Chapter 9: Crystal Caverns

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Author's note: I plan to structure this book in two parts. The first one, that I'm writing now, I mean it to be about Ben's atonement we didn't get after tros. Well, you'll see what I want to do with him in the next chapters.
And the second part is about saving the galaxy itself, discovering all the enemies (yes, there'll be more) etc.

There was an eerie light at the end of the dark tunnel. A light that tugged at Rey's heart. Blue and faint, it flickered constantly.

Her hand was clasped with Ben's, but sooner or later she knew they would have to part ways. And her grip began to loose, until her fingers slid slowly from his hand.

Millions of faded voices whispered lively in her head as she made her way forward. The soft sound of her steps against the stone ground echoed off the walls. And she walked farther toward that light that called her. But what about Ben? Was he seeing that light too? Or did it choose to show only to her? What if he saw a red light, like his old lightsaber?
But she knew she must not let her fears overcome her. He was a jedi now, and she should not question his loialty.

Yet he had been a jedi before...

Her paces seemed to be slowing down as she approached that beam of blue light. And it seemed like it was within her reach now. So Rey extended her arm, and splayed her palm as if to grasp it. But the light only moved farther.

And Rey with it. And with a patience she had never known she had, she walked quietly after it, through dark tunnels.

She forgot about everything else. Her eyes were aimed on the tiny spot of light, as if it was actually an universe, as if it was a void.

That light made the drops of water that trickled down the damp walls gleam blue. And Rey could feel that the gallery was beginning to grow wider and wider. And that this was the place where she needed to stop.

Her boots made a low crumbling as she stepped on the sand that was spread from place to place. And it almost took all her strength to put one foot in front of the other. This place felt overwhelming with a power she couldn't explain. Or it was her that was not prepared to take this step.

She stopped, and even thought to walk back as she gazed into that ligh, when a voice came to her through the Force. "These are your first steps, Rey." and it rang odd in her ears, for she had never heard it before. It appeared like it belonged to a young man. And she didn't understand. First steps to what? She had thought she had taken them.

"Don't be afraid." the same voice echoed in her head. "You're on the right path. Let the light guide you."

Taking a deep breath, she nodded, even though there was no one that could see her, and stepped forward.

"Feel the Force, Rey." She heard Luke's voice, the same way he had told her back on Ahch-To.

"I have no Force left." She said clearly as she cast her gaze around the walls of the hall, as if looking there for answers.

"You do have, Rey. Sooner or later, it will return to you."

And she sat down right there and crossed her legs.

"Let it guide you, Rey." another male voice spoke from the void.

"Feel it within you, and restore the balance in the galaxy, as I did." the first voice spoke again. And she realized whose voice it had been; Anakin Skywalker's.

"Seek for the new Force, Rey. For the Jedi have wronged. And there cannot be light without darkness." Luke said.

And there were many voices, so many voices. Too many voices, that she couldn't keep count. But there was one that pricked at her ears. A voice she has craved to hear. A voice that bore a mother's love and care. Leia's voice.

A Song Of Light and Darkness - Book One: Dawn Of New Force Where stories live. Discover now