Blood stained Hands

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This wasn't supposed to happen,

Akari stumbled on her feet, gathering the strongest thunder she can muster.


A bolt of light strikes the Nomu that stood under the infamous Her Killer, Stain

Shall we go back in time?

In the first few hours of her internship in the Hosu branch of her Mother's agency. The young Akari walked beside the pro Hero Aria both holding stoic faces.


A loud explosion sent the citizen into panick. It came from the other block. Aria nodded at her daughter and ushered to the scene.

The place was in shambles, flames spread through the ground and surrounding buildings. Countable mutated nomus also plagued the space. Akari gulped seeing the cursed thing fighting the flame hero.

"Kitsune, you're hereby granted permission to fight" With that said, Aria moved to help put out the flames.

Akari had no clue why her mother would have give her permission to fight.

Then her phone blinked, in the middle of securing the citizens

It seems that Midoriya shared his location.... weird...

She tapped the address into her map, and it showed a narrow alley, "Huh"

Then it dawned at her, in the last few days Stain had been more active. Most of his victim was always found dead in one similar scene, Dark and narrow alley ways...

She ran to the location, bumping into someone in front while doing so.

It sent her to sit on her bum, "Hasumi?" A familiar voice uttered.

She looks up and saw the halved haired boy, known as Todoroki handing a helping hand. "Todoroki..." She trails off,

Almost getting in the moment, she remembered the current issue. Pulling Todoroki, she stomped the ground and elevated the part he stood in lifting him off the ground for a few seconds but enough seconds for him to be scooped up in the girl's arm.

"Midoriya-kun needs help" And so she ran to the scene, her speed unfazed even with the weight in her arms.

'Do I even weight anything to her?'

When they came into the scene, Iida was also there completely unable to move beside another hero, Native.

Placing down Todoroki on the ground, she felt a tiny bit intimidated by the presence making her feel like retreating.

She bit her lip, harshly before sending a wave of ice on her right. And it seems that Todoroki had the same idea, as he sent a fire to the direction of the said killer.

"You need to give more details in situation like this, Midoriya" Todoroki said, raising his phone showing him the pinned location

Akari saw the two heroes that lay unmoving on the ground. She quickly placed a a cloth over the bleeding wounds of the injured heroes.

"What in the hell were you thinking, Iida?!" Akari scolded, as she attended to her classmate's injury. Seeing the look on Iida's face gave away the fact that he was out to take revenge.

After making sure that the wounds no longer bled, She pulled them to side to avoid getting hit by the fight. The conversation happening falling on deaf ears to her.

Drawing her claymore from behind. She pars the attack of the villain whilst Todoroki sent ice on each side, supporting Akari.

A gust of wind brushed past her side, as Midoriya recovered from being immobilised and sent a punch.

"Hasumi! Todoroki! Can you regulate temperature?!" Iida yelled, as he stood up. Akari jumped back and nodded.

Todoroki nodded as well, as he sent pillars of flame towards the hero killer preventing him from getting closer to them.

Akari freezed the leg of Iida, just as he asked, to cool his recipro. After finishing, Iida leaped off and kicked Stain at the same time Midoriya also attacked.

The simultaneous attack placed the villain in a daze, taking it to their advantage. Akari and Todoroki freezed his hands behind him, and for extra precaution, Akari placed a layer of rocks around it making it as secure as they possibly can. With ropes tied around his whole body

Akari slumped down, with a relieved sigh "Finally!" With a light chuckle. Todoroki offered a hand to her helping Akari to stand up.

"Four on one, and we barely managed to win" Todoroki said, helping Akari walk, seeing as she was limping. She must have gotten her self caught in the ice without her noticing.

"We should hurry up and bring him to the police" Native suggests, with Midoriya in his back. Akari agrees, though before they can get any farther, An old man in white and yellow hero costume appeared.

Midoriya looked happy in the arrival of said man "Gran Tori—" Aaaand  the soles of the older heroes was planted to his face.

'Wow' Akari gaped, "I told you to stay seated at the train!" He scolded,

Then Akari realized that she didn't told her mom that was going somewhere..... God she fucked up, big time.

Other heroes rushed up to them soon,

"Those are some serious injury, we should call an ambulance!" One of them yells,

"What?" another asks, seeing the tied up Stain behind Iida,

"Call the police too!"

The other heroes turned their attention to the hero killer, leaving the four alone.

"You three" Iida began, Akari, Todoroki and Midoriya turns to look at him. He bowed to them,

"I'm sorry for dragging you in" He apologized

Akari snickered, as she was still held up by Todoroki. With her arm around his neck, and his right hand on her waist, to keep her up "Pull yourself together, you're the class rep, right?" Todoroki said.

The girl nodded, "Yeah, Iida-kun, besides it's completely fine—"

"Get down!" Gran Torino warns, as a flying nomu flew over them and grabbed Midoriya by his waist. Everyone was shocked by the targeted attack,

Stain pulled out a knife from his sleeve and licked blood from one of the heroes cheeks before he attack the nomu from the back.

"This society overgrown with fake heroes, should all be purged" Stain declares, sitting behind the nomu, holding it down.

Stain sent an intimidating Aura and scared the heroes behind him. "Wait, Todoroki!" Gran Torino yelled, seeing as Endeavor arrived at the scene.

Akari breathed in with sharp inhale, 'Let.... my friend go....' She thought. Her eyes turning into a cat like slit.

With a deep exhale, she mustered up every volt of lightning she can muster up to that point.

"JUST DIE ALREADY!" She yelled, pointing the her high voltaged finger to him. "Akari!"

With a quick release, she let the lightning loose and struck the hero killer to the ground. Before she herself fainted from the exhaustion.

"Hasumi!" A faint voice called, with a blurry outine of white and red holding her.

Did I just go over hiatus in a small period? Yes, I did. Sorry, I have no excuse.

(Except the fact that Jjk manga and Technoblade's lines in dream smp hasn't left my mind)

And yes Akari might or might have not went sicko mode on Stain on the last part.

The Yokai Hero! | Todoroki shouto x Reader| DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now