Chapter 9

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I didn't hear anything else he said and I didn't want to hear anything else. He had a girlfriend this whole time and I didn't know. At that moment my heart shattered in a million different pieces. "Um hello?" Asher waved his hand in front of my face.
"Oh my bad, I didn't hear what you asked." my voice cracked.
"I asked if you remembered any embarrassing moment."
"Oh right, um... ok I got one. So I really liked this boy once and when my feelings for him started to become stronger, I find out that he's taken and I was really embarrassed." I really hoped he didn't know that I was talking about him.
"I'm sorry, that sucks. Any guy would be lucky to call you his," He was clueless. The more he talked like that, the harder I fell for him. I tried to hold back tears.
"Yeah whatever, enough about me. When were you going to tell me that you had a girlfriend?" I tried to sound mad.
"I know, I'm sorry. I'm stupid. I totally forgot to tell you about her. Can you forgive me?" He asked, holding both his ears.
"Fine, I forgive you for not telling me that you have a girlfriend." I forgave him but what about my broken heart, who's gonna fix that.
"Thank you," he said, giving me a side hug, which I quickly tried to get out of. These little gestures are only making my feelings for him worse.
"So tell me about her."
"Well, her name is Emily. She lives in Boston where I used to live, so we have a long distance relationship. But she comes to New York all the time so it doesn't really feel like we're doing long distance." His face lit up when he was talking about her and I just let him talk. "She's actually coming back here... " He checked his phone, "next week. I can't wait for you guys to meet. She's staying over for almost a month now because she has winter break early and she has a lot of family members here so her family comes here for Christmas."
"Great, can't wait," I lied.

We finally arrived and it was time to say goodbye. "Alright then, see you tomorrow," I said with a weak smile. He probably could tell I was upset because then he said, "About your crush you were telling me about earlier, I really am sorry that you got your heart broken. He didn't deserve such a wonderful girl like you and you'll find someone a hundred times better than he ever was." He grabbed me towards his warm body for a hug and I was on the verge of crying and letting it all out, but I had to be strong.

Aww I feel bad for Aspen.
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