Chapter 18: Painful Revelations

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A/N: Thank you for reading my story until now, I'm very thankful for your comments ^^
I hope it is something you were looking for. Well, I tried to make it not only a Reylo romance, as probably most of you wanted, but rather a sw story and a reason on why it was hard for them to decide whether Ben should live or not.
And keep am eye on the hints I drop about the "New Force" 😉

Rey heard the voice right before she slid from that endless sleep. "Through passion, I gain focus." it had said. And it was the same she had heard in the cave, with Ben.

A faint but annoying beep woke her up, or at least so she thought. Her head felt as if it had split open. And she remembered the slap the floor had given her as she had fallen unconscious. She remembered it like a dream, like something faded in time.

And as the pain became unbearable, she groaned, and squeezed her eyes. It was better to stay asleep, after all.

"Ah!" Her hand rose in the air and flailed in the air to find her head. But another one touched it, and guided it back on the bed.

"Shh." she heard a soft voice soothe. She had no idea whose voice it was. She only knew that if she didn't touch her head now, it would crack open from the pain.

Her temples were pounding, even though she was standing still. And she felt like she was trapped, pinned down to that bed by straps.

Rey wanted to scream for help, but it was like in those nightmares, when your voice has been drowned out. Where was she? What have they done to her?

As those fears seemed to drown her, a gentle hand began stroking her forehead and her hair. Without opening her eyes that still felt heavy, she moved after it.

"Ben..." She croaked, and her raw throat throbbed in pain.

But the answer that never came alarmed her. And slowly, as her mind was beginning to sharpen again, she remembered almost everything.

Her eyes darted open, and did not associate the face above her with him. There were three girls, their faces swaying in the air as Rey squeezed her eyes and opened them again to gain focus. No, not three girls, but one whose face was multiplied.

Rey closed her eyes again as that warm and gentle hand continued to caress her face, her hair, until it settled on her forehead, right in the aching place. And the pain began to fade, slowly. Even the smallest effort has drained the little power she had inside her.

"It's alright Rey, I'm here." the girl spoke. And Rey knew the voice. Though not so well, she knew it.

"It... It hurts." Rey whimpered as she squeezed her eyes that stung with tears. She tried to swallow the lump that had settled in her throat, but it seemed locked there.

Then another hand began to pat her own. Her fingers reacted at the contact, and she tried to stretch them. But when she did, a searing pain shot through her arm. It felt like she had a needle thrust under her skin, that went deep to her veins.

"Try to open your eyes. Slowly."

But now Rey was afraid to do so. What if she fainted again? Just she had managed to stay awake.

"Come on, Rey," the girl whispered again as her hand stroked Rey's numb one. "You can do it. You've lost blood, and you need to eat."

All Rey wanted was lay there, and drift off into that dreamless sleep again and forget about everything.

"I'm here, I'll help you." the voice insisted.

Rey would do it. She would sit up just for that girl to stop talking and let her sleep.

A Song Of Light and Darkness - Book One: Dawn Of New Force Where stories live. Discover now