Untitled Part 18

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Btw, the top is the beetle pin (very badly drawn by me)

"You need to eat, Sophie." Fintan murmurs, putting a bowl of soup under my nose. I shake my head, trying to push it away. Nausea fills my mouth and stomach at the scent, and I gag.

"You know, my cooking is bad, but not that bad." He says, chuckling.

"it's not that. I just feel really sick." I sigh, and a cough finishes it.

"Ugh... why did I have to be sick? I felt fine..." I complain.

"Ha! No, you didn't. I saw you staggering around. You shouldn't have even tried to fight me. It was honestly the dumbest thing." I roll my eyes.

"I didn't want to stay behind." I say.

"Well, now you won't be seeing anymore battles, so." He mutters, lifting me up into his arms. I fall against him, pressing close to him.

"Here, let me." He murmurs, as I try to get more comfortable.

"Is that better?" He asks softly, and I nod, letting sleep drag me into the dark.

Fintan's POV

I watch her heave for breath in my bed. I sit on the cot next to it, sending a little heat from my fingertips into her temples, to ease her headache. She's been complaining all day, so I found out this worked.  How do I tell her that this is terminal? She looks so much more peaceful when she's sleeping. It's not fair. I should tell her at some point, right? Or maybe not. Maybe she would be better off. But if I don't, then she could find out later. It's too late, anyway. I tried to cure her with the only thing that works, and it didn't. So she'll probably die soon.

"Fintan?" Sophie asks, and I jump, leaning over her.


"When am I going to die?" I suck in a breath, leaping back this time. I need distance, distance from her, distance from her question, distance.

"I mean, 'when will this be fatal?' in medical-speak, if you want to think about it that way?" I start to cry, and I don't even know why until I realize that I've grown attached. That all this time spent watching over her, keeping her as comfortable as she can be, wanting to save her, has made us closer than we ever could have been on a battlefield.

"Hey, it's okay, Fintan. I promise. It's easy. Quicker than you think. That tea? I know what it is. I might have been a little delirious, but I know Sugar-wing petal when I see it. Just... don't grieve too hard, okay? I don't mind this at all." She whispers, cupping my cheek in her hand-

I jolt up. Just another flashback dream. No more Sophie or sleepy smiles or even the soft coughing that kept me up all night. At least that was a sign she was still alive. No more curling up against me when she couldn't sleep, no more... love. I sigh. Why does this have to be so hard? I rub tears from my cheeks and get up. I'm not going back to sleep after this.

"Fintan." Sophie's voice is so different- healthy.

"W- what?" I gasp, looking behind me. In a window seat by my room, she's sitting with her legs slowly bouncing up and down against the fabric. I think for a second that she somehow lived, and only faked her death, but-

My face falls as I see the total health to her body. The sickness would have weakened her for years. And the soft, midnight black cloak around her shows me that she's a spirit. Specifically, the unassuming purple-green-black pin to it. The sign of death- a beetle. i sigh.

"So... you are dead."

"Doesn't mean I can't be here, right? Besides, since you're a spirit whisperer, it's fine. I'm just as material to you as to anyone else." It's an ability in this universe I guess

"No, it's not! You're still dead! You didn't deserve that!" I finally yell. She smiles a little.

"But if I'd survived, could we ever had worked? And also... you just woke up your allies. So I think I'll let you deal with that." She says cheekily, giggling she dances out of the way as I lunge for her. I finally catch her, wrapping my arms around her. Maybe now I can do that without her about crumbling to pieces. I think, smiling at her. I peck her on the cheek, trailing my way down her cheek to her neck.

Awww you thought it was angst didn't you pfft watch out later tho

Because if you don't expect it, it's probably coming ;)

In which the fandom kills me (Finphie/Sophintan Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now