|| F O U R ✶ The Kiss ||

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The instant their mouths touched, Octavia knew nothing else would ever feel this right

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The instant their mouths touched, Octavia knew nothing else would ever feel this right. This was where she belonged. Against him, with her lips plastered on his. Her entire body was incandescent, sparks flying through her. The very, very long wait was finally over.

She wasn't sure if it was because of shock or compliance, but Caleb didn't move, utterly immobile under her. He remained there, with his unmoving lips under hers, and she wanted more than this. She wanted him to react. Needed him to.

Adjusting their angle, she tilted her head to the side to kiss him more thoroughly. Maybe she imagined it because she wanted it so much, but she could have sworn he'd moved to, pressing harder against her.

Her skin was warm and tingled with trepidation, but she needed more. She wanted to kiss him with the burning passion she held for the man. Hungry for him, she opened her mouth slightly, grazing the sealed line of his lips with her tongue. Dear God, the wine was making her audacious.

Caleb didn't move, but she clearly heard a low, animalistic growl roll in his chest. He wanted her; she was sure of it. Bold, she did it again, licking his lush lips boldly, and this time she got a reaction.

His large, powerful hands found their way to her waist, gripping her tightly over the dress. For an instant, sadness overwhelmed her as she thought he would push her away. She'd lost this battle.

But instead of pushing her, he brought her closer, finally unlocking his jaw to give her the access she demanded. In a split second, his tongue eagerly darted out to invade the safe space of her own mouth.

Holy cow, this was the most erotic thing she'd ever experienced. Caleb's tongue caressing hers felt even more sexual than when she'd had actual sex. This man, this godly creature, had the power to amplify everything. She wanted him as she'd never wanted anyone else.

Encouraged by his reaction, she came closer, pressing herself against him, opening her mouth wider, brazenly grazing her tongue against his. Her fingers tangled in his thick hair like she'd been dying to do all these years. He tasted like the dinner they'd just had, the wine they'd shared, and something that was entirely him. He tasted like Caleb, and it was her new favorite flavor.

One of his hands left her hips to slowly glide down and palm her behind, his fingers digging into her flesh. Jesus Christ, Caleb touching her like this was a fantasy come true. An intense shiver wrecked her body, starting from where his hand was daringly touching her, to end between her legs, where an unquenchable need was growing. The mere power of it made her moan in his mouth, craving for more.

This very tangible proof of her desire for him seemed to shake him out of the moment they were having. Abruptly, he ripped himself away from her, pushing her by the hips.

"Octavia... We can't do this."


"Because you're an employee."

"Not anymore."

Trying to swallow away his uneasiness, he gave himself a moment to think of a better excuse. "You're too young."

"I'm twenty-three."

"And I'm thirty-six. Octavia, we can't do this."

Offended that he'd still resist her, even now that she knew he wanted her, she took a step back, doing her best to hide how much she was hurting. "Caleb, I'm not this confused teenager who was mourning her mom and told you she was in love with you anymore. Maybe you're only noticing tonight, but I've been a woman for years now. I have had boyfriends, I have had sex, I have experienced life. I know what I want, and I know what I'm doing. So if you don't want me, just say it. Stop looking for some stupid excuse to push me away."

He didn't answer. She waited for him to do so, but he said nothing. Instead, he stared at her, looking impossibly attractive with his messy hair, his tempting lips, and his darkened blue eyes. The seconds stretched, the silence around them growing oppressing. Soon, Octavia had had enough.

Seven years and not a single thing had changed. She was done waiting. The best thing to do now was to go get her things and check her car. Maybe it would be warm enough to start, and she'd go home to cry her sadness away, alone in her room.

She'd just reached the door when he finally spoke. "I noticed before tonight."

With her hand still on the handle, she turned around to face him. He wasn't in his chair anymore, awkwardly standing a few meters away from her.

"I noticed you were a woman when you came back from that semester of internship two years ago. When I saw you then, I realized you weren't a kid anymore. But you were still the sweet Octavia, who's always happy to help, doesn't swear, and blushes too easily. It felt wrong to see you like this."

Two years ago, when she'd been back, she had been very different. Food had proved to be an efficient way to handle her stress, and it was when her curves had truly kicked in. But when she'd been back, she'd found Caleb married, which had broken her heart.

"I can swear," she protested. "And I don't blush that much."

"You're blushing right now, so point made. Vee, I'm sorry. You're a very attractive woman, and I'm honored you want me this way. But I'm too old for you."

"I'm not trying to build a life here, Cal. I just want one night. This last night. I've wanted it since I was too young to understand what it was I wanted exactly. Your age doesn't matte, and if I'm being perfectly honest, it never has."

He considered her words, and she could practically hear his brain work. Whatever he'd say, it was clear he wanted her. The kiss they'd shared, and the visible erection he'd gotten from it, didn't lie. Caleb wanted her, the sweet Octavia, and his conscience was fighting against the mere idea of it. In his mind, she would forever be that twig with too much hair that had left a CV seven years ago.

She witnessed the moment his desired won over his mind. His hungry eyes locked onto hers, and something dark and starving veiled his face.

"One night," he agreed.

Like in perfect sync, they both went to each other. Octavia hooked her arms around his neck while he grabbed onto her hips to plaster her against him. Their lips met again, and this time, it was primal, animalistic, and unrestrained.

There would be no more negotiations. This was happening because they both wanted it.

 This was happening because they both wanted it

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