Chapter 59

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Eva's POV

These next few weeks pass like a blur. I do my best to avoid everyone, only going to my classes or to the kitchens in the middle of the night when I'm hungry. I'm able to successfully cast a silencing charm around my bed so Luna and Kala can't hear my whimpers and screams during the night. Not that I get much sleep anyways. I spend most of my time doing homework for my classes, since I have nothing better to do.

Luna and Kala have learned it's best not to ask me to come eat at the Great Hall. Besides the feast on the first day back, I haven't stepped foot in there. Fred and George, though mostly Fred, have done their best to try and find me but I stay undetected by them. I just can't get over the fact that I'm the one making Fred's normally smiling face droop. He doesn't deserve a life with me bringing sadness and guilt to him all the time.

But the one person I want to find more than anything isn't here. Laurie Calle. She hasn't been to Hogwarts at all. Or at least not according to the map Remus gave me.

"Miss Black. Miss Black!" I wake up with my Defense Against the Dark Arts textbook stuck to my face and the very pink Umbridge standing over me. "What gives you the idea that you can sleep in my class?" I shoot right up and peel the book off my face.

"Sorry Professor I-"

"That's High Inquisitor to you Miss Black. 5 points from Ravenclaw." I clamp my jaw down on my lip from letting out a sarcastic remark. "Like father like daughter." She mutters to herself but unfortunately for her, I hear it.

"Excuse me?"

"Do you have someth-"

"Yes I do have something to say High Inquisitor. Just because I fell asleep in your useless class doesn't give you the right to insult my father or me."

"Your father is a criminal. He deserves to be punished." She says quite calmly, folding her hands over her ugly pink dress. "10 points-"

"My father is not a criminal. He is innocent and if the Ministry could just look past-"

"And how would you know this?" her voice is still calm, which makes me more furious, but I know I can't say much more. "Do you happen to be in touch with your father?"

I laugh, trying to play it off. "I haven't seen my father since I was two years old but the stories I've heard about-"

"And does this happen to be from your half breed godfather?"

"Don't you dare call him that! Remus Lupin is a good man and damn better teacher than you'll ever be!"

"Detention!" She shrieks, raising her voice for once. I close my fists, trying to calm my anger and lean back into my seat. The mix of Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws, Slytherins, and Gryffindor all look at me with scared faces. They're probably going to tell the Daily Prophet I'm as mad as Harry.

The rest of class I don't open my mouth at all and run out as soon as the bell rings. Just to my luck I run right into the people I was avoiding. The two twin redheads grab an arm each as soon as they spot me.

"Hey-let me go!"

"Sorry Ev-"

"-but we can't do that."

They drag me over to a secluded bench, out of sight from others.

"Are you going to murder me here?"

"No, not today." George smirks. "Have fun you two!" Before I could say anything he disappears, leaving Fred and I alone. Any other time I would have been excited for the two of us to be alone, but with the look on Fred's face I knew this wasn't going to be like our usual time together.

"Why-why are you avoiding me?" my hearts sinks at his hurt words.

"I'm-I just...Fred-I..." I trail off not knowing how to explain.

"You're breaking up with me aren't you?" He doesn't meet my eyes. "Well go on get it over with."

"What! No I'm not breaking up with you!" I lift my voice up from it quiet tone before bringing it back down again. "Unless...that would make you happier."

"What do you mean happier?"

"I saw you Fred. Happy and laughing. You haven't been that way around me since....Around everyone else you're, your normal self." I take a deep breathe. "But when you're around me...I don't want you to be sucked into the darkness with me. You should be happy all the time. You deserve it."

Fred reached out and grabs my hands. Luckily not noticing me flinch when he gets accidentally brushes over my left arm. "Eva you went through something terrible last year and I am just trying to be there for you. You are not pulling me into darkness and don't pretend you'll never be happy again. You will. It just takes time and I will be there for you the whole time."

We smile at each other and I try hard not to cry. "I'm sorry I've been avoiding you. I'll-I'll try to be there more and maybe come to the Great Hall-"

"That right!" He interrupts me quickly, "Are you eating? I haven't seen you there in ages. You are eating right?" I laugh a little, letting a loose tears escape my eye, as he presses against my robes to see if I was too skinny.

"I've been eating. Just not with everyone else."

"Good, good." He jumps up suddenly. "Now I hate to cut our little reunion short but I have sales to get too. Now don't forget, no more avoiding me...Oh and try to talk to Luna and Kala more. They miss you." He plants a small kiss on my forehead before starting to walk away. Violently, he whips his body around and runs back. "Oh and this up coming Hogsmeade trip, Harry's planning something. Ask Luna about it she'll have to the details."

He starts running away again and the small ball of happiness that had appeared in our conversation slowly disappeared.

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