Chapter 31: Fighting For Those We Love

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   A/N: Here's a shorter chapter, but here y'all go! I'll try to update more often. Thanks for all the reactions and comments, and don't forget to do it again when something draws your eye!


   Rey walked blindly along the corridor, two men grasping her arms with iron grips. She would have kicked and screamed, had she been younger.
   They hurled her in the hall, her hands bound at her back in shackles. She let out a groan of pain as she landed hard on her knees, as face almost brushed the floor.

   "Move, girl!" the officer barked.

   She felt the hard nudge of his iron stick in her side, making her eyes squeeze in pain. And it pained her that she could see nothing through the blindfold that kept the view from her eyes.
   She scrambled up, half stumbling, half dragged as the soldiers seized her arms once more, cut the cloth around her eyes.

   The red light made her head ache as the blindfold fell to the ground. But as she scrutinized the hall, her breath shallow, her heart hammering in her chest, her eyes met Ben from across the floor, as he kicked and struggled with his captors in vain, same as she had done just a few moments ago.

   She wanted to scream his name. But just the presence of a known person there eased the vise around her heart.
   And she tried to drown the smile that was slowly creeping up her face. The Commander that held her in place tightened his grip on her, and barked a command so she move forward.

   The throne rose above the stairs, casting a sinister shadow across the dark marble floor that shimmered in the red light. On it sat General Pryde, guarded on each side by four Praetorian Guards that stood sentry along the wall, with long red axes and spears in their hands. Their blood-red robes fell to the ground, and their figures were hid behind plain masks. And it brought back memories from a different time.

   When did he take the power? She silently wondered.

   Rey couldn't restrain the glare that betrayed her feelings toward that man. But now she was not afraid anymore of anything that was to come next. She could even say she was happy. Happy, for she didn't have to face it all alone. Happy that she was there, to help Ben in the fight with his tormentors.

   "Supreme Leader, your prize." the commander announced his master as he roughly pushed Rey to her knees in front of the throne, while the other did the same to Ben.

   But the man with short grey hair was barely grateful. His hands clasped the armrests and he leaned forward menacingly, his eyebrow raised quizzically. "And the child?" he asked, his voice filled with despise, before he barked, "Where is the child?!"

   He means Anni..., she thought. Sweet, little Anni. And her face steeled, her fists clenched in the shackles.

   Rey could feel the commander that held her flinch, could feel as his grip was loosening. Her eyes darted to his belt. She could do it, snatch her saber and thrust it deep to the hilt into his flesh. But the fear restrained her.

   He stood up and took a pace forward, his black cloak falling to the floor. His tunic had a high neckline that reached his jaw, the hat he had been wearing on top of his head now removed.

   Remembering the way Ben used to treat his prisoners, Rey had expected him to hold out a hand, and fling the commander into the iron wall. But the lack of Force powers deprived him of that thing she felt he wanted to do so badly.

   "Step aside!" he ordered the two men that held his prisoners with a dismissive wave of his hand.

   They hurried to the side, to stand among the guards. And Pryde's gaze snapped to Ben.

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