Writing a sunset - Logicality angst/Fluff

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TW: Angst, Self-harm, self-doubt, Patton not being okay

What was my deepest desire and also the secret I keep close to my chest at all times? Logan

But you know what was also the farthest thing from my grasp? Logan, again!

It kills me to have him so close, yet so far.

Of course, I had to fall for the side with no emotions! I never realized how it was to have what you want right. there.

Yet, unattainable. I didn't want to burden Logan with my -surely, unreciprocated- feelings! Logan hates feelings! Which must mean he hates me right?

I'm the embodiment of emotion. Emotions are the bane of the Logical trait's existence!

I love Logan more than anything in the world but, there's no way he could be mine.

"Heya, Logan," I greet him, loving the way his eyes surfed across the page of his book. The gentle rise and fall of his chest!

I could feel my own breathing quicken as Logan pushed up his glasses and looked up to greet me, "Salutations, Patton,"

I forced my fake smile a little more, just once, I wanted to hear, "Good morning, cookie, I love you!" I wanted it to be real, not just in my wildest dreams.

"Gosh, I must sound pathetic! Thank goodness no one can hear my thoughts!"

"Patton?" Logan broke into my thoughts, "You said that one out loud,"

"What?" I laughed nervously, "I didn't say anything,"

"Would you like to talk about it?" He says uncomfortably.

I grinned at the logical trait, "There's nothing to talk about,"

He frowned but let it go as I went into the living room to see Roman staring wide-eyed at the screen.

"Roman..." I thought he was only going to watch one more episode then go to bed!

The creative side jumped, "Patton! I- uh- just woke up?" He paused the show.

I crossed my arms and gave him the Patton-ted 'I'm disappointed in you' look, "You were on season one last night, this is season three. I'm not an idiot,"

Roman sighed, "I know you're not Patton, I'm sorry,"

I sighed deeply, "Okay, let's get you to bed,"

"Before you get too mad at me, Virgil-" Roman started

"Stop, don't you dare throw my strange dark son under a bus to get out of trouble young man!" I cut him off

"He's not your son, and why would Roman throw him under a bus?" Logan asked from the kitchen. We both ignored him.

I worried about Virgil while tucking Roman in to avoid thinking about Logan. I sat next to Roman, "Okay, now tell me what's wrong with my son,"

"Around three am he came out of his room and grabbed the first aid kit, that's all I know," He watched me worriedly,

At these words, my facade dropped and a few tears slipped out, I left the room without another word. Was Virgil hurting himself again? I go knock on his door. There was no response. I knocked again.

"Patton?" A sleepy voice called through the door,

"Kiddo, can you let me in?" I was unable to keep the sobs from my voice,

The door opened quickly, "Are you alright, Pat?"

He was wearing his Jack Smellington onesie and his face was free of makeup, I pull him into his room and shut the door behind us.

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