Adultery part 2

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TW: implied mention of injuries- possibly s*lf h*rm, injuries to baby remus, unrequited love, mention of an ED,  lmk if i miss anything


Almost a week later a sleep-deprived Virgil had Patton in his arms once again. Logan was now allowing Roman to take care of him, but Patton screamed anytime anyone but Virgil touched him. Remus had been dumped on them only a few more times. Dee only spoke to the others if he had to.

Now Roman was leaning against Virgil. Logan was in the bouncer and Patton was napping on Virgil's chest. He rested his head on top of Romans and fell asleep. Dee appeared with a bloody Remus. Roman jerked up, staring at his brother.

"Virgil, help!" Roman snapped.

Virgil startled awake, squeezed Patton closer to him. "What's going on?"

"Babe, Remus got into the knives again!" Dee panicked.

Virgil gasped, "Not again," He transferred Patton to the couch and instructed Roman to watch him as he washed the screaming child to find the wound.

"Are you sure it's his blood?" Virgil panicked, stomach-turning at the smell and sight.

"Pretty sure, unless he found and tortured some poor animal again," Dee looked around for the first aid kit.

"Okay, found the cut, it's in his leg," Virgil muttered, softly washing the blood away. Reminded him of when he would wash his own blood down the sink. "Never mind, that's a bite, did you see any dead animals before you came?"

"I don't know, babe, I panicked," Dee said quickly, grabbing the paper towels.

"How often are you two fixing up his wounds?" Roman asked from the doorway.

"Once a day? Twice? Not sure," Virgil lifted Remus out of the sink and brought him to the table in a towel. Dee bandaged his leg and dressed him in a green shirt and black pants.

"Wow, that's a lot," Roman said nervously, "D-does he..."

The others didn't reply as Logan started screaming from the other room. Dee looked at Virgil, "You alright babe?"

Virgil started to cry, hunching over the counter, covering his face with his hands. Dee pulled the anxious trait to his chest. The gentle and familiar touch kept Virgil grounded. He was far too exhausted to have a panic attack right now. He wrapped his arms around Dee's neck.

Janus used one arm to make sure Remus wouldn't fall off the counter and the other arm to comfort the anxious one. They looked like a little family. Roman walked in and opened his mouth but no sound came out.

He left the kitchen and played some little games with Logan. Patton started to fuss but Roman picked him up, "Please, don't cry, Virgil needs a break!"

"Huh?" Patton looked up in adorable confusion.

Roman kisses Patton on the head, "Just, please?"

"What is going on?" A confused voice came from the bouncer.

Roman looked over, "Logan! Thank goodness you're back!"

The logical trait was full-grown again and the baby clothes he was in had ripped and he seemed uncomfortable in the bouncer that he no longer fit in.

"Um, I'll be going now," Logan rushed into his room and didn't come out for a few hours.

Virgil, Dee, and Remus had disappeared for who knows what. Patton was still a baby when Logan came back out, returned to normal. The creative trait explained to the logical one what had happened.

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