Disney Sing-along (Prinxiety)

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(StoryTime! but Prinxiety version)

TW: concussion, arguing

"What do you mean I can't watch Disney?" Roman whined. 

"Dude, you have a concussion, you can't watch TV, read, or listen to music," I snap at him, turning the TV off at chucking the remote out of his reach. 

The dramatic Prince scoffed, "Virgil, babe, we're dating! You can't just call me dude," 

Ugh, he is such a hopeless romantic, "I can call you dude all I want you idiot!" Normally, I'd smack him upside the head but he does have a concussion so I can't do that. 

"I'm not an idiot!" He argues. 

I sigh, "Fine, I guess you aren't," 

"So what do I do now?" Roman groaned. 

"I don't know!" I snap at him. 

He whined again, "Well figure something out! I'm bored and it hurts to think!" 

"Well then stop thinking, it's not like you do much of that anyway," I mutter under my breath. 

"Hey!" Princey said with an offended noise. 

I sigh, sitting next to him on his bed, "Sorry, babe," 

He snuggled into me, "Can't we just cuddle?" 

"Well..." I say reluctantly, to tease him. 

"Or I could go kill Remus for giving me and Logan concussions!" He exclaims, starting to pull away. 

I pull him back to me, "No no, he's already being punished. Emile has been lecturing him since he did it," 

Roman chuckled, "Good, he deserves it," The smaller boy climbed into my lap, I wrapped my arms around him to keep him warm. I kissed the top of his head.

"Well someone's being cute today," Roman teased, looking up, "But your aim is terrible," 

"Ro," I sigh, meeting his pretty eyes, "you are so annoying sometimes," 

"Shut up and kiss me," He laughed. 

I kiss his nose and wink. He groans, "Your aim is still so bad!" 

I chuckle, "Oh is it?" 

"Yes!" He kissed my lips softly, "You made me do it!" 

"Oh how terrible," I say sarcastically, "I'm so very evil," 

He buries his face in my chest, mumbling, "Mhm, yeah you are!" 

I chuckle, "You're adorable," 

"No, I'm not!" He protests, looking up and glaring at me in an adorable way. 

"That's not helping your case here, smol bean," 

He slams his head back into my chest to muffle a small scream, "Just shut up!" 

"Alright, babe, just relax, this can't be good for your head," I pull him closer, wrapping a blanket around us. I just have to keep him away from anything that could hurt his head for a week! Easy? Right? Ugh...

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