Chapter 16

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We got right on the plane the morning after.

Nothing excited happened, my family didn't try approaching me but watched from afar. I had caught the look on my fathers face when Vasily had came back, a look of guilt while he watched me laugh and mess around. You could see how he really payed attention to how Vasily reacted to me compared to others, a small sad smile reaching his lips when Vasily would smile and kiss me.

We left early and went back to the hotel, the morning or afternoon later was when we had caught a plane back home.

Home, it really felt like one and I love that.

"Morning Arina" I greet walking into the kitchen and grabbing my spicy ahi roll.

Yes, if you haven't noticed they are my favorite and I'm in love with it.

"Hello Sophia, how was your night?" she smiled

"Amazingly good" I smiled back

"That is great" she placed a cup of water in front of me on the kitchen island "It was pretty quiet without you around, it got kind of boring for a second"

I gasped dramatically "Feel so loved" I spoke then drank my water as she chuckled "Now excuse me while I go find someone to mess with"

I skip out and down the hall jerking to a stop when I hear a movie playing in the theater room. Peaking inside to see a victim to the hundreds of water balloons I bought and need to get rid of. Running down the hall and up the stairs I go straight to the room, digging around and completely ruining my drawers.

"Lyubov what are you doing?" I glance back at the nickname

"Hi Vazzie, just looking for something" I respond pushing the drawer shut and ripping open another one

"Do you need help looking for this something?" He asked peeking over my shoulder and smirking at the underwear drawer.

"Nope, I'm good" I move to the next one only so find it empty, standing up with a groan I continue my search.

"You would find it faster if you told me what your looking for" Vasily commented behind me

"No because then you would know what I was going to do and then not give it to me" I whine like a child.

His face morphed into one of realization, walking to his side of the closet and reaching up to the shelf above his hanged shirts, between a bunch of shoe boxes and pulled out packs of balloons.

I jump up with a smile and reach to grab it but he pulled his hand back holding it to where I couldn't reach.

"No" he scolded me like a little child and I pouted

"Please Vazzie" I step closer to him, my chest against his looking up with my puppy dog eyes

"No" he repeated

"Why not" I whine and frown

"Because your only going to fuck with Viktor and then he'll end up chasing you and I don't want you running down halls with water balloons, it could fall and you could slip on water or something, then I'd have to break his kneecap" he shrugged at the last statement

"You worry to much, come babe" he shook his head "Please Vazzie"

He sucked his teeth in annoyance but passed me the balloons after warning me "No running and if he starts chasing you then you come to my office so I can kill him"

I laugh and kiss his cheek before rushing out and downstairs.

"NO RUNNING SOPHIA" I heard his voice echo through the house before I got to the second floor, completely ignoring it.

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