Just one shot

14 3 0

TW: guns, anger, cheating, toxicity, my stupid writing 

"Hey Logan," I walked up to my best friend and gave him a hug.

I start to walk away when he calls after me, "Patton, get back here,"

I cringe, shifting the gun I had taken from him, I hear him come closer to me. I debate for a second and take a tentative step forward, away from Logan.

"Patton, don't," Warning was in his voice, "stealing a gun from an officer is illegal and I do not want to have to arrest you,"

I hesitate a moment longer and he takes my arm, turning me around and taking the gun back. He didn't seem angry, but he was confused, "Why did you take it?"

I wiped away the tear that slipped onto my cheek, "I don't know," I lied

He lead inside his apartment and put the gun away, he came back and took me by the hand. "You know exactly why you tried to take my gun," He said intensely

I avoided his eyes, shrugging.

"Patton, tell me," He let go of my hand.

I fist both my hands over and over, feeling the anger rise. Logan takes me by the shoulder and tries to look at my eyes.

I need to break something, I start to pound my fists against Logan's chest, "I. Want. To. Shoot. Him." I punctuate each word with another blow.

Logan moves his hands to my wrists, stopping me from hitting him, "Who? Why?"

"Roman," I grit out, struggling against his strong grip, "he cheated on me," I rip away from Logan.

He stands there stunned, but recovered quickly when he noticed I had moved to his kitchen and grabbed a knife. I started stabbing it into a cardboard box I had found.

Logan didn't try to stop me but he did watch me closely. "How do you know?" He asked

"I walked in on him making out with a girl in my bed," I stab the box harder, it did nothing to satisfy my anger.

"WHAT?" Logan yelled, "I'm gonna kill him," he growled

I let out a scream and stabbed the box again as violently as I could.

"Stop that," He said, wrestling the knife from me.

The anger quickly changed to sadness and I wrapped my arms around Logan's neck and sobbed. He quickly slipped his arms around me and held me up while I cried.

How could he? I thought I loved him! AND HE KISSED SOMEONE ELSE! Was he playing me this whole time?

My emotions continued on their roller coaster as Logan held me.

Eventually my sobs subsided so Logan gently lead me to the couch and got me a cup of water. He then sat with me, keeping his arm around me as I drink. I down the whole thing, "How could he?" I ask

"I'll shoot him for you," Logan offered seriously.

"You'll get in trouble," I shake my head.

Logan looked at me sympathetically, "Why is it that you care about me right now?"

"I just do," I answer, not quite sure

He nods then seems to think of something, "Would you like to stay the night here?"

Logan asked, "I can't imagine you would want to go home,"

"I don't wanna but I also don't wanna intrude, I can go to a hotel," I fret

One-shot Sanders SidesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant