When the Chaotic and even more Chaotic mix

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Chapter 10: When the Chaotic and even more Chaotic mix

Students flocked Akari as she stood there with no idea in what in the flying fuck is happening to her, all she knows is that she has been appointed with a whole ass 200 points along with Todoroki who, apparently tied up with her.

Students with different quirks, names she do not know.

How it works was a simple cavalry battle with a few twist and turns. Such as not being disqualified even if you fall or lost your headbands, and she have to be in the top to qualify for the next round.

Considering all the matter at hand. Akari had thought up an ideal team

'Someone at the top should be fast, agrressive, agile, merciless, someone....someone like... BAKUGOU! Then upfront, A person whose quirk with high defensive ability, at the back should be two people with great stamina, fast foots and all three should be aware of their surroundings....tch' She clicked her tongue.

The crowd around her, flinched at the sudden reaction. Then she Begun to approach an angry Feral, we call, Bakugou Katsuki.

"Bakugou" She said, catching the attention of the boy who stood still. "Do you mind?" Akari offered, handing her hand towards him in a gentle manner.

The ash blonde smirked, and slapped her hands, accepting the offer she had given.

42 students and only be ten to twelve teams, all in the same area.

A bit tiring but... Yeah...

"Oi, Poltergeist! I know you wouldn't approach without a plan. So?" Bakugou asked,

Akari grinned "A defensive wall upfront, A fast and easy maneuverer on one side, an offensive mechanism on the other and at the top" Akari directed.

Bakugou seemed to agree with her for some obvious reasons. And for some reason, a couple of the crowd around them thought they were watching a married couple discuss nightly plans.

'A MARRIED COUPLE?!' They thought, even some of the 1-A students thought.

Then, a guy with red hair appeared. It was Kirishima, Akari had pointed to him

"Bakugou! Team up with me!"

"Shitty Hair"

"He's/I'm Kirishima!" Akari and Kirishima exclaimed,

"And yours's is no different!" The two pointed out,

"You're going to be the rider, right?" Kirishima confirmed, not waiting for the two's answer he continued. "The front horse who can withstand your explosion is... Right here!" He said as he flashed his quirk. Which hardened his skin.

"You've got the guts?" Akari said, tucking her hands in her pockets, and looked at Kirishima with an amused face.

"Not Exactly, but yes. Me with my Hardening quirk! I'm the sturdy horse"

Bakugou looked over his trusty 'assistant' who was planning with him. As if looking for a sign of approval from the girl. Who flashed a smirk

Unknowingly, Bakugou had his cheeks tinted with a rose pink.

"You're gonna take the ten million right?" He added, then with that. Bakugou smiled, a sinister smile. As if he was going over a murder.

"You're in" The two replied, Akari who then tapped his shoulder.

Then a girl with a pink skin and yellow horns, sticking out from her hands "Then! I should be the rear horse!" She said, pointing to her self.

"What's your quirk?" Akari asked, crossing her arms over her chest

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