Chapter 33: Torture

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  A constant dull ache kept nagging at her tigh. And her head hurt. It hurt so badly, she realized she was clutching at it when she woke up.

   At first she could not open her eyes. Nor could she speak, as only muffled cries of pain came out of her mouth, a silent plea for help.

   She rolled on her side, her arm draped over the place where she had been wounded, the place someone had bothered to wrap in a white cloth.
   She did not know where she was, what the searing pain meant. Until she saw the iron bars that caged her from the dark corridor.

   In an instant she knew she had to get up as her mind was beginning to clear, she remembered what had happened.

   Ben, her first thought went straight to him.

   She could hear his cries of pain. Now raw and terrible as the part of his bond was open. And it was not something he let to happen. It only meant he could not hold it anymore.

   She stood up on her knees and her hand slapped the wall, her fingers clawed at it. As if she could break her way through, as if she were closer to him.

   "Ben!" she yelled as she pounded her fists into the hard iron surface.

   She slammed her hand against the wall until her knuckles have gone red from blood, until they were sore. But she hit, and cried, and hit, and cried.
   What had she done to deserve this? Has Ben's salvation from death not been enough of a proof that he was meant to live?

   She raised her fist and gritted her teeth in anger to hit again. But her outstretched arm stopped in the air. And slowly, it fell back next to her body as her eyes brimmed with tears.

   Her lips began to quiver as a knot she couldn't seem to swallow settled in her throat. A deep black hole seemed to widen within her body, a grief that stopped her breath, slowly, that threatened to eat her up from the inside.

   Taking a step back, she tried to breathe. But only a hiccup drowned by salty tears came out.
   Her knees were about to buckle beneath her, when the iron bars rattled open, and hit the wall with a loud clang.

   Her head snapped straight to them, five men dressed in dark blue attire, with two blasters at their belts. Three of them remained outside, while the others came for her. And she vowed she would stay calm, welcome them with the defiance they deserved. Instead she found herself edging back, until her shoulders hit the wall and her breath caught in her throat.

   Pain. The dull ache she felt in her tigh was now a sharp one, a rain of knives darting up to her core. Her eyes widened, and Rey wanted to cry. In her despair, they darted to the men coming to grab her and to the open door. If I'm fast, I can make it, she thought fastly. Only if I'm fast, it's the only way I can make it. Her hands propped on the wall, and she was ready to fly. When an iron-cold hand gripped her left arm, and a voice whistled past her ear.

   "Don't you even think, girl!"

   "No!" she cried and tried to fight.

   Rey did not want to give in again, did not want to lose the fight. She would not let that happen. She kicked, and screamed...though her mind already told her she was outnumbered.

   She received a hard kick in the stomach, and all she had eaten the last time she left the resistance retched back up her throat, showering the soldiers that stood sentry, and spilling farther down the corridor.

  Two of them scrunched their noses. The others remained impassible.

   Rey felt the cold shackles around her wrists as her hands were bind again, as the two men dragged her down the dark place, and to the elevator.

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