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A/N: The times skips are gonna start being a tiny bit longer so we can get to the good part sooner lol.


"How have you and Jeno been doing?" Jisung asked Jaemin as they walked around downtown Seoul, both of them holding a cup of hot chocolate with one hand and holding hands with the other. It was cold out so they were all bundled up and Jaemin looked up at his taller friend before covering the bottom half of his face with his scarf.

"We've been doing great, actually. We've had a few more virtual dates and we text all the time. It sucks though because he told me he's going to try to apply for another university out there and find another place to stay."

Jisung sighed and playfully bumped into him. "Cheer up Hyung. He's probably just doing it because he can't come back yet."

But Jisung knew that Jeno was coming back soon.

Next month to be exact.

"Are you happy Hyung?"

Jaemin nodded and squeezed the younger's hand before taking a sip of his hot chocolate. "Yeah. Yeah, I am."

"Not fully though, right? Because he's not here?"

"I wanted to spend Christmas with him," Jaemin said, unexpectedly starting to cry, making Jisung immediately wrap his arms around him in a warm hug. "I'm sorry. I-I don't know why- I care so much ab-bout him." He was struggling to catch his breath from the nonstop hicupping and sobs leaving his mouth and Jisung soothingly ran his hand through his hair.

"It'll be okay. It may not be this Christmas, but you can spend the next one together."

Jaemin nodded and pulled away, wiping the tears from his eyes before walking into the restaurant they were planning to go to. It was a small place that wasn't busy so he ordered their food and sat down in a booth with the younger boy.

"I'm gonna text Ren-" Jisung stopped talking when he realized Jaemin was already on his phone and he pulled out his own from his pocket.

We need to tell Jaemin about Chenle's plans.


Because he had an emotional outburst. He needs to know that he'll be able to see Jeno for Christmas. He's so upset that it breaks my heart.

It'll be fine. He only has another month to wait. Just don't talk to him about Jeno. Imagine his face when he's surprised.


His want to see Jeno will only grow stronger over the next month, and when the day finally comes that he can see him, it's gonna be so sweet 🥺.

Boy you smart

~Jisung added Chenle to the chat~

When's your jet coming?

December 15th. I can't use it until the 22nd though when interior renovations are finished.

Should we go get Jeno on the 23rd, come back on the 24th, and then he and Jaemin can meet at nighttime?

In a romantic place.

By a Christmas tree.

With a gazillion lights hanging everywhere!


This is so worth threatening my parents into letting me use the new jet.

Lmao what?

I told them that I would go thrift shopping and wear those clothes in front of all their rich friends.

Tsk tsk tsk

Eat the rich



Okay Mr. Middle class man.

Some people need to go thrift shopping for clothes. Don't disrespect them.

It's my parents' fault for wanting to have a good reputation in front of their friends.

And it got me the jet.

Okay okay. So it's settled. On the 23rd, Jaemin and I will have a sleepover at my house. My mom loves him so it shouldn't be an issue lol. Then on the night of the 24th when you guys text me, I'll bring Jaemin to whichever place we decide.

Sounds good.

What about this huge park near my house? It already has a big tree and I can hire workers in the city to decorate everything with lights.

How are you so rich? 🙄

It's my family lol.

We should tell Jeno our plans.

You guys do that. Mine and Jaemin's food is here.

Putting his phone away, he smiled and thanked the waitress before she walked away.

"Who were you texting?" Jaemin asked, starting to eat his food.

"Just Renjun. He was helping me with this question on a homework assignment. Who were you texting?"

"My mom. Just... things about my dad... and how she's divorcing him," he said in a monotone voice.

Jisung's eyes widened and he nodded. "Well I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's a good thing. I hate him. Hopefully I can start bringing in money and leave all together." His head was resting on his chin while he ate his food tiredly.

"What happened to the theater group you auditioned for?"

"They never called me back."

"Oh... well, I'm sure you can find something soon. Why don't you apply here? It says they're hiring."

"I don't wanna work in food service."

"Well I'm out of ideas then," Jisung chuckled as he started eating his food.

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