I have come to the conclusion....

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It was dreadful, its barely been a week after the Stain incident and Akari (Along with everyone involved) had already been back to regular classes.

What's worse is that they don't even get the credit for arresting Stain, they really had to give the credit to Endeavor. Just because they didn't have Hero license. So, to say that it sucked is an understatement.

NOW! our lovely Akari is back at school, scowl painted over face. Huffing as she did a scan over her notes. Now, she really was getting why people her age hate school. This was too annoying, in her opinion.

Spinning the pencil in her hand, while her other hand tried to figure out how to fucking work a quadratic formula. She heard Kirishima grunting beside her. "Akari! I'm so gonna fail!" He complains, Denki nodding beside him. Well, you see? These idiots two had been coaxing Akari to teach them for the Exam. After all, Akari did ranked 3rd in the class' last exams.

Akari chuckled at the two, closing her notebook. "Why me, though? Pretty sure that Bakugo, hell, even Mineta would be better than me in teaching you guys" Akari reasoned, the boys looked at each other then to her, then to Bakugou and Mineta.

Kirishima imagined what it'll be like if Bakugo did teach him, or if Mineta did.

It wasn't the exactly the study session he's looking for. It's either a day full of yells and strings of curses or A day full of perverted thoughts and inappropriate question that had nothing to do with the subject. He shuddered, and it also seemed that Denki had the same train of thoughts, as he also, shuddered "Haha no thanks. Besides Bakugo? Teaching? I don't think the guy can even explain things without curses! So pleaseeee 'Kari" Denki dragged the syllables of Akari's name in hopes of sounding desperate enough for her to give in.

Although that proved to be uneffective, as she only plafully rolled her eyes. Shoved a pack of sour patch kids to Denki's face "No <3" How she managed to say that heart? The author himself has no idea how one is capable of such power.

Kirishima took the pack of sour patch from Denki's face, ripped the pack and ate one. "Dang, I thought that would work!" Denki whined, aggressively shoving his hands down the pack of sour patch. "Boohoo cracker. But hey at least you got a sour patch"

The red hair shrugged his shoulder lightly, sitting across her, while Denki remained sat on the ground. "Dunno, man, pretty sure you don't like sour patch." He points out with a grin

Akari had the urge to pull her middle finger up, but decided against it. So, instead incoherent and unintelligent words came out of her mouth. "Ugh... FINE! You win!" She gave in, shoving a Reese's cup to her mouth and chewed like a squirrel. The decision made the two boys cheer, that the sour patch Denki was holding flew out of the bag and made the three stare at the mess, before laughing.

"So? We can have it Saturday, I'm free. I'm sure my mum wouldn't mind having you guys. If anything, she'd be over the moon" Akari suggests, opening what seemed like her fifth pack of sweets.

Just as Denki and Kirishima agreed to the preposition. Todoroki came up to their group "Is it okay if I join you?" He, somehow, sounded shy, asking the trio to let him join the study night.

At that moment, Akari felt something bubble up in the pit of her stomach, and heat rush to cheek before she had answered "Oh? Yeah! Of course you can!" She rambles, earning somewhat teasing looks from the other two.

The dual colored boy smiled at her, before walking back to his sit. Akari turned to the two who were already snickering "Man, you two are way too obvious!" Kirishima starts,

Looking at Akari made Kirishima and Denki laugh even harder, the confusion at her face was pure comedy to the two. "You like him!" Denki whisper-yelled to her.

The brunette groaned, sinking in her seat, pulling Song of Achilles from her bag opening it to the last page she was in. "I do not" She grumbles, dust of pink obviously splayed across her cheeks. "I don't...." Although it sounded as if she was convincing herself more than she was convincing the two idiots.

Kirishima was the first to stop laughing, wiping a stray tear on the edge of his eye. "For reals, though, Do you?"

Akari looked at him and Denki (Who had yet to stop laughing), Did she? I mean, she did feel different around the boy, but that didn't mean that she actually liked him, right? That's how friends treat each other, right? They're just friends.....

She looked back at Kirishima and Denki (Who had finally stopped laughing), the two looked like they were indeed expecting her to answer. "Don't think that I'm actually answering that stupid question. We're just...friends" She did not know why, but somehow calling Todoroki 'friend' hurt more than it should be

Kirishima looked at her indifferent, pointed at her then looked down at Denki who had the same expression "5 stages of being in love, stage one; denial" Denki nodded in agreement.

Akari snapped her head to them, "I—You know what? I'll talk to you on Saturday" She dismissed,

Denki just looked at the nothing, spacing out while he sat on the floor, cross legged "Want to see what kind of of trouble we can get into?" He asked out of the blue, Kirishima and Akari exchange looks before groaning, "Oh god, we're going to die, aren't we?" Akari complains,

"Its a Tuesday! I know how to restrain myself." Denki pouts, crossing his arms like the 5 year old he is, Kirishima sighed and shrugged "You Absolutely do not"

The three, although two out of three disagreed did get into trouble, and proceeded to have detention for placing eggs every possible location in the classroom. They also had a Denki with a fear of getting explosion in his face again. It wasn't pretty, sure but, it was fun. And that mattered to the three  


Akari, Kirishima and Denki as a trio what would they be called?

also, wingman Kirishima *eyebrow wiggle*

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