Chapter 14

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Alex POV

I leave today. John's still mad and Philips kinda just annoyed I'll be gone for so long. I have to get up early so Philip and John are still asleep. I finish packing my stuff and start to head out the door. I call a cab to drive me to the airport

*Friday night (13th) We gon pretend there's no time difference, idk if there is anyways I'm not American*

I've texted John a couple of time but he hasn't really replied but Philips been texting me. He said John took the rest of the week off and is just rewatching Sherlock season 2 episode 3 and season 3 episode 2 (A/N For y'all non sherlock fans those are very sad but good episodes especially for Johnlock) Which means he must feel like shit.

I feel so bad. I mean he's right I go away all the time, It's not always another state but it must be really annoying for him and Philip. I get into bed and try to go to sleep early cuz I have another meeting tomorrow.


"Don't speak to me until you do." John says angrily walking out.

Suddenly he's standing in front of me wearing tux smiling, "I do!" he exclaims. I smile, remembering the day we got married.

He fades away. Now I see myself. I look mad and there are tears on my face "It seems like you're just lying o people isn't that right Jack?" I yell. I see John, he looks hurt. Why the fuck did I say that.

"What the hell did you just call me?" He voice breaks.

"John." I say but he can't hear me. I walk over to him and stand in front of me but he can't see me, he just stares at the other me. What is this?

Everything fades out again and I see us sitting on the couch in Angelic, Eliza and Peggy's old room. I smile remembering this is where we first started dating. I watch the conversation go on. Right before he kisses me it all goes away and we're back at the restaurant.

"Gosh Alex do you even care about me and Philip?!" He yells.

"So none of you even care I may have just fucked up my last chance at love?!" He screams at Herc, Angelica, Eliza and Peggy.

"I already told you I'm fine" He says.

"Careful, you don't want to hurt me or you'll never see me without a shirt again" He says playfully.

"That's what a good boyfriend does" He jokes.

"your life would probably be easier if we weren't together" He cries.

"Are you breaking up with me?" He asks. At this point there are tears running down my face.

"I don't care if you get another boyfriend I will still be there because I promised not to leave you and I love you and that's what you do when you love someone, you put there happiness first and you don't care what it means for you!" He says.

The senses change so fast I hardly have time to process what he's saying or when it was. The Hospital, Our dorm room, Washington's house, Restaurants."


I sit up suddenly, breathing heavily. I look next to me but the beds empty. That was some weird ass dream. I run my fingers through my hair and sigh. I check the time. 12:01. I have to get back to John. If I can get on a plane with in 2 hours I should make it back but around 8.

*On the plane- Sorry this idk how long it takes to go from South Carolina to New York but I don't really care."

I can't stop thinking about John. I mean he's probably asleep right now and doesn't even care but it's been like 16 years since we got married. He probably still hates me. I'm gonna get back and he's gonna hate me and I'm not gonna have a job.

John POV

It's like 3am now and I've moved on to watching the break up episode of Glee. I should have just gone with him. Now I'm alone eating ice cream out of the tub and crying over fictional characters. Suddenly Philip walks down stairs.

"Dad what the fuck it's 3am?!" He says squinting at the light.

"Sorry Pip I didn't mean to wake you." I say turning down the TV.

"Why are you still up? and Why am I the only responsible person in this family?" He ask.

"Sorry I just feel bad about Alex not being here today." I reply.

"Alright. I get you're upset and I get i's your anniversary but you need to get off you're ass! He's probably sitting in his room thinking the same thing so sitting here feeling sorry for your self isn't gonna do anything so either fly to South Carolina now or go the fuck to sleep!" He yells.

"You're right. Ok, I'm gonna go. I'll call Peggy and get her to come over, or would you rather go stay with Laf and Herc?" I ask,

"Um I guess I'll stay with Laf and Herc?" He says.

"Ok! Here's on of my card buy Laf coffee as well other wise he'll shoot me. Ok I'mma quickly pack." I say and run into my room.

I finish packing and pick up my phone. "Hey Laf do you wanna do me a small favor?" I ask when he answers.

"John Qu'est-ce que tu veux, putain, il est 3 heures du matin. Va te faire dormir!" He says.

"Yeah I don't know what that means but-" I start but he cuts me off.


"I'm sorry but you know how Alex went to South Carolina for week? Well it's our anniversary so I'm going to fly over they now, so is there any chance Philip could stay with you for a couple of days?" I ask.

"Ugh fine but you owe me. Do you need me to come pick him up?" He asks.

"Yes please, I already gave him money to get you a coffee on the way back." I say.

"Cool. We'll be there in like 30 minutes is that cool?"

"Yeah that's great thanks." I say and hang up.

Lafayette POV (Lin is Laf and Herc's kinds name, he's 15)

"Babe wake up!" I gently shake Hercules. He just groans and waves me off.

"John's going to South Carolina to see Alex and he wants us to take care of Philip for a couple of days, meaning we gotta go pick him up." I explain.

I get up and quickly get changed into some clothes. "Hercules Mulligan get up right now!" I demand.

"Alright fine I'm up what do you want me to?" He asks, sitting up.

"Can you get up Lin and tell him Philips coming over then make sure the spare room's good?" I ask and he nods. I grab my phone wallet and key and head outside towards the car.

When I arrive at John's house I honk and Philip walks out with a bag get's in the front seat. "Hey, thanks for picking me up and letting me stay with you," He says.

"No problem. John said he was buying me a coffee so we going drive through 20/7 Starbucks real quick you want something?" I ask as I get closer to the store.

"Yeah I'll just grab a tall ice caramel latte with cream." He says handing me John's card.


When we get back home Herc and Lin are in the living room. "Hey why didn't you get me a coffee?" Lin whines.

"Cuz u change you're order everytime, Here get delivery, John's paying so spend whatever you want" I say handing him the card.

"Lafayette!" Herc says.

"What? It's not like he's never used our money!" I say defensively.

"Philip your room just down there," Herc says and Philip nods and walks into the room.

A/N Only shit you guys! 1.5K reads on the other story! thank you so much you!

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