Chapter 10

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(Y/n)'s Pov

It's dark too dark in here, where are they? Do they care? I need help!

Those thoughts kept running in my mind for hours and hours. It's been a week or so I've been here. I'm feeling scared? And also rejected. Maybe they don't want me anymore.

Moonlight shimmered in the cell. That was the only light. But it was lighting poorly, I could only see my hand. Blue as the light reflected on my pale skin.

"Oi? You're awake?" said a voice.

"who is there?" I respond.

"Heh, no need to worry! I'm Micheal! Or blue! And I'm one of your demons who live within you."

"oh! Well while you are here can you tell me about this red crystal Zalgo is talking about?"

"Well yes! I kind of expected you to ask me that question. Well, you see, your father was once an old friend of Zalgo, and well Slender had a woman (a/:n Bad new she's American! (sorry) ) that he fell in love with and (this is cringe but um here is a rare ship I kinda ship it but not my fav but here I need drama) Zalgo was heartbroken by it. He and Slender had a decent relationship with your father. You were made not by your mother though, Um-"

"Not another word," I cut him off slightly uncomfortable by the idea that one of the two made me.

"So yeah but slender transfer that baby that means you into you not really biological mother so she can give birth to you since he was scared you would grow up with two fathers because he was scared of thinking that Zalgo wouldn't accept him. Anyway, the point is that Your creators are Zalgo and Slenderman and the red crystal is a necklace that contains grand powers. Tbh your nine tails necklace. And Me, Micheal, Blue, am your personal demon! Well, u have red too but I got out when you lost your necklace." He said

"ah...So um how did I not know you were there before in the necklace?"

"Well, hun. You see. Your father Slender placed a button that makes us come out of it to help you in either situation. But unfortunately, you didn't know where the button was so we couldn't come to help you whenever your mother beats you."

"oh well Um, I'm sorry for not pressing the button?"

"Don't worry bud were all cool k? So don't you worry your pretty little head about it."

"Hey um Blu?"

"Yeah, bub?"

"Why do I miss my friends?"

"What do u mean?"

"I have this strange feeling and I just want them to be here."

"Heh don't u worry It's normal for u. I hear footsteps! stay safe I gtg"

"k" and with that, he left. I saw Kashisu enter as long as Zalgo. I glared at them knowing what will happen to me. I sighed in despair quietly as my hopes for seeing the others save me come through.

Jeff's Pov

It's finally time for us to go and retrieve(y/n) We all wanted to depart sooner but we needed to be stronger. I was so fuckin worried that something would have happened to him. We walked through the forest it was dark and slightly foggy.

"Jeffy?" said sally tugging my hand. I bent down,


"You think Oni-chan is ok?" she said. I shrugged and patted her head.

"Yeah, I have fate" I got back up, took her hand, and led her to the front with the others.

We arrived shortly after, to a black and red mansion. Not really original but still. It was smaller than Slender's thought it had a castle shape and many windows. It looked like those eddy houses that try to look cool.

We contoured to the back of the house to not get caught where we found a back truck door leading to the basement

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

We contoured to the back of the house to not get caught where we found a back truck door leading to the basement. We had hope until we saw the lock on the doors, I sighed as I step away and let Slender figure out the situation.

"Hum? Well, Children! Who knows how to unlock a lock without a key?"

"Well, Hoodie is pretty skilled in that" Tim said

"I can send an Unown to scout the area before we go inside" Lost Silver said as one of his Unown letters fly's next to the door. Slender Nodded as Hoods went ahead and unlocked the lock with two small metal picks.

"The lock is more though than I imagine, Tim could you pass me my Lock pins that are in the bag pls?" Hoodie said, Masky nodded and handed the bag. After about 5 mins we heard a small click sound. We looked back at Silver who nodded and send Unown scout the area, he then pulled out a Hologram screen

"Looks like the room is empty and not a single soul, Now I just have to located (y/n), Give me a second," Silver said, although he didn't have arms to type in commands to his Unown, he told them telepathically. When we saw (y/n) we froze he had more scratches on his body than he had before, according to Ej, I turned around to take a look at Slender man, he was fuming.

"he's looking for the small red crystal, aka the necklace," Red said pointing towards Slender. We looked at him in confusion, he just stayed silent.

"Let's go before they get some guards around," Slender said As he made his way into the basement. We reached after a while (y/n)'s cell

"My dear son!" Slender said as he rushed up against the cell's bars

"he...h-he's...." (y/n) strugeled

"Don't force so much my child we will get you out of here"

"hide...pls...He's coming..." I looked at him, small tears were coming out of his soft (e/c) eyes.

"Hoodie, get to work," Masky said getting out of the way to let him get to the lock.

"I was already planning on it," Hoddie said as he starts on the lock. Ben and Bloody painter were guarding the side so we won't get caught if anything happens.


"are you ok?" I asked kneeling down I broke the chains and led him outside, I took off my hoodie and handed it to him since he seemed to be shaking.

"Are you able to stand?" (y/n) nodded but took ahold of my arm. We walked back to the Mansion, but halfway there (y/n) fell unconscious and I carried him back. He looked so soft in his sleep, just like when I first saw him. Once we were back I felt glares behind me I decided to ignore it and went to put (y/n) in his room. It was hard since his bed was on an up bunk. After 10 mins I sighed and left him to sleep. I went back down where the boys were in the living room.

Welp that is it

Happy holidays/the new Year 2021 I am so busy so this is a chapter in a while I will work on it eventually but this is not discontinued. Thank you for all those votes and views. Hope yall enjoy what I write ik it's cringy but ey.

Bye my foxes~

A New Begining (CreepypastaxMale Reader) (Discontinued)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora