18_ Getting captured again

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What should he be scared with?
He does hate pain, he does feel anxious sometimes to make a mistake. But death? He already died once, this time he will do his best to survive, after all if he dies, the goddess will put him in hell and give him an eternal punishment of a repeated death and pain.

He almost forgot about it... but if he keeps joking and not taking the things seriously, he might die and then suffered for eternity.

He looked down on Devon and his expression was much more serious that before "You want the truth? What does that matter anyway? You choose: the truth of your son or the truth of this new guild. What is more important to know right now?"

Devon looked at him silently for a few seconds before standing up, he was much more taller than Ling Song so when he stood up, looking down at him, Ling Sing felt a chill that made him lose his breath.

"I do not need neither of those, if you're telling the truth then I will destroy the government. I'm tired of your blabbering around so get lost and don't meddle with adult stuff." He said then walked away.

Ling Song was stunned, getting ignored after reavealing such a good information was a pull down, and this man didn't even accepted the request for the alliance! And on top of that, he insulted him!

That's outrageous!

"I don't know if the government is the one who's behind your son's kidnapping, but I know they want your son..." he continued to say but Devon never turned back making Ling Song a little angry.

"If I find your son first, will you accept this alliance?" He muttered out but how can he find someone when he won't have his power for more tha a day? When the time comes that his gift is back, maybe it will be too late.

Devon still didn't turned around but waved his hand "If you do that, then I'll meet your boss and see."

When the Hunters were already far from the kid, the guy with the glasses finally asked Devon as he walked closely "Boss we're not going to capture him?"

"Mh...Looks like he's not an enemy of us, so why worry? And if he finds my son, then that's better." He said taking out another cigarette.

"But... isn't he just a kid?" The guy looked at his boss confused, how can a kid possibly rescue someone?

"Mh... my guts is telling me that he's not a normal kid, a normal kid doesn't roam around... and he actually dared to look down on me ahahhaha!"  He laughed before grinning "If he's this interesting then maybe his boss is much more interesting, but now let's concentrate to find my son." He patted the guy's shoulder and continued to walk while ordering around to his subordinates.


When Ling Song was left alone he frowned, he just went here for one thing now it turned out that he have to do another thing much more dangerous... should he call for help? If the government is behind this then he should call for help but... he doesn't really want to always rely on others that much... he's the boss then he should do at least something amazing then tell the others that he did all those without their help... ahhh he should make them proud!

He started to walk toward the opposite direction where the hunters went off and carefully avoided the zombies that were wondering around while he was using a stick of wood for protection, nothing much but at least he felt reassured.

When the sun was setting down, Ling Song was already tired and hungry, so he went inside to an abandoned appartament in a building and tried to find something to eat but it looked like that everything around here was already taken by other people.

He huffed and sat on the ground a little depressed so he grabbed his phone and called Yang Yifei and surprisingly he picked up the call pretty quickly.

"What do you want?"

Rewriting the Apocalypse Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum