Chapter 8: Let the Games Begin!

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Chapter 8: Let the Games

After weeks, everyone had their own preparations and adjustments for the upcoming festival. Pushing themselves to various limits, although Mineta just practiced waving and thanking the crowd shit.

Akari, of course practiced and since she didn't have any guarantee that, she'll be able to get her hands on her blade. Practiced creating weapons from her quirks, which is coming out great but miserably failing. Until she got to ask Aizawa if they were going to allow her with that, which he responded with he'll try his best.

But of course, she didn't gave in and still tried her best to form objects with it,

And Finally it was the day they were waiting for. The UA sports festival had come.

Akari thought it'll nice to put on her arm braces and her boots since they make life easier.

Fireworks was set off here their, press was around the stadium. Pro-heroes watching the young aspiring heroes, in hope to get talented ones after graduations as their respective side kicks.

Class 1-A was currently in stand by in the waiting room, everyone was wearing their PE uniform. Akari didn't get her sword in and was forced to use a smaller alternative, which dropped her arsenal to a Ninjato...

"Maaan... I was really hoping I could wear my costume" Mina said, looking sadly at her PE

"Atleast, everyone will be on uniforms. That will keep things fair, right?" Ojiro thought out loud, whilst he stretched his body,

"Beg to disagree~!" Akari popped up, as she finished fixing her arm braces

"Uhhhh...... Elaborate?" Ojiro questioned, stopping for a bit, and tuned in in whatever Akari had to say

"Support course, don't have hero training, buut they have access in the utilities! They can use them as long their the ones who made it!" Akari explained, a little... too excited....

"What?" Everyone questioned, still trying to process the newly acquired info. 'This is going to be a lot harder, with that information' everyone thought, to their surprise, Akari seemed to like the idea rather than the opposite.

"I wonder what kind they have in store for us in the first round.." Sato wondered directing his question to shoji and Tokoyami.

"No matter what they've prepared, we must persevere." Tokoyami said, Shoji nodded in agreement.

"EVERYONE, GET YOUR GAME FACES ON! WE'RE ENTERING THE ARENA!" Iida shouted,  as soon as he entered the door. Everyone got their selves ready.

After that however, was something unexpected. Todoroki called for Deku....

"Oh, hey Todoroki, What's up?" Midoriya asked, greeting the bi color haired boy

"From an objective stand point, I thinl it's fairly clear that I'm stronger than you." Todoroki said, that made the students shock.

A declaration of war.

Midoriya, however agreed. He wasn't wrong after all

"However... you got All Might in your corner helping you out." Akari wondered at his statement and thought of all the time All Might was there.

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