"I'm a big girl," Rebecca said nervously, "I won't do anything I'm not supposed to."

After picking up prescription at a near by chemist, Luke took Rebecca back to his place and she didn't argue when the turned left into Luke's driveway and not right into Calum and Lynn's property.

"Are you hungry?" Luke asked. Rebecca shook her head. She had been quiet the whole time in the car and picking up the prescription was no different.

"You're awfully quiet," Luke said. Rebecca frowned. Luke wanted to know what was wrong so that he could make her feel better. Her feelings were his number one priority now.

"It's everywhere," she told Luke, "I'm like the country's biggest slut."

"Who said that?" Luke asked.

"No one has to say it. It's true! People are wondering why my wedding hasn't gone through and why I'm walking the city with you."

Luke nodded a few times and then just hung his head. It was hard to love in the spotlight. It was hard to love someone like this when cameras were shoved in your face 24/7. It was just hard to love in general, Luke thought. Maybe it was easy to love but the obstacles you had to face were hard.

"Come on, let's get inside," Luke said, "We can talk more about it."

"No," Rebecca said quietly.

"Well are we going to start living in my car?" Luke chuckled.

Rebecca rolled her eyes and got out of the car before Luke unlocked the door of his house and let her in.

"You're going to need your own key sooner or later," Luke said, "I'll have it customised. Do you like minnie mouse?"

Rebecca laughed and slowly went up the stairs and took a seat on the couch, exhausted. "We're not living here when we're older. I don't think I can get up the stairs."

"I wouldn't dream of it. I imagine living closer to home which would be good for both of us," Luke said. He took a seat next to Rebecca and kissed her temple. "Do you need anything?"

"I'm fine."

There was silence between them and Rebecca suddenly remembered something and she tapped Luke's forearm excitedly. He laughed as he rose his eyebrows, urging her to speak to him.

"So when Indie and I were together, she got hungry and we had kangaroo burgers. It was so good," Rebecca said, licking her lips at the memory.

Luke threw his head back in laughter and shook his head. "That's what you were so excited to tell me?"

"Well duh," Rebecca said matter-of-factly. Luke rolled his eyes playfully and Rebecca punched his arm. He winced and laughed with her.

"It was really good. I see why she likes them," Rebecca said.

"You'll have to get used to them, she's pregnant and she loves them. She seems to love you sometimes too."

"Hm, reminds me of someone else I know."

As a joke, Luke put his hand on his stomach. He rubbed it the way he saw Indiana rub her own stomach and the way pregnant women did it. There was a devious little smile on his face as he did so and Rebecca pushed him over.

Red Roses [Luke Hemmings]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant