Chapter 37

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A spell is out of Harry's mouth before I can react. I'm thrown to the floor with blood dripping down my nose, then he decides to do things the Muggle way. Harry ignores Hermione screams of "stop" and moves to try and pin me down before I can get up again. He manages to only get one of my arms down, but struggles to fully stop me from fighting back. Then, suddenly we're quickly pulled apart by multiple people, before either of us does anymore damage. It only takes one glance at the disgusted looks of Harry and the other Gryffindors for me to turn tail and run.

The tears start to cloud my view as I stumble out of the common room and down the stairs. Eventually, I can no longer see and opt to curl up on a secluded bench, and let everything out. It has been over a year since anyone hit me. Since anyone told me how worthless I am. And even after all this time it hurt just as bad with Harry saying it as it had with both Sirius and John.

I hadn't heard the person sit next to me over my loud and disgusting sobs until he spoke. "Are you okay?"

I look up and wipe my clouded eyes to see Ivan, Victor's younger brother. "I-amh-" I clear my throat, "I'm sorry. You're Ivan right?"

"Yes, and there's no need to be sorry. What happened?" his voice is gentle, and like a wave of relief.

"Just uh, Harry and all the rumors. I don't think Harry put my name in the Goblet, but he doesn't-he doesn't believe me," I wipe my tears again as they slow down a little. "Sorry, I must look so pathetic right now."

"Not at all. May I?" he asks pointing to my broken bloody nose I was disregarding. I just nod as me mutters, "Episkey. I'm sorry this is all happening to you. From what I've heard from Remus your a great person." Ivan smiles at me, and a small wave of relief washes over me at the sound of Remus' name.

"How do you know Remus?"

"Oh er I-uh," he stutters, running a hand through his curly hair, and looking afraid to answer.

"It's fine if you don't want to tell me. I get it, we barely know each other," I say in a much clearer, and stronger voice than earlier.

"Thanks Eva and-," he stops turning his head slightly, "Do you know him?" I follow his gaze to see Fred standing behind us, looking guilty. I just nod not taking my eyes of the redhead. "I'll see you around Eva. Feel better."

I wave at the Bulgarian boy walk away as Fred takes his place.

"Ev, I'm-are you okay? Harry shouldn't have said-"

"Why are you here Fred? I thought you didn't believe me," my tone is venomous, but I don't feel a hit of regret.

"I know. I do now though and I just want to make sure you're okay...and er Charlie just sent a letter. He's coming to help with the first task and wants to meet up with you and my siblings."

"If he's helping with the first task that means it's..."

"Dragons." he finishes not meeting my eyes. "Eva, I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have acted like that...I was stupid."

I get up from the bench remembering Harry's words from minutes ago. If Fred really fancied me, we would be going out. It's not like I truly hid my feels for him. "See you around Fred."

He just sits defeatedly on the bench as I make my way to my dorm.

A few days later, I lean back in my chair while Professor Moody preforms the Imperius Curse on a Ravenclaw boy in my year. He had been trying to get one of us to break it but unfortunately for us, no one has.

"Professor?" Moody stops the spell making the boy fall mid-cartwheel. Everyone's eyes turn to the third year Gryffindor in the back of the class. "I'm here to take Eva upstairs. The champions are supposed to go up to Mr Bagman."

He turns his mechanical eye to me, and keeps the other focused on the young boy. "Black. Come see me after your done with your champion things." I had given up a few days ago on trying to get my teachers and the other students to try and call me Eva Jackson again.

I quickly grab my things and mouth "good luck" for Kala who looked scared to be left alone, before leaving with the young boy.

"I'm Colin Creevey. Third year Gryffindor, and friend of Harry's, so I ought to be mad at you for punching Harry but I can't because it's just so wicked that your a champion."

I just nod along the entire time with Colin's rambling until he finally leads me to a small classroom. Inside stands Fleur, Victor, Cedric, Bagman and a woman I've never seen before.

"Ah Miss Black. Come in, come in. We are just waiting for Mr Potter and then we can start the wand weighting's."

I make my way next to Fleur and Victor, ignoring everyone. After a few more minutes Harry walks in and the small woman looks like she just spotted today's meal.

"Mr Potter, Rita Skeeter writer for the Daily Prophet. Ludo if I may take the boy back for an interview? About the youngest champion to add a bit of...color." She smiles already dragging Harry away before Ludo agrees.

"I zont like her," states Fleur clearly, "zhe gives me the creeps."

"She does," I agree with the beautiful, older French girl.

It's not long before Dumbledore drags the alligator like woman, and Harry back for our pictures. In every picture Fleur and I are forced to sit in the front, crouching down while the boys stood in the back. After what seems like hundreds of group photos we move onto individual photos. Which most of them are of Fleur, and no one objected it.

"May I introduce Mister Ollivander," Dumbledore states bringing in the old wizard who had first given me my wand what seemed like decades ago.

He calls each of us up, examining our wands. Fleur and Victor go first as their wands did not come from Ollivander himself. Each passed and next Cedric and Harry were up both had their wands examined a little longer. Harry's longer than anyone's and finally it was my turn.

"Miss Black, your wand please?" I hand my wand to the white haired man. "9 and half inch, Dragon Heartstring and Alder. You take good care of it, correct?"

"Yes sir," I nod quickly.

"Good, good." he mutters a quick spell making flowers shoot out the end. "It is in perfect condition."

"You may all go now," calls out Dumbledore before turning to whisper to Ludo Bagman.

I leave the classroom first trying my best not to run into Harry, but of course I can't seem to escape him fast enough.

"Eva. Eva!" I'm pulled back by my arm by the same boy I was hoping to avoid.

"Harry I really don't want to fight right now," I sigh lightly.

"Neither do I."

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