Chapter 18 *Asher POV*

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I saw Aspen walk in. She was wearing a dark green dress. Green was definitely her color. She had her hair up and it wasn't until now that I realized that her hair was always down. To be honest, I preferred her hair down. She looked gorgeous. Gorgeous was an understatement. I watch her as she sits with her friends. Then I notice Emily walking away.

"Where are you going?" I asked.
"To the restroom, I told you." I guess I didn't hear. As Emily went to the restroom, I figured this was the perfect time to greet Aspen. As I walked towards her, my heart started beating really fast, like how it does after I finish a basketball match.

"Hey," I said, slowly observing her from head to toe. She looked even more stunning up close.
"Hi," I could tell that she was nervous.
"You look..." I struggled finding the right word. "...beautiful."
"Thank you," she blushed. "You don't look too bad yourself." She smiled. She had dimples. How did I never notice and why am I noticing them now?
"So who's your date?" I asked, genuinely curious.
"She's with me," Alex said, as he walked and wrapped his arm around her waist. I don't know why that made me uncomfortable, I didn't want anyone to touch her.
"No way, why didn't I know?" I turned to Aspen.
"I guess I forgot to mention it." She shrugged. Hah she forgot to mention her date which clearly shows how Alex is not important to her. Okay, I don't know why I'm having these kind of thoughts. I should be happy for both of them. I'm happy she moved on. Wait, what if she never did like me? Does she actually like Alex? "Anyways, where's Emily?" She asked.
"Oh she went to the restroom."
"You sure she didn't run away and ditch you Ashy," Alex said and Aspen giggled. Her giggle was so cute.
"Aw is Ashy upset?" This time it was Aspen. I hated the nickname 'Ashy' but when Aspen said it, it sounded so nice. I wanted to hear it over and over again.
"Not you too Aspen," I laughed.
"Oh so it's funny when she calls you Ashy?" Alex was being childish.
"That's because she's cute and you're not." Aspen turned bright red. Did I just say that out loud? What is wrong with me?
"You don't get to call her cute. She's my date." Alex pulls her closer to him. This made me irritated.
"We've been friends longer than you've been her date," I then pulled her hard towards me.
"Can you guys stop pulling me?" Aspen said.
"Sorry," we both said in sync. I was ashamed that I was acting so immature but Alex started it.
"It's a slow song, wanna dance?" Alex held out his hand for her and she took it. I wished she didn't. Emily then walks toward me.

"Sorry the line was really long," she said.
"It's alright, wanna dance?"
"Wow, what have you done with Asher? I've been asking you to dance since we got here and you refused."
"Oh come on, let's go," I pulled her to the dance floor. We stood near Aspen and Alex, with Emily's and Alex's backs facing each other while Aspen and I faced each other. I couldn't take my eyes off her. Which I know is really bad because I'm here with my girlfriend. I just couldn't help it. I see her laughing as if Alex just told her the funniest joke in her world. I bet I could make her laugh harder. Then she deeply stares at his eyes. Was I really wrong the whole time, and she just likes my best friend? How could I be so wrong? They looked happy together. My best friend deserved someone like her.

We all sat together after we danced. I was still staring at Aspen, wondering if she was always this beautiful or it somehow happened overnight? I clear my throat loud enough to get her attention. I smiled at her and she gave me a 'what's up' look and I just shook my head 'nothing." I think she was just as confused as to why I was acting like this all of a sudden. Did she really have an effect on me?

Do you guys think he's falling for her?
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