down brother??" He just smiled up at me before getting the ladder for me, we had decided to take turns with the bunks so we could share who's getting the ladder each time.

Once he had it on the bed I climbed down happily mostly because since we came back from Diagon Alley we had pretty much been ignored by the Dursleys which made us happy. I immediately took a shower before we headed down to get something to eat. Dudley didn't like being in the same room as us, but it's a good thing we knew how to cook mostly because now Petunia didn't want to cook for us. We spent most of our time in our rooms going over our books for when we went to Hogwarts. I fell in love with Potions and the spells we would be learning, I just hoped we'd be good at it. Professor Snape sent me a few other books when I told him that I couldn't wait for his class since I loved it and had already read through his classes book three times. He just told me to either send them back when I was done or to return them to him at school which made me happy. I named my owl Kaito since I found out he was a boy while I named my kneazel Shina, I had played around with a lot of names to get them. While Harry named his owl Hedwig after finding out she was a girl, our pets seemed to get along really well, Shina loved laying on my shoulders.

The months passed by as we kept studying until it got close to time for us to go we knew we had to ask them to take us even we didnt want them to. So Harry headed down towards the last day of August so he could ask Vernon to take us. Harry also told me that Vernon had thought he was being funny when Harrry mentioned the ticket number. So I knew something was wrong which had me curious before I remembered that muggles couldn't see the passageway. "Ah! I forgot that the passage is pretty much invisible to muggles..." Harry nodded looking at me we both knew that we had to keep a straight face when we were dropped off so as not to give it away. So we finished packing everything away, well I did neatly while Harry just threw everything in there, except for our toiletries. We were planning on putting those away in the morning then we just waited for the night to come which was easy since we took all day to pack. We woke up really early the next day since we had to be there at eleven, when I looked at the clock it was five in the morning. We quickly took showers before making sure we had everything packed and ready, Harry didn't want to wear his uniform to the station.

I wanted to but I knew that would make our aunt and uncle upset and they might refuse to take us then so I placed it close to the opening of my trunk. I placed some books I wanted to read there as well so I wouldn't be bored on the way there. I had made sure to hide the rest of the money Harry and I had gotten out of our vault so that our relatives wouldn't steal it from us. I had already reminded Harry to pretend to be upset when we didn't see our station so they wouldnt get suspicious about anything. I almost had to hold in a laugh when they loaded up our trolleys all happy like before taking us to Platform 9 and Platform 10. They left us there before they took off, we waited until we knew they were gone before we started laughing, I also remembered that Dumbledore had also given me instructions on how to get in but when we were about to go in I froze when I heard Molly's voice and looked back.

I saw all of them coming, I could tell that they had seen us but we quickly entered into the tunnel following the introduction and my knowledge. We both came out just fine on the other side of the tunnel which had me smiling as I looked up at the huge train standing in front of us before we took off to get our seat. We managed to find one pretty easily but getting our trucks up there was hard I was about to drop Harry's trunk when helping hands appeared from no-where. "Need a hand?" I looked over to see two twin red-heads and immediately knew them as Fred and George begore smiling. "Yes please!" They quickly came over before placing there hands on either side of ours and helped to push the trunk up into the over head storage. Then they turned around before grabbing my trunk and placing it up in its compartment smiling at us. I sighed glad that I had remembered to grab a pair of gloves so I could hide the S mark on my hand while I had been at Madam Malkin's. However there wasn't much I could do about Harry's mark on his forehead which the twins saw when Harry looked at them.

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