Chapter 23: The Wall Between Us

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A/N: Heya again, Reylo fellows! Here I want to explore Rey and Finn's friendship a bit, since there's no chapter that contains much between them. Chill, Reylos, it's no finnrey chapter!
No Ben and Rey either, but I swear the waiting it's worth it!


   Rey woke up hours later to a dimly lit room. She didn't know how long she had been asleep, but she supposed it had to be already night, for her eyes were blinded by the strong light of a lamp that rested on her table.

   She blinked a few times to shake the drowsiness and frowned. Her gaze passed over the room. The white walls, the wooden floor, the green curtains... It was her old room from the resistance base. But how did she get there?

   Sometime, long ago, it was bringing her happiness, the sense of a family. But now she felt so alone. And she was afraid to fall asleep again. In the past weeks, Ben had been there to hold her. He had held her on Takodana, he had held her in the falcon, when the nightmares had overwhelmed her, in the caves she had woken up in his arms, and in the prison on Lothal it had been him as well that had shielded her against the cold with his warmth.

   She threw the coverlet off her body and swung her legs over the edge of the bed as if she had to attend somewhere and it was too late.
But when she pushed herself up and tried to stand, a sudden searing pain that shot through her right ankle pushed her back down on the edge of the bed, whimpering. And she remembered it all, remembered how she had fallen to the ground and sprained it, and everything that had happened next.

   A pang of guilt settled in her throat at the thought of her failure. Where had the strength with which she had defended the resistance been?

   She closed her eyes and heaved a breath. Her hands were trembling, and suddenly she felt trapped. The thought of not being able to walk brought her worst nightmares to life. And being alone in the room, at that hour, after all that had happened that day, only increased her fear.

   Wincing from the pain, she made herself stand. Limping to the wall, she placed her palms on it for support and dragged herself to the door. It was good that the dress she wore was only a little bit past her knees, and did not brush the floor to make her trip.
But where did she want to go? Nowhere in special. Only to make sure she was safe.

   By the time she reached the threshold, she found she was thirsty. And her head has already begun to spin a bit, both from waking up and from her weakened state.

   Her hand found the door, and she cracked it open, to a completely dark corridor.

   They must be all asleep, she thought as she widened the gap, to have enough space to slip outside. It means it must be really late.

   She stopped when she the door creaked loudly. Her heart caught in her throat, and she gasped as her hand remained outstretched in the air. She knew that the wooden floor would creak even louder, and it was a good possibility to rouse the whole resistance from sleep.

   She made it out on the corridor and was fumbling on the wall for the lighting spot when she heard the hurried steps coming toward her.
Rey turned on her heels, and a hand grabbed her wrist in the dark, before that person turned the light on and she realized it was Finn.

   "Rey, thanks the force you're awake!" Finn said as he hugged her. "Though you've slept so little."

   The suddenness of it made her lean into her friend's arms for support. She was tired, and her leg was being feisty again.

   He put an arm around her and helped her back into her chamber.

   "I'll bring you anything you want." he said as he eased her on the mattress.

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