Chapter 13: The Review

Start from the beginning

"What should I do, Hyuna?" I came down to the main lobby to see her during her break, I haven't seen her since that night.

"I don't think there is anything wrong with them helping you, I think that just shows how much they care and respect you. Which is good in a working relationship."

She knows the boys came to help me because she was there when they arrived, but their helping me back at their place is something new that I just told her about. I left out all the incriminating parts...

"You just have to remember that their needs and wants have to come first. It's great that they are there for you when you need it, but you catering to their needs has to outweigh their help. A ratio needs to be kept in place. One help for you after like, I don't know, four times you help them."

The words she's saying makes sense but my brain doesn't want to understand. It's true that I needed their help that night, but I don't want to get too comfortable and rely on them too much. I was hired to assist them, not the other way around.

"I don't think it's fair to rely on them for help. It was nice that they helped me, don't get me wrong, but I don't want to be this burden that they feel obligated to help out periodically. I was hired to make their lives easier, end of the story. There is no I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine in this working relationship."

Hyuna sips her lavender oat milk latte, thinking.

"If that's how you want it to be then that's fine, but I don't want you to go on the world tour thinking that you're alone. They are there with you and can help you when you need it. You don't have to be a pillar of marble all the time, it's okay to need help sometimes. I don't know what Emilee and I would have done if they didn't show up and take over. Jumping on that guy's back is one thing, but getting him arrested and a doctor to check you out so soon was truly amazing." She reaches over from across the table and takes my hand. "I'm just so glad that you're okay, and that they were there to take care of you when you needed it most."

I give her a tight-lipped smile, using my other hand to stir my iced latte with my straw. It's still really hard for me to talk about what happened, if I think about it too much I feel like I'll slide back into a place I don't want to go.

I give her a big hug when our breaks are over, thankful to have her as a friend. Even if she didn't barge into the situation and fix everything the way the boys did, she still helped me so much that night and I'll always be grateful for that.

I still feel like such a fraud though. Even talking to one of my closest friends since moving here I still have to lie to her. There is this whole other problem eating me alive and I can't talk to anyone about it. Well, there is one person I could talk to about it but I already decided to pretend like it didn't happen and that would go back on that decision.

After coming down from one of the most intense orgasms I've ever had, we both went back downstairs and pretended as nothing happened. We all finished watching the movie and afterwards I excused myself and went home. I haven't talked to Yoongi since. It's only been a day but it already feels like I'm hiding from them. I've been spending a lot of time on the floor Emilee works on instead of on the BTS floor. And when Hyuna had her break, I decided to take mine with her instead of spending it with the boys.

What I'm really afraid of is that Yoongi told them what happened in the bathroom. Acting like it never happened would be so much easier if I only had to fake it for one person. Yoongi didn't give anything away while we all watched the movie, so I assume he wants to keep our little tryst to himself.

Tryst. No! It wasn't some hot little dirty moment we shared, it was a breach of contract. I broke the most cardinal rule and now I'm potentially going to go on tour with them. I can't have my cake and eat it too, the other shoe has to drop. And until it does, I don't think I'll be able to take a full breath. For all I know, Yoongi had his fill of me and is now going to give me a bad review in the hopes of getting a new assistant. A new female assistant he can play with. My stomach lurches at the thought, at both Yoongi being so cruel when I know him not to be but also at the idea of him finding me so easily replaceable. What he did doesn't have to be considered a hookup, it can just be...two friends. One friend generously helping another friend out when they needed it most. I wish I could just ask him about it, ask him why he did it or what we're supposed to do about it now. But bringing it up would just bring more problems. Like how I would need to talk to him alone, and how would I get him alone without the others seeing or wondering why. And if I did get him alone what would I even say?

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