Chapter 19 *Asher's POV continued*

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After we ate and some people started to leave, Emily pulled me aside.

"What's wrong?" I asked.
"I need to talk to you about something," she sounded nervous. "Promise me you'll be calm."
"Yeah, of course. Tell me what's wrong. You're scaring me."
"I'm leaving tomorrow."
"What? What do you mean you're leaving tomorrow? You were supposed to stay for a month."
"Yes, I know but I have an open house for college in a few days that I need to prepare for. And I need to tell you something else. You promised to be calm."
"Yeah, what can be worse than you leaving?"
"I think we should break up."
"What are you talking about?" My voice got louder.
"Listen, we're both going to college next year and..." I cut her off.
"Are you worried about long distance? Come on, you were about to break up with me because of that? We could handle it."
"No, I don't think we can."
"Why not? We can always visit each other like we always do."
"Not when we're living on the other side of the country." I was at a loss of words. "You're going to your dream college here. And I'm going to mine in California."
"I'll go with you," I blurted out not understanding what I just said.
"No, no you can't," she held my face with both hands. "You can't leave behind your dreams for me."
"We can do it," I whispered as I saw a drop of tear roll down her cheeks. I held her face and put my head against hers.
"I have to go," she said and left me.

Now there will always be an emptiness feeling in my heart. Afterall, she was my first serious relationship. I guess deep down I always knew we wouldn't last forever.

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