Chapter 21 *Asher's POV*

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I stepped outside after my conversation with Emily to see Aspen and Alex hugging. Alexa, play "That Should Be Me" by Justin Bieber. I got this weird feeling whenever I saw Aspen with Alex. I cleared my throat which made them separate.

"Ready to go?," I asked.
"Ah... yeah." She hesitated. "Are you okay?" she asked as we walked to the bus stop.
"Um... yeah, I'm fine." Was it that obvious?
"Did you have fun tonight?" she asked.
"I did." I lied. But what was I supposed to tell her, that my girlfriend just broke up with me and I get jealous when I see her with someone else? Jealousy, that's what it is. But why would I be jealous?

When we got on the bus, Aspen asked, "Isn't it weird how both of us are dressed so fancy and here we are taking New York City's public transportation?" I could tell she was trying to make me feel better even though I didn't tell her how I really felt. She could just read me.
"Yeah, it really is," I laughed. "If I had a car, we would not be taking the bus."
"Well, if you did have a car, you wouldn't take the bus and we would've never met." That was a scary thought, me and Aspen never meeting. I turned to look at her and deeply into her eyes.
"We would've met either way. It was supposed to happen, it was fate. And I would've given you a ride everyday." I really would've. I imagined how I would pick her up from her house every morning and she wouldn't have to worry about missing the bus.
"You believe in that kind of stuff."
"Of course, don't you?"
"I do but I didn't expect you to." I didn't know what kind of guy she expected me to be. Before I could ask, my eyes looked past her to the window.
"Oh no, it's raining." I frowned, worrying about how we would get home. As we came close to our stop, I took off my suit and handed it to Aspen, "Here wear my suit, you're cold."
"What about you? I already have a scarf." She's always worried about others.
"Are you serious? Your scarf isn't heavy enough." She still refused, she was stubborn. When we stepped out of the bus, since she didn't accept my offer, I lifted the suit on top of our heads to avoid getting wet as much as possible. We rushed to an apartment building that had an extended roof.
"We should stay here, until the rain stops." I said, shivering. There was no one around and little to no cars on the road. That one second I took my eyes off of Aspen, she managed to walk past me, into the rain. "What are you doing?" I yelled out.
"Having fun. Come on, join me."
"You're gonna get sick."
"At least I can say I had fun." She was acting so different today or at least I have never seen her like this before. She looked so beautiful and free as she played with the rain.
"If you get sick, you're going to skip school and you'll leave me all by myself. What am I supposed to do without you?" I finally decided to join her. I wasn't gonna let her get sick on her own.
"What did you do before you met me?" I honestly don't know.
"I don't remember my life before you and can't imagine one without you." I took a step closer to her, and undid her wet hair. "I like it better when it's down." She blushed. I looked down at her lips which I wanted to feel on mine and now was the perfect time, I decided. I kissed her. I gently moved my lips against hers and when she didn't kiss me back, I knew I should've pulled back but I didn't. Instead, she did and said, "You can't do this." and she ran away from me. I didn't stop her even though I wanted to but I just stood there, watching her run as it poured heavier. What did she mean 'I couldn't do this'? Was she already with Alex? Did she mean that I couldn't betray my best friend? I was really stupid thinking she liked me. I had a big ego thinking everyone's in love with me. I was so wrong. She liked my best friend.

Aww sad Asher.
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