Chapter 24 *Aspen's POV*

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I woke up after that night with a severe headache. I forgot everything that happened after we went to the party. I woke up realizing I wasn't in my room.

"Morning sunshine," Toni walked in the room.
"What happened?" I slowly got up to sit down.
"Well where do I begin? Long story short, you got drunk and caused a huge scene." I groaned. "I got you some medication for your hangover."
"Wait, I need to go home. My parents must be worried sick."
"I already called your parents last night and said that you're staying over at my house."
"Thank you."
"Well that's what besties are for and besides my parents aren't home so I was actually able to pull this off."
"Wait, you said I caused a scene at that party."
"Oh yeah. We kinda screamed at Asher when he was trying to help you and you told him how he messed everything up and he needs to leave you alone."
"I screamed at him?"
"Yeah and then you bursted into tears."
"Oh God. What did Asher do?"
"Nothing, he listened to you and left the party. I haven't heard from him since."
"Ugh I'm such an idiot."
"Why were you drinking anyway. It's so not you."
"I know. I don't know what came over me. The first cup I drank was unintentionally and the second one kinda needed it to relieve the pain. But I'm not drinking anymore or ever again, especially after this incident. Right now what I need to do is call Asher and apologize for the way I acted."
"Yeah, I'm sure he'll understand. Does this mean you guys are going to be on good terms again?"
"Honestly, I don't think anything will ever be the same again. I'm just gonna call to say sorry and that I didn't mean it and that's it."

I called Asher and he didn't pick up. I tried several times but still no answer. He must've been really upset. I decided I would try again later in the day.

It was late December already but there was no snow. I love snow but hate the aftermath where the snow turned brown and had to step on slushy *gag*. But it was pretty cold outside and I had a good feeling that it was gonna snow soon. Me and Toni walked to Dunkin Donuts later that afternoon and the sun was slowly setting. That's another thing that I hate about the winter, the time change. When we got there, we saw Alex drinking coffee by himself.

"Sup Alex," Toni said.
"Hey guys," Alex looked up.
"Have you heard from Asher since last night?" I asked.
"No I was going to actually ask you if you have. He's been acting really depressed ever since Emily broke up with him. So I took him to the party last night to cheer him up but he left the party without me without saying anything."
"EMILY BROKE UP WITH HIM?" Toni and I both asked at the same time.
"Yeah didn't he tell you? They broke up on the night of the winter formal because Emily was going to college in California and the distance was too much for them." That made sense why he looked upset after the dance and the kiss. This whole time I thought he cheated but I was wrong. I guess Asher was just as upset as I was about the kiss and I took all my anger out on him without hearing what he had to say about it. "And I've been trying to call him after he sent me this long text that doesn't even make sense but he isn't picking up."
"I tried calling him too. What did he text you?"

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