"You're in luck then, because I'm a splendid cook." Of course he was...

"Do you think you can pull it off with a barely working hotplate, a pot that's known better days, and a microwave?"

"Is it a challenge?"


Caleb's lips pulled up in a dashing smile, revealing his impeccably white teeth. "Alright, you insolent child. Challenge accepted."

Octavia's jaw clenched again at being called a child, but she dismissed it. If he was going to cook a lovely meal for them, she could let it slide.

On their way to the store section, Caleb whistled for Vixen, who was quick to join them. Authoritative and pragmatic, he gave Octavia a list of things he needed, which she typed on her phone as best as she could, before heading off to her task and Vixen to assist her.

"Is he really a good cook?" she asked the dog, grabbing a bag of carrots and throwing it in her small cart. "I mean, it makes sense, given how he's perfect and all. But maybe it was just a brag, you know? Men do that a lot."

Her phone buzzed in her pocket, interrupting her interrogation of the German Shepherd. A quick look at the caller ID informed her it was her father. Oh, right, she needed to warn him.

"Hi, Dad," she greeted him.

"Hey, Vee. Louisa wanted to know when you'll get here, so she can have everything ready on time."

"I'm so sorry, I'm stuck at the Freshmart. The blizzard caught me by surprise, and my car won't start."

"Jesus! Do you want me to come and pick you up?"

"No!" Realizing she'd been a little too eager, she tried to explain herself. "I mean, I'm okay, I'm not alone and we're planning a fun evening here to compensate."

"Who's with you?"

"Caleb... and Vicky," she lied. Her father knew she had a crush on her boss, and she refused to let him imagine things when none of it would happen.

"Oh, I see. Are you sure you'd rather stay with them? Lou has been in the kitchen all day, preparing for tonight."

"Yes, I know. I'm so sorry. But I really can't make it. And I can't let you take the car. I'm going to be fine, I promise. And I'll come by tomorrow to feast on the leftovers."

"Alright, then. Lou and the girls will be sorry you won't make it." Octavia doubted that... "We'll see you tomorrow. Call me if you need anything."

"I will. Merry Christmas, dad."

"Merry Christmas, Vee."

After hanging up, she met Vixen's judgmental eyes. "What? It's just a white lie. Tiny lies are okay now and then."

Back to her shopping, she picked all the articles on Caleb's list, which took her barely five minutes. She knew those aisles like the back of her hand. As agreed, she went to the small break room in the back. It wasn't a very nice room, but Octavia and a few colleagues had decorated it for the holidays. Blue and silver tinsels were hanging on the walls, and a small Christmas tree was standing in a precarious balance in a corner, its multicolored lights blinking at a regular interval. When she arrived, Caleb was already making something simmer in the old, beat-up pot.

"You guys really need to invest in better equipment for this kitchen," Octavia pointed out, taking everything out of her cart to set it on the counter.

"Yeah, I know. We've been meaning to change everything here. I kind of regret we didn't."

"Anything I can do to help?"

He gave her simple tasks, like peeling the carrots, dicing the potatoes, or rinsing the lettuce. When everything was ready, he announced it needed to cook for half an hour. It smelled delicious, and she was confident Caleb was a splendid cook indeed. It hadn't just been a brag.

"Alright, how about we give ourselves some time to get ready and then meet back here in half an hour?"

"Sounds good," Octavia agreed, craving a shower.

"Also, since we're stuck here, how do you feel about exchanging gifts? Anything from the store, so we have something to unwrap, in true Christmas fashion."

The fact that she had an actual gift she had for him in her car made Octavia blush. Now would be a splendid opportunity to give it to him, even though it wasn't from the store.

"Okay, yeah. Good idea," she accepted, leaving herself time to decide what she'd do with her gift.

As agreed, they separated, and Octavia went to the women's locker room to use the small shower there. Looking down at her casual clothes, she regretted she hadn't thought about her outfit more seriously this morning. Her jeans, turtleneck, and sweater weren't very fitting for the occasion. If only she had a change of clothes or something.

Suddenly, an idea came to her mind. Tanya – a friend and colleague of over three years – always had a change of clothes in her locker, in case of a sudden hot date.

With her phone in hand, Octavia sent a quick text to her, asking if she could borrow her emergency outfit. Both were the same height, but Tanya was slender while Octavia's hourglass figure was thicker. Surely, she would make it work.

Not waiting for an answer, Octavia tied her chestnut hair into a messy bun, refusing to wet them. Her long and wavy strands took forever to dry in the winter, and she didn't have a blow dryer on hand.

After a quick and efficient shower, she checked her phone, wrapped in a large, white towel. Tanya had answered a very enthusiastic "Yes, of course! Get it, girl!! And on Christmas Eve?? I hope that dick is gift-wrapped and has a bow on it."

With a giggle, Octavia opened her friend's locker and took out a hanger holding a red dress. Oh, my... She couldn't wear this. It was short and tight, and while the cleavage might look great on Tanya, it wouldn't work well on Octavia's generous breasts.

The garment was beautiful, but she hesitated. She wanted to feel sexy for one evening. Caleb called her "kiddo" and "child", but she was a fully grown adult. She was desirable, and the urge to show him just that was swelling in her mind. There wouldn't be many more chances to prove to Caleb she was an actual woman, with nice curves and an appealing physique.

What did she have to lose, anyway? She wouldn't work for him anymore. After tonight, they'd barely see each other again, so she wouldn't die of embarrassment every day for showing herself like this.

For once, she would be courageous. Tonight, she'd show Caleb she wasn't a child.

 Tonight, she'd show Caleb she wasn't a child

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