Chapter 7

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Cody's Pov

(y,n) hasn't come back from her call with her father, I wonder if he's alright. I went to the window to see if he's ok. But when I saw him outside, he was slowly coughing and was about to fall. I took off my jacket and ran up to him. He seemed to finish his call with his father. I wrapped my jacket around him to keep him warm. We got inside and he immediately started coughing. I pulled him close to me and checked his temperature to see if everything was alright but he was slowly getting cold. I quickly put him next to the fire wrapping my jacket around Him.

"Hey you'll get worst is you keep those clothes, Take them off we will let them dry while you get a bit warmer," I said While taking off my shirt. 

"o-ok," he said softly as he started to strip. I looked away since I didn't want to be a pervert to him and faced the wall next to me.

"I'm done," he said. I went up to him and replace my jacket with a comfy blanket. 

"You should get some rest ok ?" He nodded and tried to fall asleep. I strip the rest of my clothes to dry them and went up to him placing myself behind him hugging him so he gets warmer and wrapping the blanket around us. He was shaking a lot due to the cold, I hugged him and held him close to my chest as his eyes were slowly falling into dreamland. He nuzzled my chest as he rest his head into sleep. I smiled and placed a small kiss on his forehead which he seemed to notice and blush a bit. 

The next morning.

The sunlight hit my face as I was slowly opening one eye. I yawn and stretched until I realize something. Me and (y/n) only in our boxer snuggling together in an abandoned cabin. Well shit. Let's just hope He won't tell the others about what just happen cause I'll be in the same situation as Ej when I'll come back home.

(y/n) Pov

I wake up by the sunlight hitting my (s/c) skin. I was hearing something unusual, it sounded like a heartbeat? I yawn and look up to who is holding me close until I see a face. He had yellowish-green neon eyes and chocolate short hair. he had a soft smile. I blushed a bit, I didn't know that was Cody when he didn't have his gas mask on. His touch was so gentle and feels like I was protected. 

"Good morning to you," He said while looking me in the eye's smiling softly

"Uh, G-Good morning to you too Cody" He giggles a bit. He got up and went to get our now dry clothes. He had a slim muscular body but not like E.J. I blushed hard and looked away. He came back with my dry clothes. I put them on and we left to get back to the mansion. When we got back I was pulled in a bear hug by my father Slender man. 

"My dear (y/n) I missed you I was so worried that something bad happened to you." He said hugging me.

"Good to see you to Cody! So how was the killing spree?" he puts me down.

"A-ah r-right, W-well we got to kill a bunch of people. I exterminated a whole mansion who was throwing a party and ruined a girl sleepover." I said 

"That's some excellent news, my dear. You can have a free day today I have to go back to my work now. I'll see you for lunch." After that, he disappeared. 

"H-hey *tic* (y/n) Um d-do you *tic* want to battle *tic *tic w-with me s-s-so *tic* I-I could test y-your a-abilit-tys?" Toby said.

"Sure that sounds great. I'll go take a shower first." He nodded and I went to my room to take a shower and change.

Time skip brought to you by my legs are dead

I went back down with an (f/c) hoodie and some short jeans. Tody was waiting for me outside with some others. 

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